

After leaving GnG long enough for a quick bite, QJ returned to his shop, where he promptly turned off guild messages and began working. 

It was midnight when Robin poked her head into the shop. QJ was cleaning up his work area. 

"Get a lot done?" Robin asked. She massaged his shoulders while pressing up against his back. 

QJ pointed to five metal boxes sitting on the floor. The boxes were small, made from corrugated metal, with handles and latches. "I'm meeting someone. Can you take these to Fora HQ for me?

Robin nodded. "Are we meeting up somewhere later?"

QJ tilted his head sideways before deciding to give her more information. "I'm logging in my TAP character. My meeting is at Fora HQ." 

QJ logged out of GnG a few moments later, pausing long enough to drink some water and take a quick shower; it was fifteen minutes before he returned to the VR chamber. "Log-On TAP."

TAP Interface Acquired.

Synchronizing character data...

Welcome Back, QJ. Find your path!

QJ logged into Market Square, deserted because of the late hour. He checked his stats quick, frowning at what he saw. 


Deviant Engineer 

TAP Class: [Tal's Apprentice]

Level 1


Strength 18

Endurance 21

Intelligence 72

Agility 20

Luck 9

Charisma 15

A warm breeze ruffled his hair, carrying the slight smell of animal dung and, oddly enough, apples. QJ walked to the portal, the nagging guilt no longer present. From an early age, he understood the importance of his parents and their family in TAP. Younger Quinn wrestled with guilt when he realized he wanted something different. Not the world handed to you, but rather the chance to take what you wanted and build your own stronghold. "If I have kids one day, I'm sure they'll pay me back by being obsessed with Martial Law or Civil Unrest."

The TAP HQ warehouse remained the same through the years; it acted as storage and Commander Center for the nation of Fora. Approaching from the outside required you to pass through two heavily guarded checkpoints, but since QJ was the son of Quinn and Tal, he ported directly into the building. 

"My son!"  Mojo's scarred face displayed her limitless affection for the younger Quinn. She hugged him tightly, kissing both cheeks before releasing him. 

"Mom..." QJ returned the smile, glancing at the five Songbirds and Remmy sitting patiently. "I see everyone is here." 

Mojo nodded. "You requested an official meeting as Vice Leader of OP, one of our valued allies," she added. 

QJ moved to the conference table, pulling out a chair for Mojo. "It's late. I won't take up too much of your time."

QJ brought up a GnG map from the Legends server of the Lake Ghalt area. "This dam is owned by Baron Schrae on every server except Phoenix. The source of his wealth, dragon blood, is beneath it. The mission isn't 'complicated, but I want it carried out on every server except Phoenix." 

"Why am I here?" Remmy asked. 

"The Freeborn are trapped by Shrae's greed. Although, I haven't confirmed that they are still alive on every server," QJ admitted. 

"I looked at the counterbalance entrance on Lake Ghalt today," Remmy stated. "It seems likely that the dam was built to trap the Freeborn." 

QJ nodded and zoomed in on the mountains above Lake Ghalt. "Three objectives: 1) Contact the Freeborn under Lake Ghalt. 2) Destroy the dam. 3) Reroute the main water source feeding the lake." 

Nightingale stared at the map; Robin had already told them the story about the Freeborn and the large cache of dragon blood next to the settlement. "Do you think they'll attack Schrae?"

QJ nodded. "I'm counting on it. If I'm right, this has been going on for years already. It is no longer my concern if they choose not to fight." 

Remmy leaned closer, eyeing the route of the main tributary. "If we set off charges in this valley, the water would detour and follow the next easiest route."

"My thoughts exactly," QJ admitted. "The next most straightforward route is the lightly forested lowlands here. Where a new, smaller lake would be formed." QJ pointed to an area several miles west of Lake Ghalt. "With the dam gone and its water source depleted, the water levels of Lake Ghalt will drop dramatically. This really only affects Baron Schrae; no nearby villages exist."

"Our part would be easy," Remmy decided. "We could coordinate the water reroute with the dam destruction. The Songbirds will have to plant the explosives for the dam." 

Nightingale stood up. "Make contact with the Freeborn. Coordinate a two-pronged demolition at the mountain site and the dam, then retreat and watch what the Freeborn do."

"That's exactly it," QJ agreed. "Test it out on the Legends server, and then knock out the rest of them over the next couple of days." 

"Doable?" Mojo asked.

Nightingale nodded. "Nothing complicated or overtly dangerous. We still haven't talked about payment."

Several Songbirds frowned at her words, but they watched silently. 

QJ picked up one of the five cases he handed Robin to transport over. He opened it and displayed the contents to the Songbirds. 

[Songbird: Lark] Are those?

[Songbird: Robin] Looks like it.

Nightingale held up a hand to stop further chatter. "This is your proposed payment? One case for each of us?"

QJ nodded. "It is." 

[Songbirds: Nightingale] Thoughts?

[Songbirds: Lark] Mine!

[Songbird: Wren] Quit busting his chops and say yes!

Nightingale waited while QJ gave them each one of the cases. "Robin's is slightly different for obvious reasons."

  "These don't appear to be finished, QJ." Nightingale was staring at the case in front of her like it was a bucket of diamonds. 

QJ removed a toolkit from his inventory and sat at the conference table. He snapped his fingers, gesturing for Lark to hand him her case. "I already made similar items on GnG, so I assembled everything but the last component on the Phoenix server to finish it and get the xp here." 

Robin whistled softly. "Is that going to work?"

QJ shrugged. "Guess we'll see. Are we in agreement?"

After exchanging glances with Nightingale, Mojo nodded. "Mission accepted." 

QJ set the trigger guard in place and carefully tightened the two screws holding it. 

[Worldwide Announcement] Engineer QJ, from the Fora Development Faction, has created a Magnum Opus. 

[System Message] Please name your Magnum Opus.

"Evergreen," QJ replied. 

[Worldwide Announcement] Bask in the Glory of a new Magnum Opus. 

[Evergreen] Magnus Opus (Exodus Compliant)

Twin-barreled, Silver-Plated Derringer

Description: Intricately Carved hideout

gun. A lovely caption of a beautiful Lark

adorns both barrels. Green jade inserts and custom

grips make this a personalized weapon.

Additional Description: Crafted for silence

and accuracy. Both shots will score critical

hits according to the shooter's agility rating.


(Custom Weapon: Lark) Crafted by QJ.

*Ding* Level 2

*Ding* Level 3

*Ding* Level 5

*Ding* Level 6

*Ding* Level 7

*Ding* Level 8

*Ding* Level 9

*Ding* Level 10

*Ding* Level 11

*Ding* Level 12

*Ding* Level 13

*Ding* Level 14

*Ding* Level 15

*Ding* Level 16

*Ding* Level 17

[System Message] Your World Reputation has increased by 100.

[System Message] New Engineering specialties are available.

[System Message] The TAP Hit List has been sent to your inventory. 

[System Message] New Armor classes are available.

[System Message] New weapon skills are available. 

Lark's smile threatened to eat all of her face; she held the hideout gun with both hands. She had once told QJ that if she was ever settling for one color on her ever-changing hair, it would be green. "I can't wait to use it!" 

QJ repeated the process with Robin's case. His completion was marked by a second world message.

[Worldwide Announcement] Engineer QJ, from the Fora Development Faction, has created a Magnum Opus. 

[System Message] Please name your Magnum Opus.

"Heart Rend," QJ replied. 

[Worldwide Announcement] Bask in the Glory of a new Magnum Opus. 

[Heart Rend] Magnum Opus (Exodus Compliant)

Two-Barreled Dagger Gun [Artifact]

Description: The deadliest dagger in Exodus features the

razor-sharp 10-inch blade of an Arkansas Toothpick blended seamlessly with a two-barreled revolver modified to shoot luger


Additional Description: The damage modifier of this weapon

is based on whichever skill is highest, dagger or handgun. + 200 Accuracy, + 200 Range.

[Artifact Weapon Modifier] All critical hits do 2X damage.

*Ding* Level 18

*Ding* Level 19

*Ding* Level 20

*Ding* Level 21

*Ding* Level 22

*Ding* Level 23

*Ding* Level 24

*Ding* Level 25

*Ding* Level 26

"Your is different, Robs. Since you already have a hideout gun." QJ barely got the words out before Robin embraced him. 

[Songbirds: Lark] A dagger gun? We're going straight to the range after this.

[Songbirds: Nightingale] Agreed. 

The next few minutes produced three Grand Masterpieces since only the original could hold the title of Magnum Opus in any given world. The leveling wagon QJ was riding slowed down and stopped at thirty-five. 

Nightingale chased QJ around the room, unable to catch him since the other Songbirds were interfering. "You rascal! What's with that name?"

[Side Woman] Grand Masterpiece (Exodus Compliant)

Twin-barreled, Silver-Plated Derringer

Description: Intricately Carved hideout

gun. A lovely caption of a beautiful Nightingale

adorns both barrels. Blue jade inserts and custom

grips make this a personalized weapon.

Additional Description: Crafted for silence

and accuracy. Both shots will score critical

hits according to the shooter's agility rating.


(Custom Weapon: Nightingale) Crafted by QJ.

[Free Reign] Grand Masterpiece (Exodus Compliant)

Twin-barreled, Silver-Plated Derringer

Description: Intricately Carved hideout

gun. A lovely caption of a beautiful Thrush

adorns both barrels. White pearl inserts and custom

grips make this a personalized weapon.

Additional Description: Crafted for silence

and accuracy. Both shots will score critical

hits according to the shooter's agility rating.


(Custom Weapon: Thrush) Crafted by QJ.

[Sun Kissed] Grand Masterpiece

Twin-barreled, Silver-Plated Derringer

Description: Intricately Carved hideout

gun. A lovely caption of a beautiful Wren

adorns both barrels. Yellow marble inserts and custom

grips make this a personalized weapon.

Additional Description: Crafted for silence

and accuracy. Both shots will score critical

hits according to the shooter's agility rating.


(Custom Weapon: Wren) Crafted by QJ.

After payment was given, QJ returned to OP Keep while the Songbirds decided to test out their new toys. He entered Briar Rose, stretching his arms overhead. 

QJ stopped near the fountain, where several comfortable benches had been placed. A small container was on the ground with a label that said [Fish Food]. He opened it and took out a small handful. "Who's hungry?" 

"Aji said you wanted to eat those fish..."

QJ smiled at the sound of Ra's familiar voice. "I'm going to," he claimed. "They need to be fattened up a bit." 

Ra was barefoot, wearing simple silk loungewear that stopped just above the knee. She sat on the bench, stretching out her smooth, dark legs with a beguiling smile. "Want to relax in the spa?"

QJ nodded. "You twisted my arm." 

Thanks for reading.

BotwaCazadorcreators' thoughts
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