
Stock Weapons

Angel followed the dark elf prince, her spider legs scurrying down the steep mountain path as if she were strolling in the park. "This place smells right… almost like a home I never had."

The dark elf glanced over his shoulder but didn't respond. Instead, he pulled his sword slowly, the blade sliding from the scabbard without a sound. His eyes glowed red momentarily before he struck out with a foot. The invisible shadow trailing them grunted in pain and tumbled down the rocky slope.

The shadow slammed against a large boulder with a violent crash, giving their pursuer time to catch up.

"W-What are you doing?" the rogue gasped painfully, spitting blood from dark lips.

Prince Quinn pressed his sword into the rogue's shoulder, his expression neutral. "I'm escorting someone important… Unfortunately, I can't afford any witnesses."

The rogue grimaced, his anger outweighing his fear. "This is our territory. Despite your appearance, something is off about you."

Quinn shrugged. "I shower regularly; perhaps that's it. Besides that… you're a Daekar."

The rogue's gaze shifted to the veiled figure behind Quinn. His eyes widened in shock. "Goddess?"

[Iron Mount: Angel] This one has remarkable insight.

Quinn laughed, pulling his sword free and stepping back. Having reviewed the lore, they had deliberately exposed Angel's Spider Queen form.

"Did I say you could speak in my presence?" Angel's ice-cold words were followed by a gesture that bound the rogue from ankle to shoulder in webbing.

[Iron Mount: Quinn] Damn… now I have to carry him.

[Iron Mount: Angel] I can take it from here. I have the Alliance documents for TAP, OP, and Concert Hall.

[Iron Mount: Quinn] We're near the start of the dark pathway, the Daekar's version of the Underdark. I want to see it for myself.

[Iron Mount: Angel] The Nemesis is taking care of me.

[Iron Mount: Quinn] There's that. How would I explain it to QJ if something happened to you?

Angel's green eyes glowed warmly.

[Iron Mount: Angel] My minion adores me.

QJ and Morgana

QJ glanced down at the update on his HUD while walking silently along the well-lit cobbled path to OP's former stable, now occupied by Morgana Romani, the black-market shopkeeper.

A dark-skinned woman with long, curly black hair and brown eyes smiled at the approaching guests. "I see the leaders of OP still remember where I work."

QJ exchanged amused glances with Ringo. "You could always visit us in our offices."

Morgana huffed. "Robin always runs me out when I try to visit QJ."

[Group: Ringo] True?

[Group: QJ] No idea… She's a gypsy, so half of everything she says is made up… the other half is exaggerated.

Ringo laughed aloud. "How many of these visits were during work hours?"

Morgana smiled mischievously. "Gypsies work long hours."

"I'm sure," QJ said, deciding to ask Robin about it later. "You wanted to see us?"

Morgana nodded. "You're aware of the crown's [Red Player] policy."

QJ scanned the immediate area and nodded after ensuring there was no threat. "What about it?"

"I want to contact the black-market operators within Iron Mount, Martial Law, and Civil Unrest."

[System Message] Morgana Romani has offered One Problem a Multi-World Legendary Quest.

Dark Contacts: Legendary Multi-World Quest

Reward: Guild Black Market Kiosk

"Here is everything you need," Morgana said, handing QJ a satchel containing maps and letters of introduction. "You'll also need these."

[Red Player] Token: Unauthorized

"How did you get these?" QJ handed one of the tokens to Ringo.

Morgana's smile widened. "I'm your black-market vendor. If I can't get it…"

[Group: Ringo] Looks like the others.

Ringo compared the token with one of the [Red Player] tokens they had looted from the Yucatan players. "Why would we need these?"

"If you're caught with a sponsored token, people like me will know you're legitimate," Morgana explained. "You don't want that."

QJ laughed. "Right… We accept."

[System Message] Quest Updated.

[OP: Breeze] You two questing?

[OP: QJ] We picked up a quest. I'll brief everyone in the morning. Did you need something?

[OP: Breeze] I could use some DPS for a smash-and-grab.

[OP: Ringo] I'll join.

[OP: QJ] Did you need both of us? I've got some crafting to do.

[OP: Breeze] Nope, just Ringo will work fine.

[OP: QJ] I'll be in the new shop. Let me know if you need anything.

QJ's Gunsmith Shop

A short while later, QJ approached the Songbird but stopped short and entered the shop leased to him by Bo Jangles.

[System Message] New Lease Owner Identified.


Gun & Gore Player

One Problem Guild: Vice Leader

Exodus Academy Cadet: 1st Year

Grand Master Gunsmith

[System Message] The current configuration is Blacksmith Shop. Would you like to reconfigure?

"Yes. Use the Exodus standard for a Gunsmith shop." QJ glanced at his HUD, which displayed the available configurations.

[System Message] If you plan to link your vendor ID to the Exodus Marketplace, you may add a market hub at no extra cost.

"Yes, add a market hub and link my vendor ID." QJ watched curiously as the instant build took form, whistling softly in appreciation.

[System Message] New Gunsmith Shop created.

[Exodus Station Announcement] A new Exodus-compliant Gunsmith Shop is now available near the Gun & Gore platform.

Shop Designator: QJ's Guns

Exodus Rating: Five Star (Magnum Opus)

"Nice…" QJ stepped into the display area. Glass display cases bordered the checkout area, and floor-to-ceiling wooden shelves lined the walls, filled with fold-up props meant to display upright weapons. "Let's see the best part."

QJ walked through the spacious front area and entered the smith's workshop. "Drill press, lathe, workbench, barrel stock storage, parts bins, and… wow."

He grinned at the pegboard where the smithing tools were carefully stored. The parts bin bench displayed the Exodus market HUD; a quick swipe showed the current inventory.

[System Message] Would you like to keep the parts bin supplied automatically?

"Yes, do a complete inventory every evening and reorder used supplies." QJ sat at the workbench and grabbed the nearby pad and pencil.

[System Message] This workpad is linked to the shop database, enabling the user to upload or download schematics.

"Really? Upload a basic dual-action Navy Colt pistol." QJ waited while the schematic appeared on his notepad. "Yeah… that's cool. Okay, time to create some stock weapons."

[System Message] Would you like to add your current achievements in munitions to the shop inventory sheet?

"No," QJ said, shaking his head. "That's the last thing I want. Some clown will shoot me with my own ammo. I'll create a shop inventory with specialized munitions—something decent but not completely badass."

[Weapon Concepts - Stock Candidates]

[Thunder] Handgun

Description: Lightweight, six-shooter with increased accuracy and decreased recoil.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

[Blitz] Shotgun

Description: Low-recoil action with increased power.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

[Shonuff] Swordgun

Description: Standard cutlass blade with .36 caliber barrels mounted on either side of the hilt. Fires only custom bullets.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

[Cutter] Swordgun

Description: Standard shortsword blade with .44 caliber barrels mounted on either side of the hilt. Fires only custom bullets.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

[Razor] Swordgun

Description: Standard longsword blade with 9mm barrels mounted on either side of the hilt. Fires only custom bullets.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

[Runaway] Rifle

Description: Maximum effective range of 600 meters with increased accuracy and damage. Fires only 7.62 custom bullets.

Crafted by: Grandmaster QJ

A soft knock at the door drew QJ's attention. He glanced at the time. "0330? It's a bit early for visitors."

QJ walked to the front room and cracked open the door.

"Open yet?"

"No." QJ raised an eyebrow but stepped back, motioning for the visitor to come in despite his words. "Why are you here, Ito?"

Bianca Ito, wearing casual clothes—a sleeveless shirt and faded jeans—smirked as she walked inside. "My character name is Josena Yates… Or, if you like, call me Bianca."

"I prefer Ito," QJ replied curtly. "I'm not open for business."

"Why so hostile?" Ito rubbed her closely shaved head, the tattoos on her arms seeming to squirm as if alive. "I heard you were friendly."

QJ laughed. "Did you? And bouncing you off every building in Basalt didn't change your mind?"

"That was just business." Ito glanced around the shop, taking in the new setup. "Got a list of stock weapons yet?"

"You play Iron Mount, and I'm a gunsmith." QJ shrugged helplessly. "How's that going to work?"

"I assume you're going to have a Swordgun stock line?" She made the question sound more like a statement. "I use a scimitar; it's not too much different from the falcata you have."

"You mean [Roll Credits]?" QJ laughed. "Let me stop you there. I'll do custom jobs—but not for you."

Ito flashed a sharp smile. "We'll see… I can be very persuasive. At any rate, we'll be doing lots of business. Can I get a special price?"

"Sure… you can pay double."

Laughter sounded from the doorway as a shadow thickened and took form. Robin's orange hair hung loosely around her shoulders. She was barefoot and scantily dressed. "You being shaken down by the Yakuza?"

QJ laughed, nodding. "Were you sleeping?"

Ito noted Robin's appearance and drew the appropriate conclusion. "I was curious about the new shop. I'll let myself out."

"See ya, Jose." Robin winked, stepping aside to let Ito leave.

Ito nodded. "Robin."

A moment of silence followed her exit before QJ spoke. "You know her?"

Robin nodded. "Of course. She's a regular at the Painted Lady. Afterwards, they stop by the Songbird for drinks."

"I was just finishing up," QJ said, grabbing Robin's hand and pulling her toward the door.

"Perfect. I've got a warm bed if you're interested." Robin smiled seductively.

QJ nodded and locked the door to his shop.

Next chapter