

Something about this female was easy to be noticed; she was sure of what she did and no one, not even her own leading officer, would hold her down. Admirable, to say the least, yet Orin knew as well as any hardened warrior with teamwork experiences that it ultimately would prove to be more of a burden rather than a benefit. And especially with three of those fierce spirits around, the blonde male felt almost trapped between roaring fires that would probably clash with each other sooner or later. "It's a pleasure, Dyzira!" he still managed to utter, extended his gloved paw and only now realizing how dented the armor on his forearms had become. "Name's Orin Vkerrion, Kiandros Treaty-send enlisted. And, uhm, him over there is Zaide, my half-brother." Concerning girls, the dark canine was as picky as a toddler in a gourmet restaurant, which meant if the appearance nor personality - though mostly the former - didn't make his hungry eyes sparkle, he was generally disinterested in whatever kind of broad had chosen to team up with them. He was no misogynist, but when a babe lacked the things that fascinated him to no end, he treated them like he would treat a fellow male: waiting for them to prove themselves or to at least show him that they were to be trusted. A honorable attitude, in a way. "Oh, yeah, 'sup.."

Of course, the show had to go on. The four-man squad picked up the venture and finally tossed their ropes over the ledge of the bluff, allowing them to climb the thing with ease, although the darkness, the humidity and the mossy, slippery texture of the rocks did make it a little harder. "Ge'h ya butt up, Prince, ya'r in ma'h way," Zaide would snarl every time Orin would halt and take a little break, ending up being chased up the rock face instead of merely climbing it. After putting the ropes back where they belonged and grabbing their weapons, the group got closer and closer to the shadowy facility known as Site-20, contrasting the fuzzy outlines of the vegetation shrouded in shadows, even though the lights were low. But even worse than the lurking, angular silhouette that watched them from a few yards away, was the lack of sound in the area. There was only the soft crunching of twigs, gravel and barren grass beneath their boots; there were no insects in the trees, no lurking creatures in the thicket."Shi'h, tha's w'one edgy-ass joint.." A way to put it, but it was undoubtedly mesmerizing. The whole planet was, the whole trip, the whole.. - Orin could barely restrain himself from looking sideways at the only female on the team -.. company.

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