
Bitches Get Stitches

Seeing the dog girl on her back with the inside of her body fully exposed, the Young Mistress' thoughts turned dangerously malicious.

The Young Mistress had finally decided what she wanted to do with the doggy girl.

She was going to sew the bitch's butthole shut!

She could no longer tolerate seeing that disgusting piece of opened flesh. It's very existence was appalling to her and the smell it emitted made her feel suicidal.

Ever since the doggy girl shat on her daughter's face, the Young Mistress' loathing for the girl had increased to new heights.

Which mother would have any kindness towards an animal that dared to defecate on the face of one of their own children? The Young Mistress was out for blood.

And while she was at it, she might as well get the slut's vaginal slit sewn shut too.

A zipper would then be constructed atop the sewn-over area and a lock with a key owned only by the son, daughter, herself and her husband would be produced.

The dog girl could only piss when she was given permission by the Young Master's family in the future. This would prevent any further incidents from occurring.

If anything, due to the closing of the holes, the dog girl could be poisoned due to collecting too much shit or urine and die. This outcome was of trivial concern though.

The Young Master's family could live without the doggy girl, but the girl literally couldn't live without them.

In addition, sewing the girl's holes shut and padding them with lock would prevent the dog girl from committing any promiscuous acts in the future, acting as a chastity belt.

The doggy's sex appeal was slowly decreasing and her breasts were nearing A cup size. The Young Master's family were her final lifeline; she would probably be unable to go back to her past life of selling herself for food.

Consequently, if she didn't satisfy the Young Master's family, they would abandon her and not bother giving her the key to her two lower holes, essentially murdering her and her children.

This was what the Young Mistress had in mind.

She wanted to kill two birds in one stone, by essentially gaining absolute control over the doggy girl and also punishing her for doing what she did to her daughter. This was the reason why the stitching of the two holes needed to be done.

A question commoners may have in regards to the feasibility of this procedure would be: could these holes be sewn over and used to make zippers with though?

To such a question, the simple answer the rich and noble would give would be: Yes, it was possible.

With modern day science, and a significant chunk of money, it was possible to accomplish many things, especially for a rich family like the Young Master's.

It also had no serious repercussions.

The only thing was that, if the key was misplaced, and a locksmith wasn't found in enough time, without surgery, death was certain.

This was because the body needed to excrete a certain amount of waste at certain time intervals. If this did not occur, death was highly likely through organ poisoning or inner-tearing and eventual organ failure.

It was possible to tell how angry the Young Mistress was after the second shit storm incident just based on how ruthless her thoughts were.

Even though it was she and her husband who orchestrated the whole event, she was truly traumatized by seeing her daughter being coated in the shit of a rabid animal.

The Young Mistress was so angry that even sending the bitch to roll around in a 1000 kg vat of shit for 16 days wasn't enough to calm her; she was so angry that she wanted to sow those holes herself, even though she wasn't a medical expert.

Even if the dog girl died because she made a wrong incision, she wouldn't be bothered in the slightest. What was the worth of the little doggy's life in face of the Young Mistress' anger?

The death of a thousand doggies couldn't even match a single strand of hair on her treasured daughter's head.

How dare this bitch think she can get away with it?

Besides, the doctors would be next to her when she'd be sewing, so they'd be able to fix any errors with modern medicine.

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