
Jakhasi Tree Frog

It was well into the early morning hours before Robin and Ra fell asleep amid the discarded clothes, tangled limbs, and empty bottles. QJ focused his thoughts on the day. He promised he'd visit Basara after roll call, then after lunch, he had an appointment with the Painted Lady. He asked Robin to accompany him since things were different since the last time he got inked. 

QJ planned to spend his evening at Ravenwood since he volunteered to watch Cale while Anna enjoyed a night out. "I need to ask my Dad how he falls asleep in the virtual world."

Shortly before seven, QJ logged out, vanishing silently from the arms of his companions. The door to his VR chamber opened with a hiss. Within a few minutes, QJ had brushed his teeth, stretched out, and was out the door for a morning run. 

Just within his view, the trailing car let him know that security was still watching for him. They pulled closer and parked when QJ paused to do pull-ups and push-ups. 

When he returned home forty minutes later, Lotte was making pancakes with Breeze in the kitchen. 

"Ladies," QJ offered them both a smile while peeling off his damp shirt on the way to his bedroom. 

"Buttermilk or blueberry?" Lotte called after him, causing him to pause in his doorway. 

"Making me some too? In that case, blueberry please." QJ grinned suddenly. "I love me some pancakes." 

By the time QJ showered and dressed, the smell of pancakes had invaded their home's first level. He set the table and retrieved their lone bottle of maple syrup, which looked pretty empty. "Sato strikes again... I'll put this on the grocery list. Hopefully, it will last through breakfast." 

At breakfast, Wu gave them the good news. His Aunt Daiyu was willing to represent Sato, Lotte, Breeze, and Nina; since Anna Li already represented QJ, he was omitted. 

"I'm feeling a bit left out," QJ joked. 

Wu frowned at the joke. "She was disappointed that you already have representation. Something going on with you two?"

"Me and Yu?" QJ asked. "It was just a summer fling, nothing serious. It's been over for days... or weeks." 

"Hilarious," Wu replied. "Anyways, she'll send you each a contract and recommends you have Anna look at them." 

"Send them to me," QJ responded. "I'll forward them to Anna; Yu is family, so I 'm sure the terms are favorable." 

"Or you'll be working for her while she enjoys a profitable retirement," Wu countered. 

"Or that," QJ agreed. 

"Bruh..." Sato enjoyed his pancakes despite his roommates leaving him the tiniest amount of syrup. "The stuff I picked up last night in the vault!"

Nina nodded in agreement. "I got an enchanted lasso!"

"Does it compel your target to tell the truth?" QJ asked. 

"Of course," Nina shook her finger at Sato. "First thing, I'm going to find out who ate my pudding bowl last week." 

QJ snorted; he'd seen the lasso Nina mentioned. It added a five-second calm on pulls. He would've taken it if there were two, but since there wasn't, he left it for Nina; they were the only wranglers in the guild. 

The purple-haired demon favored QJ with a smile. "I know you would have seen it. Thanks for leaving it for me."

"No idea what you mean," QJ shrugged. "Find anything else? There were a lot of areas I didn't get to since I skipped the firearm section."

 "My armor looks badass," Nina claimed. "It's called Chameleon armor. If I stay still for more than five seconds, I blend in with my surroundings. It's not a stealth or anything, but I dig the effect."

"You should see the Painted Lady. She specializes in designing tattoos that amplify those kinds of things. My stealth is just a fade ring." QJ finished the last bite of his pancakes before leaning back in his chair. "I'm going to see her after lunch."

"Really?" Nina asked. "Maybe I'll tag along."

"Sure," QJ replied. "Meet me at the Songbird." 

Wu listened to the group talk while sipping his coffee. Until moving in, he hadn't been a breakfast person. "During the night, the Corridor on Legends started spawning mid-level elites. The rest of the servers are copying their method."

QJ rubbed his hands together greedily. "I know! My stock of mineral oil is dwindling. That reminds me, Wu, I need you to look someone up."

Wu nodded. "Sure, let's have it." 

"I only have the first name, Lazun," QJ replied. "It's a quest given to me by Samantha Trahern."

"Fantastic masseuse," Lotte added.

QJ chuckled. "You too?"

"Oh yes," Lotte admitted. 

"That's your Engineer companion?" Wu asked. 

"Yes," QJ replied. 

"I'll look into it," Wu responded. "Check back at lunch." 

QJ helped clean up the breakfast dishes, along with Wu, and Sato. "I have some stuff to do before Roll, cya at the Keep."

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: Briar Rose

Time: 0805 hours

Server Population: 137,077 Your current level is 63.

Both Ra and Robin were gone when QJ reappeared in the Master bedroom. 

[Briar Rose: QJ] Where is everyone?

[Briar Rose: Robin] Feeding the fish.

The courtyard was pleasantly warm; the rising sun reflected off the water, heating the white stones bordering it. The rose bushes the Jol Clan landscapers planted were in full bloom. The mansion's name was derived from a rose developed on the estate by the previous owner's aunt. Thanks to the meticulous work done by Mojo's people, the flower known as Briar Rose had been revitalized along with the estate.

When QJ arrived at the courtyard fountain, quite a few people were sitting in the morning sun. "Added a few more benches?"

Aji nodded. She sat with Jake and Dave the Baker while Ivy, Sam, Ra, and Robin tossed fish food into the fountain. 

"Hey QJ," Jake greeted his longtime friend. "Any word from Anya yet?"

QJ nodded. "It's a waiting game, you know her."

Jake gave him a worried look. "I'll go in and help her if she needs it."

"Never doubted it, Jake," QJ replied. 

QJ slipped on his cricket boots, turning the cosmetic of his footwear to something resembling green scales. "I don't hate it. Let's see what they can do." 

QJ took a running jump at the fountain, clearing it easily in a single bound. 

"Hey!" Robin smiled brightly, her brown eyes showing interest. "Those the jump boots from the Night Rattler raid?

QJ nodded. "It improved my vertical and long jump by three-fold. Without them, I have a one-meter vertical and six- or seven-meter-long jump."

"Dibs on next!" Ra shouted. 

"You're vertical is three meters with the boots?" Robin asked. Could we try them?"

QJ nodded and switched places with Ra before helping her put them on. 

After the first jump, Ra leaped around the courtyard, laughing hysterically. Twice, she landed in the fountain and slipped, undeterred; she continued once she regained her feet. "Let me have these, QJ!"

QJ shook his head. "Not a chance." 

Robin was next; the Songbird was already athletically gifted and was able to test them properly. She covered a distance of thirty meters, bounding across the rooftop of Briar Rose with a broad smile on her face. 

[Briar Rose: Robin] The things I could steal with these on my feet... 

QJ nodded in agreement. He and Chainy recognized the boots' potential value, so they both tossed out high bids. 

[Briar Rose: QJ] The Songbirds could farm Night Rattler; it's part of his loot table.

[Briar Rose: Robin] Tempting. Or you could give me these.

[Briar Rose: QJ] Nope. Night Rattler respawns in three days; I'll make you some fire ammo. 

After Robin finished, the rest of the courtyard asked for a turn. By the time QJ got them back, he had to rush to the Keep for roll call.

QJ entered the Keep a few minutes later; the large crate that housed the Gnome Locomotive had finally been moved to Basara. Dessi said they had chosen a site in Sahleto, and the builders were already working hard. 

QJ stood behind the podium with Ringo, helping himself to a raspberry bismark she had saved. He noted that she had upgraded all of her gear. "Did you get the fade ring?"

"Yes," Ringo responded. 

"I'm going to visit Jez at lunch; she finally identified the [Glide] ring I pickpocketed from Night Rattler. A couple of us are going if you want to tag along."

"Sounds great." 

[OP: Ringo] Morning, everyone. It's nice to see all the smiling faces. If you have yet to see the forums, every one of us has a write-up. It's nice to have recognition, but let's keep our heads on straight. 

[OP: QJ] Day one of the Goodwill games starts tomorrow. We only have two people competing on opening day: Maya and I will represent us in the grappling competition. 

[OP: Ringo] The Opening ceremony is at 0900; everyone except QJ, Maya, and Chainy is required to attend.

[OP: Chainy] I'll be there watching too. They didn't have this competition when I attended the academy. Besides, QJ slammed Night Rattler to the ground; I want to see what he does to a regular person.

[OP: Enju] Right?

[OP: Nexxus] No kidding.

[OP: QJ] I appreciate the support. Here's the specifics.

 [Submission Grappling TAP vs. Exodus Academy]

Male division: 1100 hours. Quinn James Obreen vs Tito Rosales.

Female division: 1130 hours. Yamica Li vs Maya Scasa

The contests will be three five-minute rounds with standard grappling scoring applied. Whoever is ahead on points at the end of three rounds is declared the winner. No overtime is allowed. In the event of a submission, a winner is immediately announced. 

[OP: Lotte] No overtime? What if the score is tied?

[OP: QJ] The referee decides the match based on aggression and match dominance.

QJ rode one of the desert horses, a product of the breed for which the Basara tribespeople were famous. He was getting thoroughly trounced by Ra and Scorch, who extended their lead effortlessly. The Water Wielder's laugh floated on the warm air as she tore down the shoreline of a newly formed lake. The OP Vice Leader patted his mount's shoulder. "Don't take it to heart; the red demon does this to everyone. You aren't half bad." 

Less than a mile down the shore, Ra dismounted and walked barefoot in the water while Scorch casually slaked his thirst, tossing his red mane at his master when he arrived on the black horse.

"Done beating me with my horse?" QJ grinned at Ra; he was unaware she could ride so well. 

"Dibs on Scorch," Ra said with a toothy smile. 

QJ snorted. "That's not how dibs works."

"I know," Ra admitted. She extended a hand and intertwined her fingers with his. "Isn't this wonderful?" She gestured to the lake with her free hand. "We did this."

QJ scanned the large body of water. It was smaller than Lake Ghalt but much clearer and warmer. "Eventually, we should seed this lake with plant and aquatic life. Tal will have a good idea of how to start that." 

Ra didn't comment. After spending several days with QJ's family, she understood he was a byproduct of a fantastic group of people. "One day, this will no longer be a desert; trees and grass will take root," Ra predicted. "The train tracks will run parallel to the lake; it will be beautiful."

QJ nodded. Ra's smile was infectious. "The first ticket to ride will be ours."

"Promise?" Ra asked.

"Of course," QJ responded. "I know the engineer and the conductor." 

Ra stared out over the water, her dark brown eyes filled with warmth. "A few months ago, there was nothing but sand here. My faction was crumbling, on the verge of being destroyed or, at the very least, getting absorbed by one of the other ones. Then, the tales of your accomplishments reached Basara, and I thought, if such a person could help me, I might change our fate." 

"And now you're stuck with me." QJ squeezed her hand. 

Ra's lips curved in a toothless smile. "And now I'm stuck with you," she repeated. 

"We make a good team," QJ admitted. 

Ra nodded. "The One Sun, that's what the people of Basara call the Water King." 

QJ laughed at the comment. "You do like your proverbs." 

Ra leaned closer until her head was on his shoulder. They stood in companionable silence, watching the water. 

After spending the morning in Basara, QJ left Ra at the Sandhealer compound and returned to Exodus, where Sato, Nina, Ringo, and Robin joined him. 

Jez smiled when QJ opened the door. "So many friends?" She kissed the side of his face and spent a few minutes discussing what her new customers were looking for. After twenty minutes, she made everyone, but Robin and QJ leave. 

"You managed to identify the [Glide] ring?" QJ asked. 

Jez nodded and handed him the item in question. 

[Glide] Ring: Legendary

Description: Activate and soar the winds at speeds faster than any bird. This ring has belonged to thieves, conquerors, and merchants. Beware, most of its owners died while using it. 

QJ ignored the warning. "Have you any ideas on amplifying it?"

"There are so many possibilities," Jez admitted. "I narrowed it down to half a dozen different options. Perhaps a falcon or eagle might work best."

"While I'm here, there is another item I'd like you to look at." QJ removed his [Cricket] boots and handed them to her.

Jez's almond eyes showed her obvious interest. "You tested these out?"

QJ nodded. "In a nutshell, it triples your jump ability."

Jez examined them briefly before extending her hand for the [Glide] ring. "Let me see that again." 

"Sure," QJ handed her the ring. 

"This is perfect," Jez's pretty face lit up excitedly. I can link these to the same tattoo."

"Really?" QJ exchanged smiles with Robin while Jez paged through her drawing. 

"Here it is," Jez pulled out a small parchment. "The Jakhasi Tree Frog, take a look."

QJ scanned the drawing. It looked like a frog with leopard spots to him, but Robin wore a wide smile. "You like it?"

Robin nodded. "So cute... You have to get it."

QJ snorted. "Well, there you go, Robin says... What kind of effect?"

Jez wrinkled her nose at QJ. "The Jakhasi are unique; they have this flap of skin connecting their upper and lower legs."

"Flap of skin? They're gliders?" QJ asked. 

"Exactly," Jez affirmed. "They leap from one tree, often gliding for dozens of meters before landing on another. It will work well with both items."

QJ nodded. "Where should I get inked?"

"Lower abdomen," Jez suggested before glancing at Robin. "I suppose you're here to help with his motivation?"

Robin nodded. "I know how the gold dragon blood works."

Jez wore a frown as she locked the door and pulled down the window shade. "Fine, but I'll step in with my mask if you can't finish the job."

Robin shrugged carelessly. "Feel free to do whatever you like."

"Oh..." Jez's frown faded into a smile. "In that case, let's get started." 

An hour later, the couple held hands while walking toward Ravenwood in companionable silence. 

Robin broke the silence after a few minutes. "I don't think I've ever felt more complimented." 

QJ shrugged nonchalantly. Towards the end of the session, Jez stepped in to lend some aid when the final fusion process was implemented. After trying a variety of forms, the one that heated QJ's blood the most was... well, a second Robin. 

The orange-haired Songbird whistled a tune while struggling to keep a straight face. "I get it; you've got it bad for me."

QJ gave her a deadpan expression. "Gives a whole new meaning to the term, playing with yourself." 

"HAHAHAHA," Robin laughed loudly. "Right? 

QJ let Robin hold the [Glide] ring and [Cricket] boots while he logged into his Ravenwood avatar. Since he had no experience with this sort of travel, he felt it prudent to use an indestructible form.

Quinn noticed the two of them walking toward the banks of the river and joined them. "Testing the new gear? I'll give you a hand." 

Q's eyes turn red as he activated his hunt ability. "I should be able to see how the thermals are reactive to your movements."

QJ nodded in agreement. "First, some basic tests, verticle, and longitudinal jumps. 

Quinn grinned when his son shot into the sky. "Sweet Georgia, thirty meters straight up?"

"Looks close to that," Robin watched him jump vertically a few more times. Her jaw dropped open after QJ's first long jump, "not quite a hundred meters, but close."

Quinn had his hud out and started recording. "Eighty-four meters, eighty-nine and eighty-six."

At the end of the last jump, he activated the glide ring. His first test was just a basic x-pattern that shot him parallel to the ground. Within moments, Q and Robin gave chase, him in Ba'Avriel form and her with a jetpack. 

Q tried not to wince when his son slammed into the side of a tree with enough force to shake the leaves. "Spectacular finish," he observed." 

QJ climbed to his feet a few seconds later. "That's pretty amazing; I need to start higher to figure out the maneuvering."

Quinn brought out his Gryphon harness and handed it to QJ. "You've ridden Kawa before; use him to gain altitude." 

Over the next hour, QJ gained a healthy appreciation for the resiliency of his Ravenwood avatar. After several spectacular crashes, he started gaining proficiency with his dad's and Robin's help. 

Quinn shadowed his son's movements, noting QJ's effect on the thermals while giving advice. "Three invisible flaps form when you activate the [Glide] ring. One on each side connects your arms to your legs, and the third connects just your legs. Opening any of them in-flight creates a resistance that heats the airflow, making the thermal a darker red." 

It was close to dinner time before the trio called it a day. QJ's natural ability to learn new things was on clear display. Towards the end of their practice, they discovered one last benefit of the tree frog tattoo. After overshooting a landing, QJ stuck to the side of a sheer rock wall, like he was glued there. The connection felt secure as long as he didn't attempt to move. 

"Thanks for the help, Dad." QJ stole a glance at Robin. "I'll eat dinner and meet you at Anna's."

Robin nodded. "We're watching Cale while Anna enjoys a night out," she explained to Quinn when he looked curious."

Quinn frowned. "Felix Soma... We won't let him nab our banana." 

QJ snorted. "If he suddenly disappears, I know who to blame." 

Thanks for reading.

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