
Gnome Convoy (part one)

Nina played with a strand of her purple hair while chatting with Wu. A sudden blur of movement startled her as he was tackled to the ground. "What are you doing, QJ?" 

There was a brief and pointless struggle before Wu ended up face down with QJ's knee in his back. 

Wu didn't bother to struggle further; anyone QJ had ever grabbed would instantly realize he had some strange kind of monkey strength. "Is this about the takeout? I didn't know it was yours!

"It's not about the takeout. Wait... Did you eat my takeout?"

"Yes?" Wu made the statement sound like a question. 

"I have to ask you something important, Wu." QJ eased up on his knee. 

"And you thought body slamming me was the best way to get my attention?"

QJ nodded. "Did Daiyu treat you well?"

"Sure, she let me live with her when my parents got tired of me."

"I like her too," QJ agreed. "Which is why I sent her orchids on her birthday."

"Huh? Oh shit..." Wu muttered a curse under his breath. 

QJ released him, then offered him a hand. 

"Damn... Just beat some more; I deserve it."  Wu rolled onto his back, frowning at the ceiling. "I remembered two weeks ago, but then I forgot."

Nina walked around the kitchen island, clucking her tongue at their miserable roommate. "This can be fixed with a bit of effort and a small amount of humble pie."

A crack of light appeared where there had only been darkness. Wu smiled at the purple-haired goddess. "I'm in your care then, be gentle."

QJ chuckled and stepped around their fallen comrade. "Night, guys. Calling it a day. Going to check my mail and then get some real sleep."

"Night, QJ," Nina replied. 

"Night bro. Thanks for the ass-kicking," Wu replied. 

QJ covered a yawn and headed to his room. "No worries, anytime." 

QJ used his Exodus credentials and logged into his GnG mail account. 


[Subject: Thanks!  :Sender: Barti Silverleaf]

[Subject:  Top Three  :Sender: Daiyu Ling]

[Subject: Can we roll? :Sender: Maya Scasa]

[Subject: Legacy talent? :Sender: Sarah Jol]

[Subject: Fountain Party :Sender: Robin

"Open first mail."


Thank you, QJ. I've never seen a more beautiful or deadly rapier. I have asked Belle to thank you in my stead. 


"You're welcome. Open second mail."


White orchids are my favorite. Thank you; they made my day. Remember when I said you made my top five favorite people? You just moved up to the top three.


"Two more spots, and I'm top dog. I wonder what the prize is. Open third mail." 


I could use a partner to fine-tune my submission grappling before the Goodwill Games. Could we roll?


"I should do the same. We'll schedule some mat time. Open fourth mail." 


Something odd happened. I woke up this morning with the stealth ability. When I showed Mom, she flipped out. Gram said it must be a legacy skill and that I should be happy. 


"A cleric with stealth? That's amazing. Too bad you didn't score Dad's [blink] ability. You can always buy a stealth ring, but a [blink] ring doesn't exist. Open fifth mail."


We wish you were here.


"Hmm?"  QJ stared at the note for a moment before he realized there was an attachment. "Holy smokes..."

It was a picture of Robin sitting on the edge of Ravenwood fountain, with her arms around Belle and Ra. All three of them were smiling and topless. "Well... There's no way I'm ever deleting this." 

The alarm on his desk hud buzzed several hours later. "Shut off hud alarm, play Elvis Presley's Jailhouse Rock."

The song instantly put QJ in a good mood. "I'm meeting Remmy at 0900. I'll let Lotte know so she can adjust her workout."

"Come in," Lotte spoke from behind her closed door when QJ knocked lightly. 

"Morning," QJ peeked in her room, half-expecting Lotte to be in bed. Instead, he found her watching a video on her desk hud. "What are you watching?"

"The feed of us taking Thunder Keep," Lotte answered. 

"Really?" QJ sat on the edge of the bed, close enough to view the feed. "Who took this?"

"Maya Scasa, third-year officer," Lotte replied. 

QJ watched a few seconds of the feed; his part had primarily been small fights as they closed in on Prince Morbin's room. This displayed the full-scale battle, the fight for the courtyard, and control of the battlefield. "May I ask why you are watching?"

"The 3rd years received a quest from the Raja. They asked to borrow some of our short-range dps," Lotte explained. 

"That reminds me, I should get to the GnG gate and organize the convoy. I won't be able to make lunch today." QJ took one more look at the feed and climbed to his feet. He bent quickly, kissing her lightly on the lips before retreating. 

"A sneak attack?" Lotte offered him a crooked smile. "I approve." 


Despite the early hour, Exodus was already in full swing. The job square was filled with the shouts of Raid leaders, looking to fill their numbers for the morning raids. It was chaotic but nothing out of the ordinary. The job square became eerily quiet a moment later when the TAP platform became active. 

Three massive wagons, drawn by twelve horses each, rumbled onto the tile floor of Exodus station, each accompanied by two drivers and three guards.

The five-meter wide, fifteen-meter-long behemoths rumbled past the Songbird on their way to the GnG gate. The first two wagons were stacked high with equipment and supplies, while the last carried a single piece of gnome machinery. 

"What the hell is that?" A dark-haired young man with a tanned, handsome face and arrogant expression pointed at the wagon. Spray painted on the side of the monstrosity was a large sign that said 'BEAST.' 

The beast had two large tracks and a single seat mounted behind a funnel-shaped drilling auger tipped with thousands of blackened blades. Two large smoke stacks were located on either side of the operator's cabin. 

The spectator wore a red jacket with a small emblem that marked him as a 2nd year GnG student from the Exodus Academy. "What is that? Some kind of bull-dozer? There's no way that works in GnG." 

"Stand back, little man!"  A heavily armored guard with long, curly black hair and an attractive face grabbed the bystander by the cuff and tossed him to one side like he was weightless. 

The two girls standing with the student took several steps backward. "We're going to be late, Roman," the shorter one claimed. "Don't start trouble."

Roman regained his feet."You ripped my jacket, stupid bitch."

The sound of an open-gloved hand smacking the side of someone's head echoed with a solid thwap. The student flew back as if he suddenly sprouted wings.

"I am Julianna Viconia Trebushay, Holy Protector of Innisfrae, Keeper of the Book of Honor, Holder of the Sacred Hammer, Wielder of the Sword of Fate, The Storm Rider, the Dragon Slayer, She who reads Scripts in the dark. AND I am not someone you will ever call a 'stupid bitch.'"

The beautiful knight stood quietly, resting one hand on a gigantic hammer. She watched as the culprit was pulled to his feet and dragged away by his friends. 

"You haven't heard the last of this!"  The red-jacketed student shouted.

Juli made an impolite gesture with her hand. "Be on your way, little man." 

When QJ stepped into Exodus a few minutes later, a full contingent of engineers, equipment, and guards were waiting in front of the GnG gate, effectively stopping anyone from entering. "Move through the gate; you're blocking everyone!"

The knight turned toward him, a frown on her pretty face. She approached to the whispers of watching bystanders.

"She's gonna smack him." 

"Never mess with TAP NPCs!

"Going to stream this!"

[Fora: Juli] Look how handsome he is. I'm so proud. 

[Fora: Remmy] Don't embarrass him, let's get moving.

Instead of showing aggression. The knight stood straight and rendered a crisp salute. "As you say, sir! We'll wait for you on the other side." 

QJ nodded," Perfect. We'll leave from the Keep."

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: One Problem Keep

Time: 0850 hours

Server Population: 93,665 Your current level is 55.

[OP: QJ] Morning everyone! 

[OP: Sato] Hey!

[OP: Breeze] Hi QJ!

[OP: Ringo] Is the convoy ready?

[OP: QJ] Yep. Did you grab some extra security?

[OP: Ringo] Our Riders will accompany us.

[OP: QJ] I feel safer already.

[OP: Chainy] Of course.

[OP: Junzo] Damn straight.

[OP: Dunnie] Cake.

[OP: Maric] I need a girlfriend. 

[OP: QJ] I won't stick around once we get to Lake Ghalt. I have some gunsmithing to do. 

[OP: Ringo] I'll make sure it goes smoothly. 

Instead of entering the Keep, QJ mounted and headed out the main gate. Two minutes later, he arrived at the beginning of the orchards that marked the Briar Rose estate. "Be right back, Scorch."

QJ slid out of the saddle and walked to the meeting point, a gnarled old peach tree a short distance away. The low-hanging foliage was thicker than it should have been. A sign that a groundskeeper wasn't taking care of them. 

A thin, dark man with wire-rimmed glasses and a bowler hat leaned casually against the old tree. He stood and bowed respectfully when QJ approached. 

"New assignments, make sure to follow them to the letter," QJ handed him a large envelope and a money pouch. 

"If you are happy with our work, perhaps a raise is in order." The man's green eyes darted everywhere, searching for someone who wasn't present. 

"Looking for someone?" QJ asked. The last time they met, Robin's sudden appearance had startled the former criminal.

"No, but let's talk abo..." His words stuck in his mouth when a razor-sharp blade pressed against his throat. 

Robin leaned over the man's shoulder, watching as the slightest trickle of blood ran down onto her dagger. "How much were you paid on Murderer's Row?"

The spectacled man froze in place, not daring to move or speak.

"I'm eighty percent satisfied with your current work. Do better, and we'll adjust your compensation."  QJ left without speaking further; Robin caught up to him just as he reached Scorch. 

The orange-haired rogue slid into the saddle before he could react. Smiling down at him, she extended her hand. 

QJ accepted the help that he didn't need and eased behind her. "Thought you'd trick me by changing perfumes?" 

Robin nodded, leaning back against him like a lazy feline. "Did it work?"

QJ turned Scorch back toward the Keep. "You were sitting on the deadfall's stump when I arrived." 

Robin's slight nod admitted he was right. "You missed a fun party last night."

QJ snorted. "I'm sure, at least I have a picture. How did that start anyway?"

"Well... Ra was swimming in the Courtyard Fountain; Leah explained that you don't swim in fountains, but somehow she ended up joining her."

"Doesn't surprise me," QJ hugged her tight, enjoying the gentle swaying of Scorch's walk. 

"Me neither," Robin admitted. "I daresay that the Ladies Night at the fountain may become a regular thing." 

"Did Yu show up?"

Robin laughed. "Yes, she did. We even sang her Happy Birthday."

QJ stopped outside the Main Gate. "Cya, Robs." 

Robin turned in the saddle, her soft lips lingering before she landed lightly on the street. "I'll stop by when you get back."

The convoy left OP Keep a short while later. The big wheels of the oversized wagons rumbled loudly on the cobblestone road. Dozens of gnomes sat atop the supply wagons while the rest rode miniature mountain ponies. QJ and Ringo led the way while the four Riders spread out on either side. 

Ringo used her hud to mark their route before sending it to everyone. 

[Convoy: QJ] Chainy, have your team spread out a quarter mile on either side of the main body.

[Convoy: Chainy] Got it. 

Ringo stretched her back, arching like a cat before settling into a comfortable posture. "Think we'll have any trouble?"

QJ shrugged. "It wouldn't surprise me. We made quite the entrance. 

Thanks for reading.

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