
Comments of chapter undefined of Captivate [To Be Deleted]


thank u author for the book after a long time I finished a book which held my interest throughout. the plot is bittersweet, the ending truly captive.. though there are many other books on rebirth, this is the first one that held my attention with its plot and way of presentation so as for me to finish and not abandon in the midway. thanks once again for this book hope to read from you in future too. love you


The ending wasn't fair for any of them although I know it's an open ending but still the thought about the possibility of him getting with that criminal girl or her being with JX pissed me off although JX is good but for me he isn't the man for her he only can be her best friend not more especially with his character so for me I would choose LS And HY or HY or even with others but not with NZ or JX 😂 Can you please release another epilogue after you ask who we want to end together then make another epilogue for us please 😭 and thank you for the hardwork 💕

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I'm sorry for saying this but it's truly unfair for Lu Shen for he never want a loveless marriage. And the one he love is a selfish person who can't appreciate his love. A possessive man love is always like to control so I don't find any fault in Lu Shen. And in love, we should try to accept the other people as he/she is..Lu Shen accept her no matter how different her appearance but the HY character is truly disappoint .. Anyway, that's my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone..


It’s definitely not a happy ending for LuShen. He’s engaged to someone whom he doesn’t love and who is a bad person. At least for HuiYin, she’s getting someone with whom she has great relationship and who loves her. So for this ending, I can only say that I feel sorry for LuShen who definitely got the short end of the stick.


Im ok with this ending.. it is understandable for FL to choose this pathway. But deep inside my heart, im hoping she give another 2nd chance to Lu Shen. I feel sorry for him, him being end up with nian zen, not a good ending.. hope there is another chapter from u, author..


Honestly I'm utterly disappointed with the ending. With all respect to author no hard feeling, but I like the other readers think this is not fair for Lu Shen. True that Hui Yin deserve her freedom but in the process she hurt the one and only person that love her to the point he can't live without her. The fact that he still looking back at her I think is REALLY sad, coz for me it shows how deep down he unconsciously still long for her. If this is the redemption for both of them for their past, Lu Shen is the only one suffering till the end. I REALLY LOVE YOUR NOVEL. In fact this is my first transmigation/second chance novel. I start to like and looking for novels alike because of you. Your writing quality for me is one of the best. I love your plot twist, but I didn't see this coming. So it shock me. I already fall to hard for this novel and this ending really break my heart. Lu Shen remind me with Kaname from Vampire Knight. These two man who just love their woman dearly in the end not get their happy ending. Just like Hui Yin he also invest all of his feeling to one person, so he did suffered too. In their past life he let her go and treat her, the one he loved, like air for her safety. Being a possessive lover do you realise that also hard for him in his last life? I'm sorry author but you really broke my heart 😢😢😢 But still thank you for your hard work


Is this ending a reflection of the writer himself? The heroine is so afraid to love that she prefers a mediocre lifestyle that the rest of the world has and asking themselves later what if later in life to knowing what it is to really love with all the intense feelings......I don't like the ending at all. It seemed hurried and unfinished like the writer ran out of this to write about. It's rather bland; like I miss out a whole lot before the ending. Not a good feeling at all writer. That cliff hanger is not good.


At the very beginning of this story I really really wanted LS to suffer because of what he did to HY but as I read it till the end I just realize that only LS suffered too much. I can say that this story was really great but I cant help my heart not to ache for him because in the first place he did want those terrible things to happen but fate really did played them mostly their hearts. I'm the kind of person that can hardly move on and it will really take some time for me to get over from this story author-san. The ending was the most appropriate I think than make it a totally tragic but there are still some questions left in here. My speculations would be.. * Did LS also forgot the reason why he agreed to marry that NZ? They did terrible things aside those of HY issues so I think he would not marry her. * Will LS be able to remember her again or will forever not? Doesn't love conquers all? I dont think that just because he forgot her, his feelings will fade as well. Not to mention his possessive and obssessive nature to her so I think it would be really impossible that they would not end up together. * That drunken god should not only granted HY's wish because both of them was supposed to be together. He should have also put LS as the same as he did to HY. Anyways too much for that, by writing this I have come to realize that I wanted them to be together. Hahaha **: My heart tells me that it was really UNFAIR for LS. 🙃🙃🙃


Hu yin make the right choice, she toiled a lifetime like a lowly slave just to stand by lu shen who don't even give her emotional connection, harm her, control her, used her, and the worst can't eve protect her even from petty bullying. He paranoid like madman and hurt everyone while so called try to protect her. She so stupid and to love him so much and eccept everthing given to her. But luckily she not forever and ever machosist heroin. Atlest in the end she fight for her own happinest.


Contrary to popular belief, I think LS got what he deserves. Not that I’m against the fact that he is pitiful considering that he ends up with an evil woman. But I don’t think HY is selfish. Like she already lived a life only for him, and what did she get? Lost her youth, lost her dream, lost her confidence, and lost her self. What did she get in return? No love from LS and why? In the name of protecting her. She lived such a pitiful and cowardly life imo. Like she still stuck to him when she thought he was two timing? You know what I would do if I doubted my partner of cheating? I would confront and if I can’t confront like how HY wasn’t given the chance to, I would dump my partner. It’s treating yourself with the self respect and dignity you deserve and that’s why I say she lived such a cowardly life. Fear of leaving him cuz of love, and look where that got her. She lived died and now she learned her lesson. Even if she new the truth in the end, like she said, it’s too late. LS already ****ed her life so much that she’s emotionally spent and I’m not surprised if she developed a trauma to start something new with him in fear of reverting to how she lived in her previous life. And also, just cuz a man is possessive does not mean his partner must accept his possessiveness. It’s like saying “oh, he’s just like that so whatever”. That doesn’t work. You have to be fine as a person to his possessiveness, and not the other way around where you just accept his shortcomings. It’s like saying to an abusive partner, “oh it’s fine that he’s abusive, it’s who he is and I have to accept his shortcomings cuz I love him”. That’s just plain stupid. Relationships is all about compromising, if you don’t like it then say it. Otherwise, if you keep on accepting, pent up stress and frustration will be built. That is toxic to a relationship. But there is something that I find so stupid. The fact that HY kept forgiving her brother even when knowing he’s the one who led to her death and her miserable life. Just cuz blood is thicker than water? Bull****, that’s just stupid and to me, that shows a slight weakness in character. It’s like condoning an alcoholic and abusive father because they are family. All in all, I feel bad for LS, but good on you HY for giving yourself a new chance to a better life with a man you know will treat you the way you deserve.


Author, why does he have to end up with nian zhen... That's not fair............😡

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I’m going to get this out of the way- I was also disappointed with the ending but not because I was feeling sorry for Lu Shen. Who the FL ended up with was her decision, and I personally think you built up how she could never go back to loving him very well. I also really liked her with Jiang Xu- so that isn’t why I am disappointed. I was disappointed because the ending literally came out of nowhere. I honestly thought it was a prank. We’ve had almost 200 chapters of build up, and everything was ‘resolved’ in like 15 chapters. Just give this guy some beer and he’ll magically fix all these troubles that have pledged you. Even conveniently erase Lu Shen’s memories so she gets a fresh start. She literally did everything to get away from him and his obsession, but she was trapped. It just felt... too easy. It was building up to some big conflict or confrontation- but they find her killer easy enough, discover and deal with her brother almost instantly so that plot point is never flushed out- and I’m just left feeling sad. I respect you as an author and I think you’ve done some great things with this story- but as a reader, I must tell you that while the ending wasn’t bad- it was unexpected and felt unearned. This dues ex machina is a device that every reader scorns, and this marriage god in your story is this. I loved your story because it dealt with obsession, and how it can destroy both people. It was interesting and I felt invested- but as soon as you introduced that marriage god, I’ve felt detached and pretty indifferent. Maybe it’s just me- but all I know is that I wanted our FL to get out of her situation with her own power. Crazy I know- she probably couldn’t. But even her killing herself to escape him and ending up in the maid’s body would have felt better for me- because she chose to take control, and killed herself- with no ‘guarantee she wouldn’t really die so it doesn’t really matter’. The marriage god takes all the stakes out of the story and it lost all of its *******. *sigh* this is just a reader rant. I hope you get some use out of this review. I wish you all the luck in the future


Such bitter sweet ending. Congratulation author-nim for a great story. I've enjoyed it so much. The length is just nice for me. 😍😘


What happened to Hui yin's brother is he still planning revenge on Lu shen again? Is there a book2 to these? After reading some comments I also agree with them about Hui yin being a selfish person and being unfair to Lu shen despite knowing Lu shen's reasons behind his every actions. She can forgive his brother easily despite killing her because she hold more on their good memories never in her mind that his brother do not put her on his eyes in the very beggining. She's a fool. Better reset everything like the two of them never meet in their lifetime. The one who save is not Hui yin but someone else more courageous enough to know the root of their missy life. Then Hui yin would be just a bystander who watch for Lu shen and his wife lovestory.My heart would feel very much happy if that happens.


Dear author, thanks for the awesome writing piece you give to us. For me, I love the way you end the story. When you do not follow the common ending like other novels. I like the last parting between Lu Shen and Hui-Yin at the end of the paragraph. You make the MC strong and never turn her back again to Lu Shen. But I wish Lu Shen could achieve his happiness with someone better but not with our MC. Thank you coz make Hui-Yin make a wise choice by giving a chance to Jiang Xu. For me, Jiang Xu was being the truth with her since the beginning till the end.


I want to say to all, according to me this ending was was justified i like it very much. Lu chen have decided his own fate when he has misbehaves with her in his previous life, yes his intentions where good but he didnt understand his actions will cost loos of her love,mistreating,abuse,chaeting was al facade to peotect her but do you think physical protection is all that a human ask .no mental and emtional protection is alos neede in his belief of saving her he has damaged her beyound anything. So yea i really like the decision made by the female lead that she movee on living lu chen ,i really that this story doent become like any other story where male lead protects the female lead by not loving her,abusing her. I feel this is the best decision and best epilouge for this. Because some mistakes can be forgiven but cant be forgetten despites its good intentions.


The book ended well so far as I can tell. I especially like it bcus the ending is neutral. Am glad she chose her happiness bcus is not every time a life changing opportunity comes our way...sometimes is good to be selfish for one to be happy... Thanks author. Hoping to see another of ur work. Luv u.


Love the ending. She was smart and I understand that she's tired from everything and just wanted to start afresh to her new chance of life again. Yes we don't know if she'll still end up with lu shen but I love the open ending for it creates a lot of imagination that readers would have. Good job and thank you for creating such a beautiful story!!


To be honest, this is the first book that have ML pair with the villain..truly shocking At least, ML would stay single all his life and only devoted to company .. Being with villain, this is upset




I think Lu Shen is lucky that he forgot her... his love was soo unhealthy for his own good... I like to imagine his new marriage life with the villainess. Both of them are obsessesive, they are from the same social circle, both of them are crazy(killing, scheming, etc.) they suit each other... It would be great if they learn to love each other, would be a great story from her(villainess) perspective, because in novels authors like to make them extra bad...It's true she is a *****, but he isn't any better xD FL didn't suit Lu Shen at all! Their relationship was hella crazy! No equality...They weren't happy, more like they were torturing themselves. It's like readers like this ship cuz he is more OP than Mr. sleepy. I am happy with this ending, pitty there weren't more sweet moments with Mr. sleepy.