
Neural Network (part two)

The pair had chosen Northeast and maintained an altitude of a few thousand feet. Jigsaw (Nina) and Tempest (Maya) zipped through the warm afternoon skies, flying for nearly two hours. 

The purple-haired fiend smiled at her teammate. "It's still weird being with the first years." 

Maya nodded in agreement. She had been happy when Dessi started up the branch guild in Basara. From the ground up, the first years were too good. They had abundant talent and were led by a Vice Leader who learned gaming at the feet of legends. Although she had faith that the 3rd years would continue to improve, standing beside the 1st years was not good for morale. "How is living with them?"

Nina's pretty face lit up with a smile. "It's nice. Lotte is so sweet, and the QJ you see in the game is the same in real life. You should come to visit for a few days."

"I'd like that." Maya frowned at the timer; they were due to turn back soon, and no one was reporting any sightings. 

Nina stopped suddenly, her eyes staring at the sky. "Doesn't that look a bit odd?"

Maya glanced toward the blue emptiness. "What are you talking about?" 

Nina squinted, noticing two fast movers heading toward the object in question. 

[Gaia: Jigsaw] We were moving to intercept. Do you want some backup?

[Gaia: QJ] Yes.

Maya followed when Nina changed course. "What's going on? There's nothing there.

"One cloud in the sky. A singular large, perfectly formed cloud in that wide expanse of blue." Nina smiled at her teammate. "I guess those guys are rubbing off on me."

"I guess," Maya agreed. In the distance, she could see Anya and QJ approaching the cloud; they had obviously found it curious. 

QJ equipped his jetpack; although the [Glide] ring was much faster, its ability to climb and hover was nearly nonexistent in the windless instance.

He pulled up before entering the cloud, close up; his suspicions grew even more. It was too dense to see even a meter into it. "We'll wait for Nina and Maya before checking it out."

[Gaia: QJ] The two-hour timer expires in a few minutes; if no one has contact, head towards the large cloud. 

[Gaia: Ringo] Did you find something?

[Gaia: QJ] Not sure, but we'll find out. 

*Wu* Everyone send me their mapping data, and I'll compile what we have on this instance. 

[Gaia: Breeze] Wu! 

[Gaia: Sato] Thought you were being too quiet, Bruh. 

*Wu* Monitoring the nodes, Sun says it feels like they are building up to something. 

[Gaia: Ringo] Understood. Thanks, Wu. 

QJ glanced at the approaching duo, deciding to wait since they were close enough to provide backup. "Do you sense anything?"

Anya nodded. "A presence."

QJ muttered a curse. "Can you tell who or how many?"

Anya shook her head. "It's masked, but something tells me we better get in there." 

QJ drew [Roll Credits] and waited for Jigsaw and Tempest to arrive. As soon as they did, Anya darted into the cloud, followed by the OP trio. 

QJ sensed movement and brought up his swordgun, only to be blasted at point-blank range. His limbs went numb as his ears rang like a dinner bell.

[Tempest has been stunned.]

[Jigsaw has been stunned.]

[QJ has been stunned.]

QJ's jetpack overloaded and stalled, sending him spiraling downward. Anya streaked toward him, catching his arm before circling back around.

"QJ!" Anya turned her focus to the orb at the center of the cloud. It glowed brilliantly, and Michael Benz was at its epicenter. 

[Daiyu/QJ] Snap out of it, QJ. 

QJ shook his head; spots filled his vision, and the ringing in his ear dimmed enough for him to hear Anya. 

[Gaia: QJ] Don't enter the cloud, it's a trap. 

QJ fired up his jetpack, thankful he had modded them before leaving Ravenwood. The duo had entered the cloud, but it was much larger inside than it should have been. 

[Gaia: Ringo] Tempest and Jigsaw fell out; luckily, they recovered before crashing into the ground. 

[Gaia: Sato] What does that mean? Are we going in or what?

[Gaia: QJ] Send Breeze in with an active HoT on her (Heal over Time). Use your best damage mitigator, Breeze. 

[Gaia: Breeze] Yes! Hero time... Coming in. 

[Gaia: Ringo] Damn. Breeze bounced off like it was a solid wall. 

[Gaia: QJ] Then stand by and leave Benz to us. 

QJ focused on the man in the orb. He could feel Michael Benz's presence growing more potent. 

The orb around Benz darkened, shooting out a lance of pure white lightning; Anya dodged one way while QJ went the other. 

[Gaia: QJ] Is that what hit us when we entered?

[Gaia: Anya] Yes, he attacked when I entered. 

[Gaia: QJ] We're in an instance with Michael Benz. He's orbed like the node guys. 

[Gaia: Ringo] What attacked you?

[Gaia: QJ] The orb has a lightning attack; it looks like it's on a 60-second recharge. 

[Whisper: Ringo/QJ] Please don't die in there, QJ. 

[Whisper: QJ/Ringo] I know my limits. We're going to try attacking this orb. 

"SHIT!" QJ's conversation was interrupted by the sudden increase in wind, pulling them toward the orb. 

Anya's hands moved, creating a large web shield; her right arm extended to reveal a bone-shaped dagger dripping with toxin. Her black wings flapped, resisting the pull. "Ideas?"

[Queen's Webbing]

Living Shield: Artifact

Description: While holding the Queen's Shield, The Spider Queen takes no damage. When incoming damage exceeds Angel's current health, a portion of her permanent life force is drained. Caution: Permanent death may result in the event damage exceeds the current life force value. 


Bone Dagger: Artifact

Description: Any strike with Fang, whether blocked or not, doses the target with the Queen's Toxin.

[Queen's Toxin]

Description: TAP's most dangerous poison. Unless the Spider Queen takes pity on you and gives you the cure, you are dead.

Additional Note: The NPC Assassin is immune to the Queen's Toxin.

"Follow me," QJ gunned the jetpack, heading in the opposite direction. The further they retreated, the more difficult it became to move. Just before his movement stalled, he stowed the jetpack and activated his [Glide Ring]. "NOW! Let's hit him." 

QJ dived toward the orb, pulled by the forces Benz was using; he streaked toward the center in a blur of movement, with Angel flying in his slipstream.

[Assunder][Weighted Thrust] (Critical Strike)

QJ has hit the target for 644,804 damage. 

[Point Blank] (Critical Strike/Exposed Wound) 

QJ has hit the target for 460,022 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 92,004 damage.

The orb fractured, cracks forming outward in all directions, as QJ slammed into his target before bouncing off. Angel focused on the damaged area, her bone blade entering the exact point, piercing through to strike at the man inside before the energy rebounded, sending the Spider Queen cartwheeling in the opposite direction. 

QJ equipped his jetpack, his eyes narrowing as he stared at their target. He banked to join Angel, verifying that she was okay. "Damn orb, didn't break."

Angel shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I got him."

"Hmm?" QJ frowned at the orb; the damage they did was already repaired; only Benz was screaming in agony. "Queen's toxin?"

Anya nodded. "The Nemesis might treat it like rainwater, but to anyone else, it's a certain and painful death." 

[Gaia: Kenzo] Mika reports that the first two orbs have gone black. 

[Gaia: QJ] Return and try to destroy them...

[Gaia: Ringo] What's your status?

QJ grabbed Anya's hand and flew toward the orb. "Something appeared over the orb when you struck Benz."

Anya followed, her pretty face smiling despite the seriousness of the situation. "You look troubled."

QJ nodded. It had only appeared briefly, but he recognized it for what it was, code. "I figure the nodes were feeding Benz; that's why two went dark when we damaged it. 

"You can't stop me." Benz huddled in the orb; his body twisted in agony as the Queen toxin took its toll. "You don't understand what I am becoming!" 

QJ felt a chill run down his spine; Benz looked utterly insane; his eyes were filled with pain and rage. The dots connected in QJ's head, the nodes, Michael Benz's orb, and the code column. "This is why you don't partner with someone more intelligent than you."


Ringo exited the archway and sprinted towards the second node, using her hud to arrange their available forces.













[Gaia: Ringo] Chainy, Lotte, Dessi, Tempest, and Kenzo; head to node one. The rest stay with me at node two.

[Six-Gun Fan]

Ringo has emptied her gun into the target for 13,233 damage, 11,934 damage, and 12,904 damage. 

[Gaia: Ringo] YES! It's taking damage; pour it on them! 

[Double-Direct Shot]

Ringo has hit the target for 18,643 damage. 

(Critical Hit)

Ringo has hit the target for 29, 122 damage. 


[Daiyu/QJ] The asking price for [Roll Credits] has reached 700 million credits.

[QJ/ Daiyu] Still not for sale... Who's offering that?

[Daiyu/QJ] Exodus Museum of Gaming History.

QJ and Anya circled the orb-bound Benz. Nothing they did damaged it further; the lone occupant was barely visible. "Does it seem like he's fading?

Anya nodded. The Spider Queen's eyes flashed upward as a column appeared above the orb before disappearing immediately. "Is that what you saw before?"

QJ nodded. 

[Gaia: QJ] Did you guys do something?

[Gaia: Ringo] We broke the first orb, and Kenzo salvaged node one. Working on the second. Nodes three and four have now gone black. 

QJ studied the orb before moving toward the top, where the column appeared. "It's data, but it isn't coming in; it's going out."

"To where?" Anya joined him at the top, her eyes glowing with the [Hunt] ability. "I can see something, but it's so dim, like a wisp." 

[Gaia: QJ] They are trying to create an HAI. Can you destroy all three orbs simultaneously?

[Gaia: Ringo] We'll do our best; I'll let you know.

"You...." Benz's voice carried from the orb. "I don't want to fade away to nothing. Let's make a deal." 

Anya shook her head. "I can neutralize my Queen's poison, but I won't. You have nothing to deal with."

Benze pressed an object against the inside of the orb. "The portal key...This is what you came for, right? Let me live, and I'll give it to you."

QJ placed a hand on Anya's shoulder; this was their mission. "We accept. Anya... Give him a vial of the anti-toxin."

The Spider Queen frowned, her warm green eyes staring at QJ for a long moment before nodding. "Press the key through, and I will let you have one vial of anti-toxin." 

QJ caught the [Portal Key] when Benz pressed it through the orb. He stowed it immediately, waiting while Anya pushed a vial against the orb. It must have worked as an extension of its occupant's will because a moment later, Benz was drinking down the contents."

*Wu* YES! The fucking forums are blowing up! Mission accomplished...

[Gaia: Ringo] Pardon? Should we stop with the nodes?

[Gaia: QJ] No. We aren't finished yet. 

"Feeling better?" QJ hovered outside the orb, where Benz could be seen sitting.

"Yes... I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I only wanted to..."

"You wanted to create an HAI." QJ understood that the group they chased through the portals weren't gamers but people who had gone through the transference process. 

Benz nodded. "As an HAI, I could turn Gaia into a paradise, better than you could imagine."

"It seems like it's already pretty good." QJ drew [Roll Credits] and moved toward the top of the orb. And what about Nora Salo?"

"She figured out the process; there was enough complied data to form two HAIs. Nora was going to return to Exodus while I stayed here." 

[Daiya/QJ] HAI?

[QJ/Daiyu] Higher Artificial Intelligence. 

[Gaia: Ringo] Three nodes are about to be destroyed. 

QJ shook his head and grabbed Anya's hand. "Your mistake was trusting Nora. She wasn't trying to create two HAIs. There would be no need to drain you if that was the case." 

"What is happening? Drained? What do you mean?" Benz collapsed against the bottom of the orb. "What is this?"

"You're dying," Anya smiled like she was discussing a cake recipe. "Portal Key for one vial of anti-toxin. Unfortunately, you need at least two vials to cure the Queen's venom." 

QJ nodded in agreement. "This is your bad luck because stopping you here prevents Nora from realizing her goal. Which I assure you doesn't stop with an HAI." 

[Gaia: Ringo] NOW, QJ!

The column appeared; this time, QJ and Anya shot into the data stream. Shooting upward, they disappeared when the column faded. 


Next chapter