
Arashi Ryūgū and The Yang War

(Flash Back)

It has been almost one thousand years after Akashino's sacrifice and sealing the tyrant known as Quintela. Another war broke out in the Elemental World. A war between Zhou Yang. An S-Rank criminal known for despicably killing his own sister, Faith Yin, The 2nd Grand Elementalist.

This war was also known as the "Yang War" that lasted decades. It was the 2nd most tragic war that took place in all history. The war took a devastating toll on the Elemental World that the Kingdom of Ryūgū was slowly being pushed back.

Without the Grand Elementalist, The Elemental World was vulnerable to Zhou's reign. Zhou was extremely powerful.... Not even all the Gādians fighting together could even stand up against him. The Crowned Dragons didn't interfere with the war as it isn't their role to interfere with the Elemental World. 

The only one who could interfere was the Grand Elementalist but she wasn't around anymore, The only hope they had… was gone. The Kingdom of Ryūgū believed that the only person who could stop the war and defeat Zhou was none other than the next Grand Elementalist. The only problem was, when would the reincarnate reemerge again? Dragon Sages won't die from age, so Zhou won't go anywhere. They needed the Grand Elementalist, they were willing to risk thousands of lives just to search for the next Grand Elementalist.

But unfortunately centuries had passed since then and time had passed and millions already gave up their lives but there were still no signs or even a person emerging that would lead to the 3rd Grand Elementalist. The Kingdom of Ryūgū was the only nation left standing, all the others had already fallen and the war was already reaching the final phase. A couple of months later a child was then born, A child who'll be known as Arashi Ryūgū. He grew up in an era filled with war and hatred as everyday they would run away with fear in their breath hoping to survive another day.

Arashi was only 3 years old when Zhou invaded their village and killed everyone. He lost his parents and his siblings. He barely survived when he was stabbed and dropped into a nearby ravine. He survived but he was greatly wounded..... He survived on his own for days before the Elemental Knights arrived and took him back to the Kingdom.

He vowed to himself that he'll become stronger and defeat Zhou so no one will suffer anymore. He didn't want revenge for what Zhou did, he wanted the next generation to live a normal life without fearing every second trying to survive and see the next sunrise.  A couple of years have passed since then and Arashi received the title of Leo Gādian at the young age of 7. At a young age he quickly caught up to most S-Rank Elementalist and the Gādians and soon the Kingdom recognized him as a prodigy.

He was known for his terrifying speed and fast attacks causing most of the Elementalist to run on sight. He earned the title of Arashi Of The Storm, he was the fastest Elementalist who had ever lived. It said that he would attack you hundreds of times before you could even blink or breathe.

They believe they found the person they've been searching for centuries. With Arashi's sudden appearance and help. The Kingdom of Ryūgū slowly pushes back Zhou and his followers and manages to free the rest of the other Kingdom and corner them.

Arashi Ryūgū was recognized throughout the Elemental World as the 3rd Elementalist and the war continues to take place countless Elementalist have lost their lives to Zhou Yang and his followers and countless villages were destroyed.

(Flashback Moyasu Perspective)

I was only 3 years old, my family was always running away during the times of war.... Just so that we can live and see another day.

But our luck finally ended and we were cornered.... Zhou Yang's followers had our group surrounded and slaughtered.

My father and my mother were both slaughtered in front of my own eyes. They both begged for mercy but unfortunately they were both slaughtered by the man who started the war itself, Zhou Yang. I could never forget his face, even today he still haunts me even by just hearing his name. His black hair and dark purple eyes, his voice and even his personality, I could never forget them even if I tried.

Anger filled my eyes and hate engulfed me. With the little amount of knowledge I have with my Elemental Art, I decide to risk my entire life just to chant a simple yet weak spell.

"Ash Dragon: Scorch T-T-Tiger" I stuttered, trying to chant the spell and a small grey tiger did appear but unfortunately with the few experiences I had, the one I created was too small, it was more like a scorch kitten.

Zhou: "I see you're a Dragon Sage, Too bad you won't be around anymore." He smirked. I began to accept death, Tears can't be avoided as I witnessed what war is really all about.... At least I could see my parents again.

All I could hear was the final words he said to me "Don't worry, This would only hurt for a second." I could never forget those words he said.

As Zhou began his attack, death awaited me but I was then saved by him... The man who changed my entire life, the man who I admire the most, Arashi Ryūgū.

"Storm Dragon: Breaker!!!!" Arashi chants a spell, launching an assault so fast he manages to cut Zhou Yang without him noticing his attack.

Zhou: "You're already too late, Arashi!!!" Zhou yelled, suddenly Arashi was completely surrounded by Zhou's followers.

"Storm Dragon: Access!!!!" Arashi chanted a spell and blue lightning was released from his body to his sword striking everyone around him.

Arashi: "Zhou!!!! This war took long enough, It's time to end this!!!!!" Arashi yelled, readying his stance as he waited for Zhou to make a move.

Zhou: "The Elemental Arts I've gathered over these past few years boosted my power. You're powerless against me!!!!" Zhou proclaimed, releasing multiple amounts of different energy around his body.

Like Quintela, Zhou was engulfed with evil and tried to enslave all Elementalist but thankfully his older sister stopped him. Zhou Yang was the younger brother of 2nd Grand Elementalist, Faith Yin. 

His Elemental Art was the Eraser Dragon. He had the ability to take someone else's Elemental Art and make it his own. He began to abuse his Elemental Art when he was 18 and went on a rampage but thankfully Faith Yin, her own sister, stopped him and once he was defeated he was exiled. But unfortunately years later he returned and finished what he started by killing his own sister, The 2nd Grand Elementalist. 

I couldn't remember much of what happened during the great battle. All I can remember was blue lightning striking back and forth, trees and rock began to fade away.

I began to worry if Arashi could defeat Zhou especially on his own but I was a naive kid back then as I never realized how powerful he really was until I saw it with my own eyes.

Arashi's left eye was releasing a small blue lighting and his sword was covered with blue light bolts as if he wielded a lightning storm in his hand and the next thing I knew, If I did blink I would've missed it, Arashi had struck Zhou multiple times in a single second before he could even attack.

Zhou got slashed pretty badly causing him to fall on the ground. "You little scumm!!!!" Zhou pissedly yelled.

"Eraser Dragon: Vanquish" Zhou chanted a spell, and a barrage of blackish white energy headed towards Arashi.

Arashi continuously dodges the barrage of blackish white energy and the trees that were hit by the energy slowly start to disappear . The battle between them continued to go on and soon, Arashi started to overpower Zhou causing him to panic, he was getting desperate.

Zhou: "If I can't hit you, I'll go hit the kid!!" Zhou angrily yelled, he then quickly approached me.

Arashi quickly appeared in front of me. "Don't worry, I'm not letting him hurt you, I'll protect you till the end." He happily proclaimed with a smile on his face.

Zhou: "It's time to end this Arashi!!" Zhou yelled as he then grabbed his sword ready to attack.

"Dragon Sage Secret Art: King's Blade Release" The black ring in Arashi's hand began to glow and soon it transformed into the Legendary King's Blade.

Zhou approaches Arashi ready to attack, blue lightning then surrounds Arashi's body. "Storm Dragon Breaker" Arashi casted a spell and a tremendous amount of Storm Dragon energy began gathering in the Dragon King's Blade.

The two blades clashed creating a shockwave that releases blue thunderbolts and mysterious black waves across the area around them. Electrifying and slowly deleting the trees, rocks and nearby plants. I didn't see who landed the winning attack but all I could remember were the final seconds when i last saw Zhou.

Zhou: "Arashi.... Ryūgū... your...power....is a sight.....to... behold..." Zhou muttered, proclaiming his final words as he slowly disappeared.

Arashi: "Deleting yourself from existence" Arashi proclaimed, the blakc sword in his hand turned back into a black ring.

Zhou: "A better way.....to go out than... being exiled or captured....." Zhou replied as he slowly laughed.

Zhou: "Arashi Ryūgū.... We will meet again....." He added before completely disappearing from reality.

(Moyasu's Perspective)

The tyrant known as Zhou was defeated at last after centuries and thousands of attempts and it was all thanks to Arashi. After he defeated Zhou he quickly approached me..... I was a little scared but he fixed up my injuries and bandaged my wounds.

He quickly gives me a piggyback ride, carrying me back to the Kingdom. I didn't know what would happen to me after that..... I was all alone..... My parents died.... and I was too young to live all alone. I lost everything thanks to one person, and I didn't know what I'd do now...

After I was brought back to the  Kingdom, everyone rejoiced and celebrated as the war that lasted centuries was finally over. Arashi was then recognized as the Hero of the Kingdom. A "Hero" is what I really need… I don't know what to do...

But that day was also where my life began changing. He was so nice that he took me in and I became a member of his family. I was really happy... They accepted me with open arms, I could feel their love and I could never ever forget about it.

He had two children, Yogan Ryūgū the oldest son and he was a year older than me. He was kind and he treated me like an actual brother even though I came from a different family. And his younger sister Violet Ryūgū, She was really kind and pretty. I instantly fell in love with her ever since the day we met, there were a couple of times I gave her my cookies that we shared during snack time. She really loves sweets and I love her smile. It was some time before Arashi had another son, Kūgeki Ryūgū, he was shy and bashful but he was really kind. 

Me, Violet and Kūgeki would play all day while Yogan on the other hand spend all day being a prankster or having a fight with Stellar. I was so happy with my new family and I vowed to myself that I would protect them. So I began to train with Arashi's guidance, I did it in order to turn my words into reality and soon I easily became a Gādian which made Arashi proud. I was the Leo Gadiān, the same position Arashi got a few years ago.

I was happy where my life is right now. I've got a lovely family. Me and Violet became closer and closer, although there were a couple of times me and Yogan fought because it was "wrong" to date her sister. The person I look up to as a mentor and a father was proud of what I've achieved, he was even happy when he found out I liked Violet. He was really the best, the one I really admire.

But soon the happy life I'd had was taken away by "him". He attacked the palace, killing everyone he saw... Blood was shed everywhere..... Multiple Gadiāns were killed, I desperately fought him with my all… But I was too weak... 

I was powerless against him and I began accepting death once again but luckily he saved me once again. We fought the Fallen God side by side but I could tell I was only a burden to Arashi but I did my best.

Unfortunately an attack managed to hit me and thanks to that I passed out for days. When I woke up I was in the hospital with a couple of wounds. After I woke up I immediately saw Violet crying beside me. There I heard the most unbearable news..... Arashi sacrificed his own life just to protect the Kingdom he loved.

(Back to the present)

A couple of days have passed since then and the Imperial Knights of the Kingdom arrived at the village and arrested Moyasu. Shockingly Moyasu and his subordinates surrendered without any resistance.

Ryūsei however was still not awake and still remained at the hospital where Nendo and Mizūmi kept watch on him day by day, hoping that he would wake up and recover soon.

(At the Hospital)

Mizūmi: "Dad, I'm here!!!!" Mizūmi happily proclaims as she enters the room.  "You look tired, How about you take some rest, I'll watch Ryūsei for now." She added.

Nendo: "It's alright, I mean this is what I can do for now to him...." He happily replied. "Sir Nendo!!!!! The Elemental Knights of the Kingdom of Ryūgū are here, They want to have a word with you." Haruno yelled once he entered the room.

Nendo: "A word??? What could they possibly want now...." Nendo proclaimed, they both went outside and saw some Elementalist Knights.

"As you all should know, The rise of the Demon Clan began recently as a couple of Demons long forgotten started to emerge and began attacking." Suddenly the Elementalist around them began to freak out. 

"Why now"

"Can we survive without "him" protecting us." 

The people around muttered, they were clearly talking about the Grand Elementalist. "Are they talking about the Grand Elementalist...." Nendo thought as he heard the Elementalist around him panicked.

"As requested, King Yogan decided to host a Grand Shōtotsu. Hoping that they'll find a couple of Elementalist capable of defending the citizens from the sudden rise of Demons."

A Grand Shōtotsu is tournament style Shōtotsu where the Chīma of each team shall fight each other. Unlike a regular Shōtotsu, The Grand Shōtotsu is a lot more complex due to the fact that Battle Strategy, Elemental Art Synchronization and Team Coordination are beneficial factors in order for the  Chīma to win.

"Where's the warden of this village???" The captain of the Elemental Knights asked. "I'm the Warden of this village, Sir." Nendo happily said as he approached the Imperial knight.

"All the Wardens throughout the entire Kingdom are required to attend the event, The event shall take place 2 weeks from now" The captain replied.

"As for Elementalist who are thinking of participating, the event registration shall take place a week from now at the Chīma Center in the Kingdom of Ryūgū."

(Inside the Hospital)

Mizūmi: "Ryūsei..." Mizūmi mutters as she sits besides Ryūsei. After a while she heard a sound. "W.....h...." Ryūsei then slowly wakes up.

Ryūsei: "Where.....am.....I?????" Ryūsei asked as rubs his eyes. "Ryūsei!!!!!!!" Mizūmi happily yelled as she was glad Ryūsei was now awake.

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