
OP's Wolfpack

QJ stretched his limbs and checked the time; it was nearly 1000 hours. He had woken early to run and go to the Wafflehouse with his parents and Anna. It was still early when they returned, so QJ passed the time with some music. "Guess I fell asleep. Like Dad says, the best waffles are right when they open."

QJ walked into the kitchen, aware that most of his roommates would be logging in to check out the new One Problem Keep. 

"QJ?" Wu's surprised voice came from the direction of the stairs. "I thought you were playing already. GnG opened back up at 0800." 

QJ polished off the water bottle and then grabbed another from the fridge. "I just wanted to get back in the swing of things. What's the latest on our Keep?"

"On the inside, it's mostly unchanged. A large section of the area surrounding our Keep has been expanded and given to OP for future development. Six inter-kingdom stage lines and a massive Transportation Depot have been brought in. OP Keep has been designated a neutral Continental City. According to Ringo, six different kingdoms have requested an embassy building in OPC. "

"OPC?" QJ grimaced. "Who named that?"

Wu shrugged; the short answer was probably the development team. "It stands for One Problem City." 

"Guess I'll log in. Is there any update on the Sam Trahern quest? I'll start with her parents near Junebug."

"It's odd," Wu replied. "There's no mention of her anywhere until you met on the train on the Phoenix server. Nor could I find anything on Lazun."

"I've got a hunch, but I'll wait until I meet her parents." QJ returned to his room and took a few moments to slide into his VR suit before logging in. 

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: Briar Rose

Time: 1020 hours

Server Population: 159,097 Your current level is 63.

[System Message] End-of-month profits from your stores have arrived (2,944,011 credits/ 9,177 wooden drachma).

[System Message] End-of-month profits from the Casina Phoenix Royale have arrived (13,433,944 credits)

[System Message] Your monthly One Problem allowance (300,000 credits) has arrived.

[Guild MOTD] 

With all our bonuses and sponsors, OP will start giving monthly allowances. The current rate is 100k/member and 150k/officer. The payscale matches what low-tier professional guilds pay at the entry level. 

It's time to get back to the grind. Exodus 1st year Classroom tomorrow from 0700 to 0930, and then we're back here at 1000 for roll call. 

Briar Rose was quiet; the steady trickling of the fountain pulled QJ's eyes to the fish swimming peacefully. He stopped momentarily and used the food bucket stashed under one of the benches to feed them. "Man... those suckers are fast."

"I thought you wanted to eat those," a familiar voice said, pulling his attention from the fish. "Hey, Dixie, it's been a while since I've seen you. Is this business or pleasure?"

"It's always pleasure or both," Dixie wore dark armor, and her light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail that emphasized her delicate features. "I want to attend the Summit with OP."

QJ nodded and tossed the rest of the food from his hand. "Okay."

Dixie smiled warmly. "Aren't you going to ask why?"

QJ shook his head. "I already know."

The spymaster gave him a doubtful glance. "Impress me then."

"The Summit is too remote for it to be political. You wouldn't need to go if it were something like gifts of respect. You're looking for someone, and you believe they are there."

Dixie pursed her lips while muttering a curse under her breath. "You should work for me, or under me... or both."

"I already have work, but I'll let you know when our departure date is. Pack for extreme cold weather." QJ zoned out for a moment, his words giving him an idea. "I'm heading to the Keep."

"Thank you for this," Dixie waited while QJ summoned Scorch and then galloped out of the courtyard.

[OP: QJ] What's shaking? 

QJ let Scorch gallop through the peach orchard on the road towards the Keep. "The hell..." One Problem's HQ could always be seen when cresting the last hill on the Briar Rose Estate, and it still could; the problem was that it was much further away. 

[OP: Ringo] There he is. 

[OP: Lotte] Speak of the devil. 

[OP: QJ] The ride from Briar Rose is double what it used to be.

[OP: Sato] They moved us, Bruh. 

QJ noted the landmarks and new geography. 

[OP: QJ] No, they inserted quite a bit of new territory around our Keep. It stretched things out a bit; otherwise, the increase would have swallowed up Briar Rose.

[OP: Ringo] I was hoping they would, then I could claim that castle you live in.

[OP: Ra] Dibs on the spa. Morning, QJ!

[OP: QJ] Funny... 

[OP: Lotte] Know what else is funny? Three monarchs from neighboring kingdoms have sent marriage proposals to our Guild Leader.

[OP: QJ] We can finally marry off the spinster? Let me review them, and I'll get the best deal. 

[OP: Ringo] I may have burned them by accident.

[OP: QJ] Who is up for some questing?

[OP: Chainy] Me.

[OP: Enju] Me too. 

[OP: Sato] Same. 

QJ let Scorch run while he studied the approach to OPC. The developers inserted Thousands of acres in a large circle around the Keep. The city looked the same; the only discernable difference was that the moat was so big that it looked like OPC was an island in a large lake. 

QJ waved to the two dark elf guards, slowing down to a canter when he passed through the gates. The Keep was a welcome sight but somewhat more chaotic than usual.

[OP: QJ] Are we running a zoo?

QJ dodged a fast-moving wolf that turned on a dime and charged him just as fast. The entire courtyard was filled with wolves of all shades, from gray to black. Sato was being dragged inside the building while he tried to maintain his grip on his pet's collar. "Shit... these guys aren't tamed?"

Ringo shook her head with a pained expression. She was sitting atop a large black wolf lying on its side, licking the Guild Leader's hand. "No, but at least they aren't mean. I wanted to see what mine looked like, and everyone copied me." 

"Yours is the only black one," QJ pointed out. 

"She's pretty," Ringo agreed. "If we didn't simultaneously summon them, they wouldn't have been so excited." 

"That's a good theory." QJ frowned at the chaos. It reminded him of Bingo. 

"Might as well summon yours," Ringo smiled brightly. "Misery loves company." 

QJ laughed at Ringo's expression and opened his hud. There was a new icon next to Cleo's. 

QJ has activated [Summon Wolf].

The courtyard instantly went quiet, and the wolves froze, their ears pricked forward. OP members glanced at each other before turning toward their Vice Leader. 

Ringo's smile showed all her teeth. "Wow."

QJ and his new companion stared at each other in silence. 

[System Message] Companion bond established. 

"I feel like I've been conned." QJ bent lower and picked up the small white pup, barely the size of a shoebox. "Where's the rest of him?" 

Fenrir (Arctic Variant)

Description: Fighting companion and Mount. 

(Stats unavailable)

QJ held the pup by the scruff of the neck and took a closer look. Its fur was soft like cotton, and it had pale blue eyes. 

"QJ.." Ringo motioned toward her black wolf. It was staring motionlessly at the white wolf pup even after she stood up. "He's the pack leader?" 

QJ glanced around the courtyard; the chaos was replaced with silence and the eerie silent stares of thirty wolves. "Either that or he looks like lunch. Does this come in a full-sized version?" Despite his words, QJ scruffed the white pup's head. 

"Cute!" Ra scooped up the puppy, kissing it while it licked her dark face. "Dibs?" 

"No dibs." QJ unsummoned his wolf companion. 

[OP: QJ] Quick meeting, then we'll get some free time. 

Chaos erupted in the courtyard again as several wolves escaped and ran in circles. 

[OP: Breeze] Bring the puppy back!

[OP: QJ] Just unsummon them. We can work on discipline and tactics at the Exodus Academy. 


Robin glanced up when the door to the Songbird opened. She smiled at the group from OP and leaned her broom against the bar to greet them. 

"Hey, Robs," QJ embraced the Songbird and waved to Pops, who was working at the bar. "What are we watching?"

QJ sat at the OP booth and turned his attention to the live feed on the wall screen; his sharp eyes picked out several familiar faces. "Don't tell me."

Robin nodded. "Blame OP for shining so brightly. I guess the 2nd years thought they needed to respond. It shouldn't be too one-sided because it's Matched Challenges."

"What's that?" Enju asked.

Chainy squeezed in next to QJ and turned her attention to the participants. "Levels and stats are adjusted to match the lowest participant." 

QJ shook his head. "It's still a smokescreen. It doesn't consider the second-tier skill levels at level 85 or the accuracy boost to range and melee damage. 

"Dipshit is fighting!" Robin's name for the 2nd year Exodus player who received a lifetime ban stuck, and now all the staff called him that. 

Chainy laughed at the nickname. "I've never seen him fight, but most second-year Academy players are decent; scrubs don't make the cut."

Enju watched the interaction with interest; she knew that Chainy was an end-game player and that QJ was a nightmare for anyone. It's Basilisk vs. Righteous Hand? Isn't that Kendrix?

Chainy nodded. "Kendrix, Keely, Jowen, and Muriel, all pros from the Legends server against Roman, Rori, Ella, and Galaxia."

Sato's face bugged. "Galaxia? The Galaxia?"

QJ raised an eyebrow; he'd never heard the name. "She a pro?"

Sato shook his head. "Do you live under a rock? Galaxy was a huge pop star. From age fifteen until twenty-five, she recorded more hits than anyone!" 

Enju smiled at the blank look on QJ's face. "She would have been with us, but apparently, she's been receiving special instruction the last year from someone and was able to make a case for joining the 2nd years."

QJ studied the former pop star; the crowd went wild when she was introduced. "She's a Shammy? They don't do well in 4v4; it looks like she's their healer. They lack the HoT (Heal over Time) or the Hot Pack that medics have; 10v10 would favor their strengths more. At least the name is decent; Basilisk has a nice ring."

Chainy nodded in agreement. "Righteous Hand has a Medic, 2 Slingers, and a Scout, while Basilisk has a Slinger, a Rider, a Shammy, and a Scout."

Robin smiled at QJ. "Want to bet on dipshit? Better hurry; these fights don't last more than a few minutes."

"Pass," QJ watched in anticipation, although he didn't know the 2nd years; as Chainy said, they shouldn't suck. 

The match started, and all four RH members opened up on Galaxia. More than half her health bled to nothing within seconds before she went into a panicked retreat when the opposing Scout targeted her. The Scout broke stealth and backstabbed her. During this time, the second-year Rider retreated and began targeting the Scout. Galaxia died, and shortly after, so did her attacker. Morgan died next, and then Basilisk Scout. 

"Not bad," QJ graded them above average. They lost 3 to 0, but they might have managed another kill if the Rider had initially targeted the RH medic." 

Robin nodded in agreement. "They lack experience. So... What brings you guys here so early?"

"Just a short break to say hi before we start a quest." QJ gave Robin a lazy smile; he knew she was working, so he detoured. "We have to head to Junebug."

"Junebug?" Chainy laughed. "Without a slinger? Who's going to do the gunfight?"

"We're not going into the city, just a farm on the outskirts," QJ replied. 

Robin waited until QJ stood up before ambushing him with a tight hug. "Pool party at your place tonight, close friends only."

"Sure, we should get going then." QJ glanced at the rest of the table. "The Songbird will place your bets if you're interested."

"Huh?" Sato gave QJ a blank stare.

"Say what?" Chainy looked confused for once. 

"Bet on what?" Enju asked. 

"30 million credits on us, Robs." 

******Author Note**********

Ten credits is approx one USD, so 30 million credits is 3 million USD.


Robin stared for a moment before her lips curved in a smile. "You're going to the Arena."

QJ nodded. "Of course. How could we let this stand?" 

Chainy slammed the table with one hand. "Right? Can't let RH wipe their feet on Exodus Academy without proper payment."

[Ravenwood: Robin] OP facing off at the Arena with RH. The Songbird is taking bets now.

[Ravenwood: Q] Is QJ with them?

[Ravenwood: Robin] Yes. 

[Ravenwood: Q] 30 million credits on OP. What other classes are in the OP group?

[Ravenwood: Robin] Rider: Chainy, Medic: Enju, and Scout: Sato. 

[Ravenwood: Q] Chainy is with them? Make it 50 million.

"...." Chainy. 

Large bets from all of Ravenwood started pouring in as the small group walked toward the Arena. 

[Group: Enju] Holy smokes... All those credits and we aren't even there yet. 

[Group: QJ] They aren't betting on us but on my dad. He has some sort of savant ability when it comes to wagering. 

[Whisper: Chainy/Robin] Put 30 million on us to win.

Thanks for reading.

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