

"Yawwwn!~Oh! I am so tired! But I don't want to sleep alone tonight. You care to join me?" Myne said with a teasing grin and wink. She was seducing Naofumi like a sexy siren. Myne sexily swooshed back her hair and rubbed Naofumi's chin, "Maybe we can have some fun alone. Just you and me." She licks her red lips as she whispers softly into the tranced ears of Naofumi. There was a bulge on top of his jean pants, the call of sex had come. His primal side was slowly coming out.

Myne gently grabbed Naofumi's hands and took him upstairs to one of the hotel rooms.

"Um, Myne. I think we should just sleep in separate rooms." Naofumi nervously rubs the back of his head. He wanted so badly to be with her, but he knew that right now wasn't the time to do 'it'. Soon a mass of demon waves would envelop the city and slaughter thousands of innocent lives. Naofuim wanted the protect the people of this world and he also wanted to protect Myne.

"What do you mean? You don't want to sleep with me? Am I not pretty enough?" Myne moves her head down to face the floor, she was about to cry.

"No, it's not that...Its just I am tired and we need all the rest we can get for the 1st demon wave to will plague this city." Naofumi says in a calm and collected manner to reassure her feelings.

"Okay, Shield Hero I accept your request. Goodnight." Myne kisses Naofumi on the cheeks and goes to a separate room.

'Damn! I should have just shut my mouth! This would be the only time I had to finally have sex! But I can't think with my dick. I have to use my mind if I want to survive in this new world.' Naofumi bites his tongue to hide his expression of losing his only chance with a hot babe who was horny and in heat, she was begging for his dick.

Naofumi jumps on his bed and rolled around with a sense of pride in his life. 'I will probably have another chance with Myne! But first I want to become more powerful like the Fist Hero! I will be the best Shield Hero that has ever lived!" He turns off the lamp of his room and calls it a night.

In Drakos private room...

Drakos was modifying his Overgeared System as he watched over his sister. Asura was breathing slowly and her eyes were closed, an unknown sickness had overcome her. Drakos had a theory that someone must have spiked and drugged Asura's drink while they were at the restaurant. Luckily Drakos' powerful [Full Regen] skill had healed Asura's aura and body. In Drakos' homeworld, every human being had three power sources, Battle Power, God Power(Peak Cultivation Form), and Aura/Ki. Drakos and Asura were a rare race of humans, which is a story for another time...

Drakos opens his dark red eyes and actives his Rinnegan to its summoning form the Six Paths Of Reincarnation. He did this so he could have full control over his summons this time around.

"Summon Akeno Himejima and Emma Frost," Drakos commanded as he bites the tip of his finger to let his blood sip out and swiftly slammed his palms down on the floor in a summoning Jutsu motion.

Around his own bloody palm print glowing golden glyphs appear. Suddenly a large spark of lightning shot out from the golden glyphs, on top of the glyphs materialized two female bodies. Drakos used this technique in order to save his Ki and God Power for more important matters.

Akeno looked around the hotel room with a confused look on her young face. Her long raven hair swooshed in every direction as she tried to find Silver. "Silver! Where are you!?" Her violet eyes start shaking as she walked around the room searching for her master.

"He's not your master anymore, I am." Drakos coldly says as he walks around Akeno and unleashes his powerful dark ki to assert his dominance over her. His Devil Saiyan form made her busty body tremble with overwhelming fear.

"Gaaah!" She falls to her knees and starts peeing herself of how suffocating and insanely powerful was Drakos demonic powers. His Devil Saiyan demonic ki outmatch Akeno's weaker demon form in every way possible.

"Who are you!?" She cries out as she pees herself even more, her face became a bright red and she was beyond embarrassed as she was kneeling in her own piss puddle. A great ancient powerful demon was reduced to nothing, but a slave.

"Tch you look pathetic. I want your worthless life to tell me what did Silver do to my sisters." Drakos wavies over Emma Frost to use her powerful Telepathy powers on Akeno.

"Get away from me!" Akeno activates her demonic powers and goes to unleash her Holy Lighting attack. Lighting bolts shot out from her palms and towards Drakos.

In a flash, Drakos actually eats her Holy Lighting! He devoured her Holy Lighting just like a Dragon Slayer!

"W-what are you!?" Akeno crawls back on the floor like a helpless baby.

"I am your master." Drakos has a dark devilish grin as Emma Frost touches the top of Akeno's forehead and starts reading her memories and mind.

Drakos commanded Emma Frost to pin-point all the memories Akeno had of Silver, both from the past and future.

"Aaaaaaah!" Akeno cries out as her slender legs wildly convulsing and kicking everywhere.

'My rage won't die. Not until everyone who has betrayed and put me down is slaughtered.' Drakos watches Akeno screamed out in pain as Emma Frost's gorgeous aqua eyes glowed with fearsome telepathic energy.

In mere seconds Emma had absorbed all Akeno's memories, "Here you go master Drakos, I have found three important memories which follow your commands." She walks over to him, her wide slim sexy waist moves up and down in a supermodel fashion as she walks over to him. She was a true Ice Goddess, with long flowing flawless golden blonde hair and light blue aqua eyes. Her voluptuous busty body was to die for, her 34-D breasts were massive and could barely fit inside of her tight sexy white revealing leather tank-top dress that had long white cape behind it. Her perfect toned stomach was fully exposed as well. Her beauty knew no bounds. Drakos summoned her for many reasons. Her strong suits were her telepathy mind-reading powers and her defensive mutant abilities in which she has the ability to transform her entire body into an organic diamond.

Drakos gathered Emma's Frost information and gave her a light kiss on the cheeks, "You did well. I will be needing you again." He smirked.

"Well, of course you will," She smiled with a wink and passionately kissed him in the mouth as one of her slender legs went up and over Drakos' broad shoulders. Her thigh-high boots slammed against the wall behind him in a seductive way.

'God its good to be the most powerful being alive.' Drakos kisses Emma Frost even harder and uses his tongue, her wet smooth lustful tongue swirled around his tongue as he squeezes her thick muscular ass through her pearl white tight leather jeans. All this is happening while Akeno watches, she is both aroused and afraid of Drakos godly powers. Her soul was already succumbing to his will.

In the background of the room, Asura is still safely asleep. She doesn't even know about the extremely overpowered powers that Drakos had within his body. His Overgeared System had made him into a fearsome and merciless Devil.

Next day in the morning…

Naofumi wakes and looks at the window of his hotel room. He sees a bunch of knights running into the hotel were he is staying at.

'What are they doing here?' Naofumi walks over to the closest of his room and snags a bag of gold that was given by him by the King. He opens the bag and sees that there are no coins inside the bag

"Someone stole my money!" He angrily shouts with a surprised look on his face. He could have sworn he locked his room door unless someone he knew had keys to enter.

'Wait that can't be…' He remembers giving Myne an extra pair of keys in case there was an emergency and that she could go inside his room that ask for his help.

"What the hell is going?" He said while scratching the back of his head.

Suddenly his room slams open and about ten sliver armor knights barged in.

"The king has summoned you to his castle at once! If you do not comply then we will take you by force!" Orders a male knight, he was the bulkiest and clearly the strongest of the group.

"Wait! What are you talking about!?" Naofumi shouts as he walks away from the knights.

"We have no time for this! Hurry! Grab him!" The huge knight tackles Naofumi and so do the other knights.

"I didn't do anything! What do you guys want with me!?" Naofuim roars out as she tries to push off the knights who were subduing him into a choke-hold.

"We got him! Let's go!" The ten knights left up Naofumi in the air and carry him towards a wagon without his will. Naofumi was kicking his legs around in the air, "What is happening!? Just let me down and tell me what's going on!"

The knights forcefully throw into the wagon and the wagon-rider whips two horses to move the wagon which soon speeds off towards King Aultcray's castle.

Drakos looks out the window of his hotel room and sees about 20 knights coming inside the hotel.

'Looks like I got company.' Drakos gets into a battle stance and activates his Overgeared System.

Akeno followed Drakos' movements and got into a fighting stance as well.

Soon this world will feel a godly wrath like no other.

This chapter needs to be edited. Time to get to the epic parts of the story. No mercy for anyone.

'No man should have all that power'

Let's reach 1,000 power stones. For more chapters.

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