
The Realization & New Power

Obito is searching the core to pull Tail beasts out of Madara's body, Madara also wants to retrieve his left eye back. Minato, Gaara and Kakashi are surprised by the turnover of the events, "Obito, You've finally found yourself" Kakashi thought. Obito can only grab a small piece of One Tail and Eight Tail, then he orders Kakashi to teleport Naruto to other space. I sense the distortion of space then I and unconscious Naruto arrive at this other space.

I refine the blood of Uchiha, the blood of Hyuga and half of Ten tail Chakra then merge them into a white-red blood drop then I store the blood drop into the ring, "I will use it when the time has come." I thought. Obito and Kakashi do their first tag team in awhile, "Are you prepared for this?","Yeah, i'm glad my final op will have been with you".

Obito tells Madara about how a pairs of Sharingan's true power can be unleashed, Madara attacks both of them for awhile. Kakashi teleports Obito for speeding up teleportation, in other space I let Obito do treatment to Naruto. Might Guy saves Kakashi from Madara's attack, "Who's that", Karin shouts to Kabuto for what he's doing. Orochimaru doesn't think that Kabuto will also come to this battlefield and healing Sasuke.

Kabuto explains that he doesn't have the desire of power collecting or kidnap Sasuke anymore. "That's right. With my medical ninjutsu and much tinkered Hashirama cells... Plus a certain someone's suggestion... I just managed to stop him from dying". Orochimaru asks Kabuto that if he's here, it's means that he finally escape from Izanami's endless loop set. "That's right. Through that jutsu, Itachi helped me realize that i am no other than Kabuto. And where my home is." Kabuto added.

"Hmph, that's all nice and decent for you to say now. But you're one of the ringleaders who joined up with Fake Madara and started this war!!" Suigetsu felt annoying. "That's right... Both Obito and I... Thought we'd lost our place in this world and dragged everyone else into this. But I know now who i am... What it is i must do!" Kabuto and Obito replied.

Kakashi and Gaara tell Might guy about Madara's weakness of Sage Mode and Taijutsu. He suddenly casts Seven Gate to attack Madara. When he strikes, Madara always evades his attacks and blocks the Hirudora too. Rock Lee saves him in time from Madara's true seeking ball. Kakashi is surprised by Might Guy's determination, "Konoha's wild blue beast is no more. It's time for the red beast to emerge!" He said confidently.

Minato scolds and wants to stop him to cast Eight Gate but he still cast this jutsu. Rock lee is crying for his teacher and recalled the conversation with Might Guy about the dream. Might Guy was also recalling his past conversation with his father about their ninja way, passing on Eight Gate and their own determinations.

Guy launches Sekizo the evening elephant to make Madara dropped inside the hole, Gaara is surprised. Kakashi explains Eight Gate Formation to Gaara, but Rock Lee isn't sad because his teacher has resolved himself.

When Guy casts Sekizo again, Kakashi, Gaara and Minato also help to open the true seeking ball that has protected Madara with Kamui but Madara is only little hurt.

Naruto and Sasuke finally visit Sage of Six Path, Otsutsuki Hagoromo. He talk about his mother, divine tree, chakra fruit, Ten tail's battle, his two sons, 9 Tail beasts, the battle of his two sons, his two sons' reincarnation. "You're Ashura's reincarnation, Naruto". "Sasuke is Indra's reincarnation" Naruto answered.

The Sage continues about Hashirama and Madara as the predecessors, the accidental awakening of Rinnegan, true meanings of his ninja creed 'the power that links individuals', the dangerous of power and Infinity Tsukuyomi, the awakening of Kaguya and stopping Madara. All 9 Tail Beasts have come to this spiritual space to talk with the Sage about the promise time.

The sage asks what they will do after the war, Naruto and Sasuke tell him that they want to protect their comrades and the loved ones. "I and Sasuke / I and Naruto may not be true brothers... But i really believe that we can make peace. Cuz we're pretty good friends" Naruto and Sasuke told him together. The Sage imparts Naruto The Yang power of Six Path and Sasuke The Yin power of The Six Path.

I sit in a safe place to use the white-red blood drop into my body when Obito does the transfer treatment for Naruto. I also want to actively participate in the last battle with Naruto and Sasuke.

Before the effect of white-red blood drop in my body begins, I meet The Sage in my spiritual space. I am very surprised, panicked and scared. He calms me down. His power is the same as End Late Nascent Soul Stage.

"Thanks you for extracting and erasing all residual hatred or negative energies in Indra's reincarnation Sasuke and have becoming his lover. Your action will make they don't need to fight each other anymore and consolidate their brotherhoods. I also know that you're not a person of this world, Sakura?" He asked.

"Yes, The Sage! But you don't have to worry about that. I have already been reincarnated in this world for almost 15 years. I have already thought it as my second home. I won't do anything that destroying this world." I answered him. He smiled at my nervous self, "Do not take it wrong, I merely only come to look at the girl that love my older son's reincarnation and I will helping you too." He said.

I am really surprised by The Sage's words and my face becomes little red because he knows that I love Sasuke. The Sage puts his hand on my head and transfers his chakra. "I don't know what effect will happened to you by the combination of the blood drop that you use and my chakra, but I think this will be very beneficial for you and for the future."

I am starting to feel that i have more delicate face, slender features and healthy body than i was before. The long pink hair is felt very smooth and shiny. My upper part and bottom part also become more very perfect and balance. My eyes have also evolved into Rinne-Byakugan.

The normal state of eyes are the enlarged and featureless emerald green irides with no visible pupils. When the eyes are activated, the pupils with 2 additional rings become more distinct.

They have all super strengthened active and passive abilities of Byakugan (Copy, Insight, Predictive, Hypnotize, See-Through and Long-Range Of Vision).

All 6 normal innate techniques that can be used such as : Eight Trigrams Palms, Revolving Heaven, Vacuum Palms, Tenketsu Needle, Energy needle, and One Blow Body.

All 7 advanced innate techniques that can be used such as : A Soul Beast, Soul Memory Searching, Vector Force Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Mechanical Modified Body, Body Restoration, and Revive The Dead.

I have also consecutive brokenthrough to Beginning Early Nascent Stage. After completed condensing Soul in Beginning Early Nascent Stage, My chakra volume is more 2 times than The Sage.

I can only think about my present cultivation stage, my physical changes and the modified techniques of eyes are not only influenced by the source of unique energies, the bloodline drop but also modified by the evolution effects of Heavenly Dao Classic Heart Law.

The Sage looks at my changes and is little surprised by the mutation of the eyes. "Okay, your preparation is also completed, good luck to you for helping both of them, Sakura." He disappeared from this space and I also wake up from the transformation.

I refine the rest of Ten tail chakra to upgrade Immortal Sakura into Early Grandmaster Mortal Ranked Equipments. I cast a doppelganger in this space to keep watch on Black Zetsu then I and Naruto go to the battlefield again.

Madara looks at the tired Might Guy, "It's seems that this's your last chance". Might Guy condenses his power to launch Night Guy, he rushes to Madara super fast and kicks into Madara's belly in exchange the abolished right leg and his life. Might Guy is unconscious and will be dead if he hasn't been healed immediately, while Madara has been only badly hurt with pulverized left chest and the left arm but not in dead situations.

Madara throws a true seeking ball to kill Might Guy, Naruto suddenly appears to kick the ball. He casts the Yang Power of Six Path to stop the depletion of his life force and restore it. I also appear beside Might Guy and cast Body Regeneration of Rinnegan that can only fully restoring his body. This will make him has a normal body again, not as disabled person forever just like in original.

Hope enjoy this chapter

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