
Chapter 58: Charlene's Prejudice

It was Friday in the morning and the whole takraw members were about to start their morning practice. It was just another morning for Chiko's team but for Jevin's group, their faces were showing worried looks.

They were in a tight situation because today, they have a girl that will be watching their performance. 

"This is bad. Really really bad." Inoy mumbled while performing his final stretching. Jevin and Bogro turned to him with anxious gazes.

"Calm down your tits brothers. Though it was a tough fight, we still managed to win three out of the four matches." Jevin was trying to be positive, he ignored the fact that though they won those three matches, the score was not that far away.

"However, we should not be complacent. We don't want to embarrass ourselves to the girl right?" he added. 

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