

Immediately as they stepped into Oceando, they were welcomed by extravagant cheers. Every single Seiren had joyful smiles on their faces and they were dancing seductively while playing completely out-of-tune music.

In the midst of the joyfully frolicking crowds of seirens, what appeared to be female Dhampirs could be seen occasionally, unlike the Seirens' faces, theirs were more like Plum's expression, each one had that pitiful tired smile and looked as if saying "Thank you for coming so far."

Xiao Qiangwei: ...They are almost at the point of extinction, and they looked as if they found their lost father…

Plum: Didn't I explain before… They completely don't understand what is happening to them.

Jibril: Because the Seirens are so incredibly dumb that their stupidity has reached legendary status, and in the languages of all the nations the very mention of their species has become synonymous to "Idiots", and even that term itself has been used to refer to the Seirens.

Plum: These people only know how to eat, sleep, have sex and play, nothing more… Fish do contain nutrition that can make people smarter, but the fish themselves are rather stupid… Isn't it unbelievable?

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Eat, sleep, have sex and play… If out there existed a world full of people like that I would start thinking about suicide… Seriously, who is the idiot who would stay in a world like that?'

[In Another Novel]

There was a young boy, around 15 years, that had a golden appearance, he had black marks on his chest and golden eyes with slitted pupils. Right now he was going left and right hunting for… Succubi? Whatever…

?: Achoo!

Suddenly, he sneezed while he was in air, jumping from a building to another, and fell in the ground, where two Succubi jumped at him, but he easily got out from their arms and pierced their chests with his hands, then they glowed and turned into unconscious girls.

?: Why do I feel insulted…? *Sigh* Better cleaning the Succubus Village from monsters…

Then he jumped away, searching for other Succubi.


Soon, they entered a particularly tall building in the city, and Sora asked around.

Sora: Speaking of races, are there any hybrid between races?

It was Jibril who answered the question.

Jibril: No, the reason is because although the sixteen races all have certain similarities with each other, their souls are completely different.

Xiao Qiangwei: Wait, how does souls fit on this thing? I get it if the soul is a reincarnated person like me, conscious, and able to modify my own infant body, but since Seirens mate with other species, won't their offsprings be Seiren hybrids?

Jibril: No, their offsprings will be pure Seirens, it's just like how the Dhampirs absorb souls by drinking blood, Seirens obtain souls from mating and carry out Metamorphosis, creating their own clones, so their methods of mating are even more ineffective than "Living Beings", sapping the other party dry in the process as well.

Xiao Qiangwei: Isn't that too dangerous? Sucking out someone's soul.

Jibril: According to textual records, the act itself brings joy paralleling assumption.

Xiao Qiangwei: Basically it's literally "Dying from pleasure"?

Jibril: Because of that, to produce hybrids, to produce offsprings carrying characteristics of two different species is impossible.

Xiao Qiangwei nodded and looked forward, admiring the castle, he tried to use his senses but stopped when it got out for 2 meters, and turned towards Jibril who was staring at him intently.

Xiao Qiangwei: Something to say?

Jibril: I think I've told you before that the Flugel aren't "Living Beings".

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, from the rank 6 and beyond the species are called "Life", right?.

Jibril: Yes, many days ago I also told you that I can't get pregnant through normal methods, and since the souls have no fixed shape, so as long as you extract a part of someone else's soul and combine it with mine, you could produce an offspring belonging to the other party's species.

It's like physical coitus, but in theory it's still possible to transcend species and produce a hybrid.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...So?

At this point she lowered her head reverently, moved her halo to the back of her head, and folded up her wings. This was a gesture to loyalty to His Highness alone, and Jibril clasped her hands together tightly and spoke as though a prayer.

Jibril: As long as His Highness wishes to have a child, the inferior Jibril is willing to do it anyti-

Xiao Qiangwei: This is not the moment for this talk…

Jibril stood silent, and interpreted his words as "We will talk about it another time.", in Xiao Qiangwei's point of view, it was basically like sex, but unless he gives a part of his soul to her then she will not get pregnant. This is one of the best things he ever heard…

Amira: We're here! Sorry to keep you all waiting! This is the Empress' room!

Everyone turned towards Amira, who reached the door of the room and pushed it slowly, letting everyone see the insides.

It was rather wide and the carpets and atrium were pink, there were faintly glowing seaweeds placed on the walls, painted glass was etched onto the tall ceiling, causing sunlight that had reached the floor of the ocean to spill into the room.

In front of them there was a glowing throne, and at the center of the room there was a beautiful crystal glowing noticeably… No, it was a block of ice, and it contained something.

Amira: Now I will introduce to everyone… This is the Empress of the Seirens… Laira Lorelei.

In the block of ice there was a beautiful woman who was sleeping, she had wave-like blue hair which fell on her youthful face, her snow-white body was decorated with blinding strips of gold and the lower half of her body had attractive scales on it.

Plum: A-Amira-sama… regarding them awakening the Empress… Sora-dono and the rest said that they wish to challenge everyone here to a game… Is that all right?

Amira: Alright, no problem! But do you have any issue over your side?

Plum: Nope… S-So I wish to get the help of about thirty people to help with the spells involved

Amira: Ok! So I'll be off to make preparations for Her Majesty's awakening! Since you want everyone to use magic at once, you'll need blood right? Hehe! Amira will go get everyone else, so I'll leave everything to Plum for now!

Plum: Alright… T-Then I'll make preparations for the spell to enter Her Majesty's dream state…

Everyone else were just gazing at the Empress.

Steph: W-What a beautiful woman…

Xiao Qiangwei: Meh, I've seen better…

Sora: Is she that pretty? Shiro?

Shiro: ...I ...Don't really understand…

Everyone else were stunned from their reactions.

Steph: A-Are you three not right in the head!? I-If this woman isn't a beauty, then who is!?

Xiao Qiangwei: I have a list if you want, I'll start from the most recent one that I met: Miko, Jibril, my aunt, my mother, my fourth fiancee, Xie Ruo, my third fiancee, Shen Lan, my second fiancee, Muyong Qingye… Do I need to continue?

Sora: Wait, you had fiancees?

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, the first one came from a village, she was the daughter of the chief and after I helped them the Chief gave me her daughter's hand.

The second one was someone from the Piercing Sky Sect, she fell in love at first sight, but after I joined the Higher Heaven Sect, I killed her myself, just because she was annoying.

The third one was the lord of an important Clan, it was from a tournament, I joined only for one of the prizes, which was a Godly Ranked Pill, but she, in one word, can be described as a "Bitch".

And the last one was a Core Disciple of the Higher Heaven Sect, I even had a son with her, but everything changed when I became a Paragon and I was hunted from the other Sects due to my strength, so I had to leave my family, and some time later I made a kamikaze attack to the Sect Master of the Piercing Sky Sect.

Sora: Wow, you had a family too… How was the son called?

Xiao Qiangwei: Xiao Wu, he was a little brat that liked to play with my treasures… It was a bit hard since when a child is born in the Higher Worlds, he or she will be automatically teleported to a Lower World, but we found him really fast and played a bit together.

Since I am considered dead I don't care anymore about returning to my family because it's almost impossible to do so, they are in a completely different universe… Who cares about it now, we have a game to play.

Sora and Shiro nodded after seeing the challenging smirk on Xiao Qiangwei's face, unlike in the novels they read, where the character would be sorrowful about something like this, he seemed as if he left everything in the past.

Xiao Qiangwei: But seriously, she isn't that beautiful, Jibril, do you know something about the strange aura that is surrounding them?

Jibril: Amazing, His Highness… To be able to even see their ability at naked eyes. The Seirens don't have special bodies or magic, but the fact that they've managed to survive for this long can be attributed to their greatest and only weapon, which is…

As long as they're in the water, they have the ability to attract anything.

The Seirens are a species that have received the blessings of the water. The reason why they stay in the ocean and cannot leave it is because of the large amount of Spirits in their bodies… Water Spirits, and they can attract all other spirits.

The world travelers made a sound as if telling that they understood what she meant.

Jibril: But… Why doesn't it work on His Highness and the other two?

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, about Sora and Shiro I think it's because they don't have spirits inside their bodies that can be attracted, and for me… I am certain it is about the strength of my soul.

Everyone looked at him cluelessly, and he sighed.

Xiao Qiangwei: It isn't that important so it's alright to say it… In my previous life I reached the level of the Godly Reincarnation, and at that level I was a 6th Dimensional being, nearing the 7th Dimension, since I was at that level, it's obvious that my soul reached a level where it can't be simply calculated.

However, when one reached the Godly Reincarnation, the soul is splitted in 2, one is the main soul while the other is the one who gets reincarnated, but they are still the same soul, so basically even if I am at the Immortal Soul stage, my soul is as strong as someone at the Godly Law.

Sora: Wait… Then why you don't use your soul to fight? Won't it be easier?

Xiao Qiangwei: I wish it was that simple… First of all souls can't cultivate, so we would stay forever at that stage unless we have a body, second, we can touch only other spiritual beings, we can't do anything to living beings like Jibril, Tet, and anyone else.

And for last, like Jibril said before, Souls don't have a fixed shape so I want to have a fully functional dick, thank you. There are other reasons but these are the main ones.

Hello guys, here is another chapter, I hope you like it, comment, put PS, review and bye.

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