
Lazun (part two)

A woman sat behind a desk, writing something on parchment; she jumped slightly when the pair entered. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Calm down, Avira," QJ spoke calmly, but his words stunned the High Elf.

Avira's blonde hair was the color of a sunset and hung down to the middle of her back. She possessed the ethereal beauty of her kind with eyes that would make emeralds weep. "Y-you know my real name?"

QJ nodded. "I want to know what Leilani is up to. Tell me everything. 

Avira turned slightly, hiding the hand that slid into her dress to grab a dagger, which she kept hidden away. She gripped the cool hilt, feeling a measure of confidence.

"Really?" QJ removed [Dark Stranger] and crossed his arms before his chest. "Do you want to pull that blade on me?" 

Avira's pale face suddenly looked sickly as the dagger clattered loudly onto the floor in a room that had gone deathly quiet. "What? QJ... I'm sorry. Please, I would never try to hurt you."

QJ held up a hand to stop further words. "Ringo, meet Avira Silverleaf." 

Ringo's smile showed all her teeth. "Charmed." 

"Going to answer my questions?" QJ asked.

"Yes, of course," Avira replied. 

QJ knelt and picked up the dagger before handing it to the high elf, hilt first. "You aren't an entertainer, so I assume you are keeping an eye on things?"

Avira nodded. "Yes, we are used to Nora's tricks since she had pulled the same ones on every other server. I am here to prevent the maneuvers. Eventually, she sees the light and becomes a reliable lieutenant." 

Ringo whistled softly. "How many servers have you carried this out on ?"

"This is my third server," Avira replied. 

"This is an information network?" QJ asked.

"Yes. We gather and sell information to those willing to pay. Usually, someone who wants dirt on someone else or sensitive information," Avira replied.

"Inside information and extortion?" QJ glanced at Ringo. It's a bit short-sighted, but obviously, the recipe was working."

 Avira blushed slightly, staring at the floor. "Are you ashamed of me?"

"Of course not." QJ shook his head. "Take a message to Leilani for me."

Avira nodded. "What do you want to say?"

"The Phoenix server is OP's pond. She can swim in the other servers but won't conduct business here." QJ smiled pleasantly. "Leilani can meet me here tomorrow at 1800 hours, and I'll compensate her the cost of this tower since it now belongs to OP." 

[OP: QJ] Everyone will report to Junebug tomorrow at 1730 hours. Possible guild event.

Ringo watched the interaction with interest. Once QJ's identity was revealed, Avira showed zero aggression. "Maybe you'd prefer to work for us once this is cleared up?"

Avira smiled suddenly. "QJ doesn't hire Silverleafs."

"Untrue, I have several in my employment," QJ countered. "Walk with us to the top floor."

The trio walked up the stairs to the ninth floor; Ringo and QJ chatted about Exodus news while Avira followed. 

"Would you really hire me?" Avira asked, causing the pair to stop and look back. She had both hands folded primly in front of her. 

QJ nodded. "I'm not against the purpose of this Tower or the other six that will eventually be built. However, this will be done by OP, not an outsider. We already navigate a complicated landscape on Phoenix, and letting a multi-server spying conglomerate establish a foothold here is not in our best interest."

"I'll resign immediately after relaying your message," Avira stated. 

QJ fixed her with a long stare as the three paused on the stairwell.

Avira's pale face reddened. "We're family, I won't betray your trust. I worked with Leilani because the pay was good and the work enjoyable. I'll wrap up my duties with her and be done with it."

[Group: Ringo] She's family?

[Group: QJ] Technically, Dad adopted all the Silverleaf women. 

Ringo laughed loudly, the sound echoing. She linked an arm through his, and they continued up the stairs. "So you have how many High Elf sisters?"

"Three hundred and eighty-five," QJ answered. "Let's refer to them as distant cousins from now on."

Sara was sitting behind a large desk on the ninth floor, which had been furnished as a large apartment with a built-in office. Her lavender eyes scanned the ledger that Nora was keeping. 

[Group: Sara] This Tower was completed two weeks after Phoenix went live; the first transaction was an influx of 20 million credits. Since then, debits have been minimal. Eight weeks later, monthly deposits of 2 million credits started.

[Group: QJ] The network still needs to be established; the Tower is currently just a bordello, so the numbers reflect that. They require the funds to stay afloat. 

[Group: Ringo] Do you want to refund Leilani her investment?

QJ grinned but didn't answer. 

Avira's green eyes were focused on Nora, who seemed concerned about all the questions. "Nora, this person is QJ, the Vice Leader of OP."

"QJ?" Nora glanced at the man in question; he was using some sort of artifact that concealed his image. "Of course, I know the name." Nora smoothed out her dress, her smile widening. "Are you an associate of Avira's boss?"

"QJ and OP will be taking over this enterprise," Avira stated calmly. "I will stay on, and things will continue as planned."

Nora adjusted to the news instantly. "Wonderful, I'd rather work under a man any day."

[Group: Enju] She meant to imply something else, but I won't say it.

[Group: Sato] hahahaah... It's even funnier when you don't say it.

Avira accompanied OP as they exited the Tower. She gated to Exodus while the group returned to their Guild Keep. 

[Group: QJ] It's Time for lunch. We should be able to wrap up the quest tomorrow. The Tower business got us sidetracked. 

[Group: Enju] This was fun. Please don't leave me out for the finish.

[Group: QJ] How could I do that? I'll do some crafting after lunch. 

[Group: Ringo] Exodus Classroom tomorrow as well. Don't be late. 

QJ used his hud to order several tuna filets and a small virtual freezer. Instead of logging out, he entered the home through the VRP entry point near the front door.

Wu was making a smoothie when he spotted movement next to the door. QJ was carrying the small freezer since it wouldn't fit in his inventory. "That's a virtual fridge?" Wu asked.

QJ shook his head. "Close, it's a freezer."

Wu chuckled. "I can't even guess what you need that for."

"To store virtual food for our new guest," QJ answered.

Since the entire home was mapped virtually, QJ sat the freezer in the corner and plugged it in before stocking it. After finishing up, he summoned Fenrir and took out a small bowl. "How do you feel about hanging out with us, Fen?"

Fen pounced on the tuna filet, making puppy noises while QJ logged out and exited his room's VR chamber. Fenrir glanced up, his head turning sideways momentarily before returning to dinner. 

The house was quiet except for one person moving around in the kitchen. "I've got an update for Samantha Trahern."

Wu looked up from the blender where he was stacking three kinds of citrus fruits. "What did you learn."

"Samantha Trahern is an LAI; not only that, but she grew up on the Legends server and only recently began working at the railroad when the Phoenix server went live."

Wu remained expressionless for a moment before frowning. "She has to have known who you are. Why didn't she say something?"

QJ tapped his nose. "That does make me curious. I'm going to talk with her after lunch." 

When Lotte's door opened, she walked out with a single cane, a testament to how hard she worked daily. Her amber-colored eyes lit up when she saw QJ. "Hey..." 

"You started the next round of EPO?" QJ accepted a kiss and then pulled out a chair for Lotte to sit in.

"Yep, the doctors said my muscle tissue recovery has been phenomenal, almost twenty percent." 

"You are phenomenal," QJ agreed. "I've always loved that word. Ready to hit it?" 

Lotte was already wearing a white swimsuit that covered up everything. "I'll make a quick sandwich first. Do you want one?"

QJ nodded. "Yes, please. I'll bring out some drinks." After grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge, QJ grinned when a small white bundle of fur charged out of his room, sliding on the tile floor before colliding with the kitchen island. 

Fenrir backed up several steps, his pale blue eyes studying the room before zeroing in on QJ. 

"Let's see how you do outside," QJ said, holding the patio door open until Fenrir trotted past him. It should be okay; the backyard is mapped. I'll turn the pool function on and see how he does."

The sound of construction reminded everyone that construction had started on the oversized apartment complex. If that wasn't enough, there was an annoying amount of dust hanging in the air; this was normal when excavating into Nevada's dry, sandy soil. 

QJ activated the pool's mapping function while Fen followed. The puppy accidentally walked through him when QJ stopped suddenly. 

Fenrir plopped down on the warm patio, content to take in the strangeness of his new environment. 

QJ decided, "I'll adjust our house VRP and add a VR doggy hatch on the backdoor." 

The backdoor opened, with Breeze and Nina holding sandwiches and veggie trays. Fen stood up, lifting his nose into the air.

"You brought Fenrir?" Lotte's laugh said she approved. "Do you think he'll go in the pool?"

QJ shrugged. In this environment, everything was foreign to Fen; only virtual items like the filet would have a scent. "It must seem very sterile to him."

Fenrir moved closer when the pair entered the pool and began Lotte's workout. 

"Incoming," QJ grinned when Fen leaped in. A moment later, the pup's white head surfaced as he began doggy paddling toward them. 

Lotte offered the pup a crooked smile. "He won't swim through us in the pool?"

QJ shook his head. "Our bodies and the water are being mapped in real-time. Fen will bump into us; he'll feel it, but we won't." 

When Lotte moved closer, resting her hands on QJ's shoulders, Fen followed. He stuck his wet puppy nose at her before licking the side of her face. "He's so cute, I can't feel it."

Fen tired after a few minutes and climbed out of the pool, though it took three tries. He shook himself before lying down in the sun. 

"That was the last set," Lotte's breathing was heavy in QJ's ear. "Your desk hud was buzzing when I came outside. I would have answered if, but my hands were full." 

"Whoever it is can wait," QJ said as he held the door for Fen and his roommates. Lotte, Nina, and Breeze followed the white puppy into QJ's room.

"You got him a food and water bowl." Lotte watched as Fen helped himself to some water before climbing onto the bed. 

"Damn it," Nina scowled at QJ. "Give me this damned thing! I'm gonna log in virtually! Leave him here, okay?"

Breeze threw an arm around QJ's shoulders. "Me too... Let's make a quick trip to Exodus for some toys and snacks he can have."

Lotte was tempted but felt the need to grind a bit. "He's gonna be here from now on?"

QJ waited until Breeze, and Nina left before shrugging. "Unless they take him from me."

 "Huh?" Lotte glanced from the wolf pup to QJ. "Why would they do that?"

"Remember when all the wolves were running around OP's courtyard? I summoned Fenrir, and they immediately calmed down."

"Ringo thinks he might be the pack leader," Lotte replied. 

"I thought so too until I examined him." QJ changed his clothes while talking. "Most of his details were hidden."

"Cuz he's some kind of badass," Lotte predicted. 

"Maybe," QJ replied. "But then I remembered I was wearing [Dark Stranger] when I looked. My anonymity carried over to him. I tried inspecting him again without it."

"What?" Lotte grinned at the white wolf pup, who was already sleeping. "Can he fly? Super jumper? What?" 

QJ laughed in reply. "Those would be cool, but only his name changed."

"His name isn't Fenrir?" Lotte asked. 

"Yes and no," QJ answered. "It's Fenrir Silverfang." 

"Silverfang? As in Clan Silverfang from Gaia?" 

QJ nodded. "That's the one. The portal between Gaia and Exodus was open while we finished a Legendary Multi-World quest. As a former Exodus world, Gaia is still mostly compliant with the standard. Data was shared between the two worlds while the rewards were being tabulated. This continued until we returned and Kenzo disassembled the portal."

"Wow," Lotte pursed her lips. "That's why you brought him here."

"That's why I brought him here," QJ repeated. 

Lazun has one more part. Thanks for reading.

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