
Chapter 27


"Seokjin ah open the door please." "Seokjin won't you even listen to your hyung? Please open the door we can discuss this matter calmly." "NO HYUNG! THERE IS NOTHING TO DISCUSS ABOUT!!" I shouted. I was feeling deceived. Deceived by my own ing parents. How could they do that to me? Won't my happiness matter to them? "Jin ah! Please bro open the door." "No hyung. Even YOU lied to me. Why didn't you tell me about this before? WHY!?" I couldn't stop myself from crying. The pain inside my heart was making me feel overwhelming. So many thoughts were running through my mind making me feel dizzy. My mind started to swirl between the thoughts of Namjoon and this marriage. I love him. I can't live without him. How will I spend my life with someone whom I am never going to love? "Seokjin please don't cry we will find a way." There is no way I can go against my parents. I don't have any choice but to agree with them. "Jin ah?" "Hyung please I don't want to talk with anyone right now. Please leave me alone." "Ok bro I am going. Calm yourself down ok. And remember your hyung will always be with you." I heard sound of foot steps fading away in distance indicating that he left. I went to my bed and laid down. I covered myself fully with comforter and again started crying. I sneaked my hand under my pillow and grabbed my phone. When I switched it on I found many miscalls and messages from Namjoon which sent a pain of guilt to my heart even if it is not my fault. I removed the comforter and sat up on the bed with my back leaned on it's headboard. I took some deep breath to calm down myself and dialed his number. "Hello?" The familiar voice caused me to shed more tears but I covered my mouth to block any sound from escaping. "Jinie?" "How are you?" I asked trying my best to not cry again. "I am missing you" "I am missing *sob* you too" I couldn't help and finally let out a sob. "Jinie? Are you crying? What happen? Are you ok love?" He asked with worry coating his voice. "Yes" "Don't lie to me. What happened? Tell me." "Nothing Joonie. *sob* I was just *sob* just missing you. It was so long that we talked like t-this" "I know and I am sorry for being like that. I read your letter but you didn't have to apologize. I can never get mad at you for long. I love you too much for that." My tears were flowing like two streams that didn't want to stop and his words were not helping either. "I know *sob* but I wanted to apologize for being dumb and doubt on you. I am sorry." "Hey it's ok love and I already told you to stop apologizing." He said in a soothing voice which calmed down my inner turmoil a bit. "I can't wait for you to come back soon" I can feel his smile through phone and my stomach churned at the thought of telling him truth."J-Joonie" "Mmm?" "It may took sometime for me to come back." "What? You are not coming back!?" slight fear crawled over my mind at his reaction. "Not now. Maybe next week or...the week after next." I spoke while holding my breath. I don't know how will he react at that. There was silence for few minutes which almost made me think that he hanged up if slight breathing sounds were not coming from other end. "Is everything ok Jinie? I can feel it that you are hiding something from me." "I told you everything is fine. It's just that...there is...there is some meeting and I am obliged to attend it. I am sorry love." "It's ok. Although I am sad to know that you will be not next to me but if you promise me to call every night then I can bear this distance." "I-I will." I know I am lying but I had to make him stop from asking me questions any further which I will never be able to answer. "Ok I am hanging up now" "Fine. I will miss you and I Love you and only you." "I love you too." before I break down completely in front of him, I cut the call. Why is this happening to me? Why?


After wandering for almost an hour at night I finally decided to have an ice-cream. There is an ice-cream parlour nearby so I headed in that direction. When I finally arrived at my destination I saw a familiar car. After looking around for few seconds I even spotted it's owner. I thought he was busy with Namjoonie hyung to not even wanted to get disturbed by my presence but here he is buying an ice-cream! A little sting of slight pain went to my heart at the realization of being lied. I walked towards him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned towards me and his eyes widened for few seconds but then he smiled lightly and I returned a fake one and I knew that he could tell too. "Hyung, I thought you were BUSY." I said while slightly stretching the word 'busy' to tell him that I am angry. He looked nervous and I raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Yeah I was busy but then I suddenly wanted to eat ice-cream so I came here." I nodded still not fully convinced with his reply but decided to not push it further. But then my eyes fell on the ice-cream in his hand and I looked at him confused. "But hyung you don't like cookies and cream right?" "He looked at me with a frown o his face." "As long as I remember, Hobi hyung told me that your fav. flavor is mint chocolate chip." He looked down at his ice-cream and then back to me "Yeah. But I am trying it for a change you know." He said sheepishly and I chuckled. "Hyung you really don't know how to lie" "Whatever" he muttered and start walking away "W-Wait hyung" he stopped and turned to look at me slightly frowning "Where are you going?" I asked confused. "I have to go Taehyung. I still have some work left." His statement made me sad. For some reasons I don't want him to go. I don't know why but his presence gives me a feeling of comfort or safety which I don't want to loose at least for now. The nervous feeling is back and I started to avoid eye contact with him. "Can you please stay for sometime. Only until we finish our ice-creams? Please hyung." I asked nervously while fidgeting with one of the corner of my jacket.

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