
Patriot Points (part two)

An attractive woman with chestnut hair smiled pleasantly at QJ. They talked briefly about Gaia and Kenzo before QJ breached the subject of Fenrir.

Roxy whistled softly. "No kidding? That's... Who else knows?"

"Just the members of my house," QJ answered. 

"If your place is mapped virtually, I could set you up to receive transmissions from Kenzo," Roxy volunteered.

"We're mapped, indoors and out."

Roxy raised an eyebrow. "Outdoor space too?"

QJ shrugged. "Come see for yourself. Bring Bai with you and meet my housemates."

Roxy nodded. "Done... Does 8 pm work?"

"Perfect," QJ replied. "Cya later."

A short while later, QJ approached Briar Rose; a glance at the guild screen told him that Ringo, Sato, and Enju were already there.

[OP: QJ] You guys enjoy the hosptitality of Briar Rose?

[OP: Enju] Yes! Dave is making a cake!

QJ grinned; Dave, the Baker, continued to be one of his vital acquisitions.

[Whisper: Morgana/QJ] Come see me before you do any further [Red Player] missions. 

QJ raised an eyebrow. Why would the Black Market shopkeeper care about [Red Player] missions? Or even know about them?

[Whisper: QJ/Morgana] Why would the Gypsies care about [Red Player] missions?

[Whisper: Morgana/QJ] Please, QJ... Come see me when you get the chance.

[Whisper: QJ/Morgana] Meet me at Briar Rose in thirty minutes.

QJ sighed heavily, smiling at the gate guards on duty when he rode through without slowing down.

Aji met him in the central courtyard, bowing respectfully. "Good Evening, QJ."

"Brother QJ greets Sister Aji."

Aji favored him with a broad smile. "Greeting me like a sibling?"

"Of course... Where are our guests?" 

"Shinzi and your guildmates are in the main foyer," Aji's white hair had been trimmed recently and hung to her shoulders, contrasting with her traditional black pants and shirt.

"Anything I should know?"

Aji shook her head. "No. Shinzi is a very sweet person. We talked at great length about plants and flowers."

"Sam should be here soon; she's wrapping up something in Basara." QJ stepped into the Foyer, taking note of Enju, Ringo, and Sato. "I see everyone made it."

Shinzi was sitting nearby, trying to look comfortable, but the facade shattered when QJ entered. "Is she with ..." Her words filtered off. 

"You guys stay here; I'll take Shinzi into the courtyard to wait." QJ smiled calmly. "I know you feel nervous, maybe even scared. Try to put that aside and live in this moment. You are about to meet someone special." 

Shinzi nodded and followed QJ through the double doors leading to the courtyard. 

[Briar Rose: Ringo] Sam just gated into OPC; she should be here in a few


[Briar Rose: QJ] No worries.

The last of the late-day sun cast a pink glow on the skyline, turning the primarily white courtyard a pleasant crimson hue. QJ noted the effect and added the destination to his excursion list.

[Briar Rose: QJ] Let's bring more dining furniture into the fountain area.

[Briar Rose: Aji] I'll see to it. Let's say dining for 6-8 people.

[Briar Rose: QJ] Perfect.

QJ spent the next few minutes calming Shinzi down. Unexpectedly, he felt butterflies when Sam stepped into the courtyard with her Engineer uniform on. 

Sam waved and approached when she noticed QJ feeding the fountain fish with an attractive middle-aged woman. "I thought you were going to eat these fish, QJ."

QJ grinned; it had crossed his mind, but feeding them was an excellent way to pass the time when conversations weren't needed. "Sam, this is Shinzi Jala; Shinzi, this is Samantha Trahern, my companion and OP Engineer."

Sam smiled pleasantly and started extending her hand before freezing in place. "QJ... Is this my?"

[Quest Updated]

[OP: Ringo] Woah, leveled up.

[OP: Sato] Same.

[OP: Enju] Me too. 

The two women stared at each other from arm's length; the resemblance became evident in close proximity.

QJ nodded. "This is your Mother."

[System Message] You have solved your companion's important quest.

[System Message] You have been awarded the 'True Colors.' medallion.

True Colors: Diplomatic Companion Award.

Description: NPCs of neutral or good alignments start with a good impression of you.

QJ's HUD buzzed suddenly, but he ignored the device and watched silently.

"Samantha? That's a pretty name." Shinzi's voice broke the silence. "Y-you are so beautiful."

Sam extended a hand, her eyes shining as they made a formal greeting. Instead of releasing, they stood silently, glancing at their clasped hands as a tiny connection took root.

QJ withdrew without saying anything.

[Group: QJ] Let's head to the Songbird. Lotte and Breeze will be meeting us there.

[Group: Ringo] Perfect. Wu sent us all an explanation of [Red Player] points and how to spend them. We can discuss it there.


A familiar voice sounds from behind QJ momentarily before someone pounces on his back. Angel squeezes him tight for a moment before letting him go. "I bought a new dress. What do you think?"

QJ tapped his chin. Angel cherished polked dots on everything. With credits to spare, the Exodus fashion vendors would display custom items to lure in the Spider Queen. "Interesting color choice; I like it."

Angel claimed his arm, smiling at the other members of OP. "I hear you have a top-secret mission for Agent Angel."

"Special Agent Angel," QJ corrected.

Angel winced and nodded quickly. "I always forget the best part! Special Agent Angel."

QJ stepped inside the Songbird, which was standing room only, while the Songbirds were all on stage for once. He led the group to OP's reserved booth and sat next to Angel while Enju, Ringo, and Sato slid across from him.

QJ listened as the Songbirds sung an acapella version one of Galaxia's hits. The rainbow-haired singer clapped from the audience and sang along like everyone else until the performance ended in deafening applause.

[Songbrid: QJ] You guys sound especially great tonight. 

[Songbird: Nightingale] Sweet words.

[Songbird: QJ] I need you to come over tonight, Wren, if you are free.

[Songbird: Wren] Interested in a girlfriend upgrade?

[Songbird: Lark] Bound to happen, he's moving on.

[Songbird: Robin] Hmm? There's no upgrade from Best.

[Songbird: QJ] No, I'm not moving on. Do you guys remember Kenzo? The only hero in Gaia?

[Songbird: Thrush] We started watching his feed; it's good stuff.

[Songbird: QJ] I'm contacting him tonight... he told me that his favorite Songbird is Wren.

[Songbird: Robin] Really?

[Songbird: Thrush] Why did you tell her that? Are you sure he didn't say me?

[Songbird: Wren] A man of refined taste! I'll come over.

[Songbird: QJ] 8 pm.

QJ brought up his HUD and moved the [Patriot Points] packet that Wu sent him to the booth's HUD. "Might as well check it out."

[Patriot Points]

Patriot points can be assigned to an individual, group, or Guild. The default award is Individual and Guild if the group members are part of the same Guild. To have points assigned to a group, register your group at one of the kiosks located in the Exodus Gaming Hub.

[Guild Awards]

Patriot Kiosk: Want to skip the lines for Kiosk access? Purchase this guild upgrade and enjoy discounts, special events, and unique items. The more purchases made in any given category, the more likely a unique item will appear. Items vary greatly from one Kiosk to another.

Guild Equipment: Providing you have the points, guilds may upgrade Stock armor and weapons by one grade. Upgrading Fine Stock equipment will result in its tier being raised to Master.

Defensive Measures: Walls, Reinforced Drawbridges, Battlements, Moats, Barbicans, Arrow Slots, Towers, and Machicolations are available as part of our insta-build upgrades.

Offensive Measure: Siege Engines, Catapaults, Ballista, Trebuchet, and Battering Rams.

Cosmetic and Refined Finishing: Guild Uniforms, Headgear, Armor Matching, Armor Coloring, and Formalwear. (Guild Hall or Guild owned Buildings) Refined points are used to beautify Guild areas; this includes changes in walls, ceilings, flooring, roof tiles, and gardens. Note: These are cosmetic and will enhance existing structures; they cannot create new ones.

Important Note: [Red Player] Tokens will only transport groups and their personal equipment. You may choose to purchase Siege equipment while in enemy territory, but it will remain behind when you depart.

[Group: Sato] I don't recognize half of this. What are Machicolations?

[Group: QJ] It's a protrusion from the upper wall of a fortress, usually with large holes or doors in the floor where you can drop things on the enemy while remaining under cover; rocks, hot oils, acid... whatever you like.

[Personal use: All items may be purchased from the Gaming Hub Kiosk or Guild-owned Kiosk.]

Stock Items: Any owned stock armor or weapons maybe be upgraded one tier.

Damage: A one-time increase of ten percent may be applied to each of your weapons.

Defense: A one-time increase of ten percent may be applied to each armor set.

Portal Bracer: Store three separate portal locations and instantly travel there. (60 minute cool-down)

Weapons: A wide variety of weapons that are unique and constantly changing.

Armor: Top-tier armor with powerful enhancements.

Items: Jewelry, potions, scrolls, blueprints, pets, and just about anything else you could require are available at a price.

Final Note: All items purchased with Patriot Points (Except Kiosk) are non-reparable and will degrade over time.

[Group: QJ] The only price listed is a guild Kiosk, one million credits.

[Group: Ringo] We should get it?

[Group: QJ] Yes... but hold off on individual purchases until we know more. I have concerns.

[Group: Sato] Like what?

[Group: QJ] Say you enhance your weapon. The note says that the enhancements will degrade over time. When it hits zero, does your weapon revert to the original? Or is it destroyed?

[Group: Sato] Damn... that would suck. 

[Group: Ringo] You're right, not enough data.

Next chapter