
Lake Ghalt

The pair visited a few more shops, taking their time before heading back toward the city portal. 

The female occasionally was struck by an attack of sudden laughter, which she did nothing to try and hide. 

"Still laughing it up?" QJ asked. "Next time, I'll field test when you aren't around."

"Hey!" Ringo wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Don't you dare exclude me! You gotta admit, that was some funny shit."

QJ nodded. "Had it been Sato, I'd probably still be laughing." 

"I disagree," Ringo squeezed him once more before stepping away. "That kind of thing probably happens to him all the time. It's nowhere near as funny." 

"You may have a point." Instead of turning toward the portal, QJ headed toward the main gate that exited Maelstrom. 

"Not going back to the Keep?" Ringo asked.

QJ shook his head. "Queen Strom has given me the deed to Ghalt Lake."

"Given?" Ringo asked. "I thought OP was going to purchase it." 

"So did I," QJ grinned innocently. "I can sell it to you, 4 trillion credits."

"So cheap?" Ringo followed him through the gate and summoned her mount after he did the same. 

QJ nodded in reply. "Special OP coupon." 

The riders used their hud to mark the location and set off at a canter. 

"When did you see Lilly?" Ringo still referred to the queen by her first name. 

"I didn't," QJ admitted. "Dixie stopped by the shop, and I mentioned my interest in acquiring it." 

"I see," Ringo replied noncommittally. 

QJ grinned suddenly; it was tempting to mess with her, but he didn't. "I'm not cutting you out. We saved the queen together and went over the dam together; we might as well extend our partnership to whatever secret Lake Ghalt hides." 

"I figured as much, we're partners."  Ringo favored him with an innocent smile. "How much is your casino bringing in?

QJ chuckled but avoided answering. "That's a personal venture."

"That was a great idea, QJ."

"I know."

"So was the black market," Ringo added. 

"I know, that was my idea also," QJ claimed. "What's your role in this partnership?"

"Personal charm and wit," Ringo replied. 

QJ laughed at the statement. "I thought that was mine."

"No," Ringo denied. "You're the comedic relief." 

"No argument there," QJ decided. "At least not today." 

Ride east from Maelstrom for an hour, and you will arrive at Lake Ghalt. The Phoenix Server version of the property was less impressive than the Legends. The lake was nestled nicely in a small but heavily forested valley, with one side butting against the mountains. 

"I don't remember so many tributaries," Ringo stated. 

"Let's take a look," QJ dismounted, letting Scorch wander while he opened his personal hud. "I asked Wu to send me an overlay map, geological features only." 

Ringo slid out of the saddle, leaning closer while QJ zoomed in on the area in question. "The dam would be here?" She pointed to the mouth of the river that exited Lake Ghalt. "Seems like the wrong place.

QJ stared into the clear depths. "Agreed. I can't think of a reason to put the dam downstream of the lake." 

"How much would the lake have risen?" Ringo asked.

"Perhaps a meter," QJ scanned the geography surrounding the body of water. "With these steep banks, it makes no sense. The water is deeper, and that's it. No added benefit." 

"He was hiding something," Ringo grabbed a rock, skipping it into the lake with a flick of her wrist. 

QJ watched the rock skip until it sank. With nothing better to do, he found a flat stone and did the same. 

They spent a few minutes comparing their skipping abilities before QJ froze in mid-throw. 

Ringo smiled at her Ace. "You figured it out."

"Maybe," QJ admitted. He reopened his hud and displayed his mail inbox. There were dozens of unopened letters. He found the one he was searching for and downloaded the attachment. 

"What's this?" Ringo scanned the hand-drawn map. "I don't recognize the landmarks."

QJ placed the overlay he received from Wu onto the map. "There's no way you would. This was sent to me by Tanu. It's a subterranean map of the known Freeborn settlements." 

Ringo studied the adjusted map. "There's a colony under this lake?"

QJ nodded. "Looks that way. Let's do something bad to Baron Schrae if we get the chance."

Ringo sensed QJ's contempt. "What did he do?"

"Remember the Freeborn city? As someone interested in engineering, I can tell you that every part of that place has an impressive precision." 

"Especially the exit near Thunderkeep," Ringo added.

QJ tapped his nose. "Boom... You've hit the nail on the head. It's a counterbalance system. Know what would have happened if we added a substantial amount of water to the lake?"

"It wouldn't open," Ringo replied. "You think there's a settlement there, and Schrae locked them in."

"It's a good theory." 

"Guess it's time to go spelunking." Ringo scanned the map again before pointing to a stream a few kilometers away. "This could be an entrance."

A few minutes later, QJ stowed Scorch in his inventory, which he barely ever did since playing GnG. He disrobed and waded into the narrow stream. "I'll take a look."

"Sounds good," Ringo stowed her mount and moved to the bank. 

The entrance was a narrow space between two boulders. QJ disappeared beneath the water long enough to verify they could squeeze through. He resurfaced a few minutes later. "Tight fit, but we can make it. We'll need to swim underwater for about thirty seconds."

"Lead the way," Ringo waited until QJ disappeared beneath the water before disrobing. 

The small passage started as a  narrow crack half-meter wide and a meter long. It abruptly dived for another ten meters before leading to a partially filled tunnel. 

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QJ waited for Ringo to catch up; he stood chest-deep in water with the ceiling a few inches over his head. He was attempting to light a torch when he heard her surface. "Need an extra hand since the water is deep."

"Keep talking, I'll find you."  Ringo touched his shoulder lightly a few seconds later. "Move the torch to where my hands are."

QJ did as asked just before sparks erupted from a flint pulled across a metal rod. It lit on the second attempt. "Only one direction to go."

Ringo scanned the passage ahead; the jagged black rock maintained an acceptable distance over the water. "Let me hold the torch; you have that spy ring." 

"We'll go slow," QJ handed her the torch; the water level was slightly over her shoulders since she was a few inches shorter than him. "We'll turn back if it gets too deep."

Ringo shook her head. "As long as there's an air pocket, I'll keep going. Worst case scenario, we end up swimming with you towing me." 

Fortunately, after a few minutes, the water began to drop. The passageway stayed relatively straight for another half hour. They slogged silently forward, lit by a single torch.

"Doing okay back there?" QJ walked with eyes ahead, letting Ringo preserve her modesty. 

"Better now that the water is knee-deep."

QJ slowed his step; the passage appeared to stop roughly fifty meters ahead. "Please don't be a dead end."

"Thank heavens," Ringo smiled in the dim light. The dead end ended up being a sharp turn that led to a stairwell carved into the stone. 

"This looks familiar," QJ noted. 

"Freeborn engineering," Ringo guessed.

"We'll get dressed on the stairs."  QJ climbed a half dozen steps before stopping to put his gear back on. By the time he lit a second torch, Ringo was ready to go. 

"Much better," Ringo accepted one of the torches. "Still no hud. How's your sense of direction."

QJ crossed his eyes. "Perfect... Why do you ask?"

Ringo's laugh echoed in the stairwell. "Don't get me started, goofball." 

The stairs ended at an archway leading to a road.

"Impressive," QJ stated. He stood in the middle of the road with his torch held high. The road was built from individual stone blocks, smooth like marble and perfectly spaced. It descended at a steep angle, with each step, the ceiling above them growing further away.

"This place is amazing," Ringo kept the torch in her left hand in case she needed to draw her weapon suddenly. 

They walked in silence for several minutes until QJ glanced her way. "Stealthed figure thirty meters ahead, right side of the road."

Ringo nodded. "I have to get me one of those rings."

QJ walked another five meters before stopping. "Please come out; we are friends of Tanu." 

"Friends of Tanu?"  A voice spoke from the darkness. "She has joined the surface people, along with most of her tribe."

QJ held up the Fraichmal amulet Tanu had given him during the Gypsy mission to save Dax's family. "Both her and Dagmae are doing well." 

The scout dropped stealth and moved forward. He was small, five feet tall, with long white hair and ink-black eyes. An air of depression hung over him like his own personal storm cloud. "Dagmae? I was... am married to his sister."

QJ let out the breath he'd been holding. "This is Ringo, the Guild Leader of One Problem. My name is QJ."

"QJ? This is a name that I have heard before." The scout approached until he was within arm's reach. "I am Dowen. Well met, both of you."

With the Freeborn scout leading the way, QJ and Ringo continued their journey. They spoke about menial things; Dowen seemed reluctant to discuss any topic relating to his settlement or its leader. 

QJ stopped Ringo with a hand on her arm. Dowen walked a few more steps before noticing. 

"What's going on, Dowen?" QJ rested a hand on his sword gun. "Are you leading us into an ambush?"

Ringo took two steps to one side, and any hint of friendliness vanished from her face. 

"Ambush? No, no, no! Not an ambush. Gone! Leader gone! Family gone! Redstone gone! I don't want to talk about them..."  The Freeborn's words ended in a wail of misery that deteriorated into him crying with his head hung low.

Ringo approached, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Tell us everything. Maybe we can help."

Dowen shook his head. "No one can help."

"Tell us anyway," Ringo replied. "My friend here specializes in solving difficult problems."

Dowen let out a long breath before straightening up. "The engineers were building a Temple near the edge of the city. I was out on patrol when I felt everything shake and move."

"Tunnel collapse?" QJ kept his face expressionless. 

Dowen nodded. "Stones too heavy to move. No sounds are coming from the other side. Everyone is gone."

"Not necessarily," QJ countered. "Rock is a perfect sound barrier."

Ringo patted his shoulder. "Tanu's settlement has a Lake exit. Does yours have one?"

"That's only an exit, not an entrance. Even if someone could open the way, it only stays open briefly," Dowen replied. 

"How long ago did this happen?" QJ asked. 

"One fortnight," Dowen answered. 

Ringo exchanged glances with QJ. "You said something about a red stone?"

Dowen nodded. "Redstone is the name of our settlement." 

"Let's keep moving while we talk," QJ suggested.

Most of the next hour was spent discussing Dowen's family, the settlement, and the nearby clans. He contacted the nearest Freeborn; their engineers said clearing the rubble would be impossible. However, they did offer to take him in. 

"Damn..." Ringo frowned at the collapsed passage. "Most of those stones are bigger than my house."

QJ studied the area. Dowen or possibly the nearby Freeborn engineers had moved a few tons of the smaller debris. "Each of these probably weighs 20 tons or more. If it were out in an open field, we could throw a shit-ton of manpower at it. But this..." 

"How's it look?' Ringo asked. Engineering wasn't her forte, so she could only rely on him. 

"It would be dangerous to move any of the big ones, even if we could manage it."  QJ shook his head. "I can open the lake exit from the outside, but not without destroying the counterbalances."

  "Is that a good idea?" Ringo asked.

"Horrible idea, the entire place would flood."  QJ sighed in frustration. "Why is the settlement called Redstone?" 

"There is an entire cavern filled with them. Very beautiful but poison to touch," Dowen answered. 

"Show us," QJ considered the state of Tanu's Freeborn when they first met. They suffered from an extreme reaction to a natural element found nearby. He let Ringo carry the conversation while he considered possible solutions.

After more than an hour, Dowen stopped near a hand-painted sign. "This warns the Freeborn about the Redstone."

"Does it make you sick if you get too close?" Ringo asked. 

Dowen shook his head. "Only bad if you touch it." 

"Holy Hannah..." QJ stared opened mouth at the cavern. The red stones formed stalagmites and stalactites far into the dim cavern. QJ stepped into the narrow entrance and reached for the nearest red stone.

"No QJ! Don't touch!"

"It's fine. Fairly certain humans are immune." QJ picked up a fist-sized piece of rock that resembled a red crystal. "This is the culprit, dragon blood." 

Ringo caught the piece when he tossed it to her. "You close to figuring this out?"

QJ nodded. "Very close. Stay here with Dowen. I'll be back in a few minutes," QJ stated.

QJ grabbed a torch and entered the red stone cavern. His mind whirled through the possibilities. They have to be alive. Not only that, but they must be accessible. "Let's use the facts we know from other servers."

Fact 1: Schrae is richer than anyone, including the crown. 

Fact 2: No one knows where his money came from.

Fact 3: Flakes of red stone were found near the dam. 

QJ squeezed through two horse-sized crystals while breaking down the first fact. "His current wealth on the Phoenix server is barely in the top ten in Maelstrom."

"That means something happens relatively soon to change everything. Or... maybe it already happened." 

"Fact two is the mystery money. Easy enough, he's sitting on a cache of Dragon Blood." 

"Fact three, flakes in the lake means he's mining it and taking it out the lake entrance." 

"And there's the exit, just in time."  QJ grinned with a fair amount of satisfaction. "Conclusion... He built the dam to trap them. His people mine the stone and bring it through the lake exit. He probably even exchanges food and supplies for passage to and from. But why? Hard to believe a shithead like that wouldn't just kill them." 

QJ exited the cavern, his mouth dropping open. Redstone was the size of a small city. There were no community campfires or tents. Hundreds of buildings were carved into the side of a granite wall that extended upward a hundred meters. Not only that, there were dozens of layers, each separated by a two-meter walking path cut into the rock with regular stairs going up and down. 

"I know what this is. It's the Freeborn capital city." QJ checked his pockets, verifying he still had the Frachmal amulet. "Time to introduce myself." 

Two hours later, after a lengthy conversation with Tion, the Freeborn Leader, QJ went back through the red stone cavern to pick up Ringo. 

"That wasn't a few minutes!" The OP Guild Leader sighed with relief when QJ exited. She hugged him tight for a brief moment. "What did you find out?" 

"All the engineers, their apprentices, and their tools are buried. As far as I can tell, that's it. There are approximately twenty-five thousand Freeborn still living in the city. This includes Dagmae's youngest sister, Numi." 

"Numi? Numi is still alive?" 

"Yep, she was pleased to know you are alive and well."  QJ had only a moment to speak before he was swept up in a bone-crushing hug. 

Ringo smiled at the interaction. Dowen was crying so hard she couldn't understand what he was saying. "Does that mean we can fix this?"

"Yes. I'll bring some modern adjustments to the door mechanics. Then we'll head in with a few dozen engineers."

"What about clearing the rubble?" Ringo asked. 

QJ shrugged. "Know how to clear out a stone the size of a house?"

Ringo shook her head. 

"You don't. Cut a hole big enough to walk through and leave it the hell alone."  QJ snapped his fingers. "A few weeks of hard labor and Redstone is accessible again." 

Thanks for reading.

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