
Crimson Thorn

QJ stretched in place, his bare feet pushing free of his blanket for a moment before he retracted them back into the warmth of his bed. "Guess I need a longer comforter." 

A quick glance at the time told him it was still early, and with nothing to do, he decided a short workout would be the best way to start the day. 

QJ's excellent mood continued a short while later as he exited their gated community, waving at the guard on duty. After attending the virtual banquet, he escorted Robin and Ra back to Briar Rose before logging out and returning to his parent's house, where he performed his good deed for the week. He helped his dad carry Breeze and Sato back to their house. 

"Yu has the right of it, always party virtually or pay the consequences." QJ stopped at the abandoned playground, formerly Roosevelt Middle School, and took a few minutes to stretch near the monkey bars. 

After a few sets of pull-ups and situps, QJ began the run home. He had just started when he noticed a familiar black SUV. 

"Looking good, QJ!" A friendly face smiled from the driver's side window. 

If QJ was surprised to see a member of their private security, his face didn't show it. "Hey, Rhino! How's Camille? Picked out a name yet?"

Rhino's pockmarked face scrunched up. "She's fine. We're leaning toward Miles if it's a boy or Makenzie if it's a girl."

"Nice names," QJ kept pace with the vehicle; it was empty except for the driver. "Why you out here?"

"Las Vegas PD warned us about some possible drug deals in the area," Rhino replied calmly. "You know Tal." 

QJ snorted. "I'm surprised she didn't ask you to run with me."

"You're too fast for me," Rhino admitted. "I'll back away and give you some space. Sorry for the inconvenience." 

QJ waved him off. "You're taking care of me; that's no inconvenience." 

An hour later, a freshly showered QJ rummaged through their fridge, looking for something quick to eat. Finding nothing, he ended up making oatmeal and sat down to enjoy a quiet breakfast. 

After cleaning up, a quick glance at the clock told him he had a half hour before the 0700 roll call. "I should talk with Wu... Damn it. Tomorrow is the 22nd; I should send her something for her birthday." 

QJ entered his room's VR chamber after using his desk hud to order a dozen white orchids. Instead of Exodus, he chose to log into their local network, where Daiyu's communication VRP was downloaded. As expected, Wu was reviewing the previous night's audio and video feeds. "Hey, Wu."

Wu paused the feed and jotted a few words before turning toward his visitor. "What's up, QJ?" 

"Baron Schrae... Where does his wealth come from?" QJ settled into one of the comfortable chairs; more than half the screens were off, which was unsurprising since the casino closed at 0300. 

Wu considered the question for a moment before answering. "There's speculation that it has to do with the dam, but better fishing and irrigation should account for the fortune he has." 

QJ grinned. "That's a very long 'I don't know.'" 

Wu nodded. "Yep. I don't know." 

"I might have a clue," QJ stated. "Ever heard of Dragon Blood?"

"Sure, 50k will buy you a one-ounce vial at the Exodus market. It's used primarily in crafting," Wu replied.

QJ whistled softly; the vial Remmy gave him was an ounce. "When Ringo and I tumbled off the dam, I ended up with a handful of muck from the lake bottom. I found a few flakes of red stone."

"You think there's Dragon Blood under there?" Wu nodded to himself. "That could account for his fortune." 

"Get me everything you can find on the property's current status." QJ paused momentarily, "and send me a map overlay of the area, just the geological features." 

"You got it, QJ" 

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: One Problem Keep

Time: 0645 hours

Server Population: 91,224 Your current level is 54.

[Guild Message of the Day] An HQ has been set up for OP's Basara Branch; all 3rd years report to Sahleto. Next week is the Goodwill Games. A list of events and their participants will be posted this week.

[System Message] End of Month profits from your stores have arrived. (1.4 million credits/ 8,343 wooden drachma)

QJ smiled at the payment message but put it aside and used his hud to contact one of his Freeborn friends. 

Tanu's black eyes stared at him from his hud. She had been the leader of the Freeborn that resided under Barli Lake. That changed when she led a large contingent to the surface, where they now thrived as the Palace guard. "QJ, it is good to see you again." 

"Same here," QJ said with a straight face. The Freeborn had fangs and considered showing teeth when smiling a form of aggression. He hadn't known this when they first interacted. "I want to ask about the subterranean geography. How many other Freeborn tribes are there? Do you have any maps available?" 

"Nine that I know of, the number of tribes constantly changes. Communities grow and split off to settle somewhere else, or disease sometimes wipes out a village and disappears forever."

Tanu's lips curved in a smile. "I will visit our archiver and have a map sent to you." 

"Thank you, Tanu." QJ closed comm and gated directly to the Keep. Instead of entering, he followed the wall to the auxilliary stables. 

Morgan looked up when she noticed the approaching figure. Her tanned face brightened with a friendly smile. "I have some new items for sale today. You might want to check them out." 

QJ grinned at the resident Gypsy. "I'll look later, just wanted to check on the liraptors."

Morgan favored him with a smile while playing with a strand of her curly brown hair. "Or you wanted to visit your favorite Gypsy." 

"Dax is my favorite Gypsy," QJ countered. 

Morgan laughed at the statement. "He's not your type." 

QJ tried to keep a straight face but failed miserably. "Fine. Let's talk about the liraptors."

"We'll have the first batch ready for sale next week." 

When QJ stepped into the OP meeting hall a few minutes later, nearly everyone was seated. He paused at the pastry table long enough to choose one before joining Ringo at the podium. 

Ringo posted the server status. "No changes since yesterday; as you can see, it's a long grind once you get to the mid-levels." She paused long enough to glance at QJ. "You got anything?"

QJ nodded. "New items for sale at Morgan's Emporium. We are looking for someone to take over treasury duties. As you may have heard, OP scored big during the cross-server war." 

Chainy raised her hand. "Any weapons? The Riders are outgrowing the rifles you made." 

"There were blueprints for an excellent sniper rifle. It's limited to Masterpiece rank but would sell as epic gear in the marketplace," QJ answered. "I will spend a few days crafting before the next part of the Venture quest. 

Chainy nodded happily. "Thanks, QJ." 

[OP: Ringo] If there's nothing else, range qualifying after lunch for those with no scores posted this quarter. If you aren't due, then you can log in after your Extra duties. 

An hour later, QJ was unwrapping a rapier he purchased from the marketplace. He carefully wrapped the first twelve inches of the blade in leather before clamping it in his workbench vice. 

Removing the hilt required him to pry off the gold end cap before making two opposing longitudinal cuts the length of the bone grip. The hilt clattered onto the floor when he tapped it with a mallet. 

From there, he pressed the hiltless blade into soft wax and began fashioning a mold he would use for the Sakri steel. 

QJ pondered the drawing for a moment. "Even with a six-inch barrel, the rapier will become too rigid and heavy." 

He stared at the block of wax-like Sakri. Once placed in water, the properties would change into a very strong yet lightweight steel. "Wait... I've never tried melting it." 

Can Sakri be melted? He cut off a small piece and placed it into a metal dish before applying flame. It melted precisely the way standard wax would. He then poured a small portion into a ceramic bowl and pushed it aside. 

"If that works, I could groove the first twelve inches of the rapier and attach a small caliber Sakri barrel. The weight would be acceptable, but I might have to adjust barrel length to increase pliability." 

By the time he finished going through his plans, the Sakri had cooled enough to peel it off with his fingers. "Now for the real test." He dipped it into the nearby water barrel and waited a few seconds before examining it. 

"Damn," QJ muttered. The color had changed from silver to pale gold. He placed it in the bench vice before striking it with a hammer. The results brought a smile to his face. Instead of breaking or bending, it vibrated with an angry hum. 

Placing the hiltless blade flat on the table, QJ drew a line down the center before flipping it and repeating the process. "It would be best to groove both sides, but that would affect blade integrity." QJ cursed under his breath. "One barrel would make the balance feel wonky." 

He stared at the blade for a few minutes while enjoying the quiet of his workshop. "Got it! Dragon Blood! Remmy said it makes stronger armor and sharper swords."

With a tentative plan, QJ began the arduous process of grooving both sides of the rapier blade. After completing the task, he examined his handiwork. "I'll have to throw this away if the Dragon Blood proves ineffective. I could break this with my hands." 

QJ set the grooved rapier blade onto his bench and opened the vial Remmy had given him. He rummaged through one of the bench drawers until he found what he was looking for, a fine-tip paintbrush. 

He held the small vial in one hand and carefully dipped the brush. When he touched the rapier with it, he received a huge surprise. It spread down the length of the blade, turning it crimson while filling the air with a sweet smell. Bending closer, he heard the sound of sizzling. Better do the other side right away. 

He used a pair of tongs to flip the blade and repeated the process. "Maybe I used too much?" QJ frowned at the color. "Remmy diluted the element to place it in the vial. Should I have diluted it further?" 

By the time the sweet smell and sizzling faded, the blade had turned a bright crimson color. He was tempted to abandon the process until he picked it up. It was lighter than he expected and very supple. "This is more flexible than a rapier should be, but adding barrels will make it more rigid."

After fashioning a mold for a hollowed hilt to house the chamber, he spent a few minutes melting enough Sakri to fill it. Setting that aside, he grabbed some of his small caliber barrel stock. 

"Too heavy," QJ held his smallest barrel stock, .22 caliber. "I suppose I could make Sakri barrels." 

Pushing the smaller barrels aside, QJ opted for two forty-caliber ones and placed them upright in the same vice. "Let's see, the inside diameter of the forty-caliber barrel should be able to..." He fed a cleaning rod into one of the barrels before shaking his head and replacing it with a thinner rod. "What kind of barrel thickness would a Sakri barrel require? A standard 40 cal or 9 mil would be .11." 

QJ continued monologing to himself until he concluded that .05 to .06 would be enough. With that in mind, he centered the appropriate rod in each barrel and locked it in place before filling both with melted Sakri. 

"Got time for a break?" The door to Robin's office cracked open; Ra was unexpectedly peeking out. 

"Sure, I've been chasing my tail for the last hour." QJ pushed his bench out and headed toward the shop's only other piece of furniture, a very comfortable couch. 

Ra entered a moment later and set the tray on the large window frame before easing it open. "I made some tea; Robin said it's your favorite." 

QJ nodded in agreement before accepting a glass. "Thank you." 

Ra helped herself to the second glass and sat beside him. "Did you get enough rest?"

QJ nodded. Unlike an LAI, he could party irresponsibly without paying the price. Clearing the buzz or headache was easily solved by logging out. "Yep, got up early and worked out. Are you heading back to Basara today?"

Ra nodded. "I'll be back tomorrow."

QJ sipped the tea and leaned back on the couch before closing his eyes. "What did you think of my family." 

Ra scooted closer and claimed his free hand with hers. "Well... You're just like your father. He's so tall."

"True," QJ admitted. 

"But you're a bit more handsome," Ra added. 

"Also true," QJ replied. 

"Of course, Robin lied to me." Ra smiled when QJ opened his eyes. She leaned forward and kissed him, relishing the feeling momentarily before easing back.

"That doesn't sound like Robin." 

Ra's dark eyes held a hint of humor. "She said I was as beautiful as Leah Fintree. Of course, I didn't know who that was at the time."

QJ kept his face passive. "Beauty is subjective."

"That's true," Ra agreed, leaning on his shoulder. "But no one is as beautiful as Leah unless it's Tal."

"I think Robin's right. You probably have her edged out."

Ra laughed against his shoulder. "That's a very sweet lie." 

 The pair enjoyed a half hour together before Ra said goodbye. QJ immediately went back to work. 

After tapping out the centering rods, QJ tapped the Sakri barrels from the makeshift molds. Since the barrels were still soft, he slowed the process, applying the rifling and trimming the length to 12 inches. Once satisfied, he set one of them into the grooves. 

"A bit too long; I'll trim the barrel to ten inches and taper the end of the groove a file." 

Another hour passed before QJ began constructing a trigger mechanism to fit into the Sakri chamber. Once satisfied, he put that aside and returned to the finished barrels. 

QJ placed them both in his water barrel and added some comments on the blueprint while he waited. After a minute, he removed the barrels. 

"Holy crap..." The melted Sakri barrels were much brighter than his sample. "Almost looks like jewelry. 

He polished the barrels before putting them in the vise and filling them with melted beeswax. He wouldn't have bothered, but the silencing effect would be an added benefit. QJ spent several minutes pushing his rifling tool through the silenced barrels. 

QJ couldn't help but laugh as the components in front of him. A crimson blade with a golden barrel and hilt. He paused momentarily before applying the Dragon Blood to the Sakri steel components. "Better gold than red." 

Unexpectedly, a partial drop on the Sakri components did nothing to the color. Still, they did react violently by vibrating for several seconds. QJ set the parts down and retreated to the far side of the shop, unsure whether or not they might blow up. 

QJ's face split in a wide grin when he picked up the Swordgun. Although the trigger mechanism hadn't been installed yet, the weight and balance were perfect. "Well, shit... If I knew how to use a rapier, I'd keep this for myself." 

He swiped it in the air a few times before spending a few minutes polishing it up with a silk cloth. A few minutes later, he tightened the last screw securing the trigger mechanism into the housing. "Damn it... This thing is so ugly. I can't believe the balance..." 

*Ding 55*

[Guns and Gore Announcement] All Servers: A Magnum Opus has been created By Sandhealer Faction Leader QJ.

[Please Name your Magnum Opus.]

Having learned his lesson, instead of cursing, QJ spoke clearly. "Crimson Thorn."

[System Message] Your World Reputation has been increased by 100.

[Guns and Gore Announcement] All Servers: Bask in the Glory of a Magnum Opus.

[Crimson Thorn] Magnum Opus

Two-Barreled Sword Gun [Exquisit Artifact]

Description: An enhanced rapier blade blended seamlessly with two 7mm barrels gives this weapon the perfect balance.

Additional Description: The damage modifier of this weapon

is based on whichever skill is highest, rapier or handgun. + 300 Accuracy, + 300 Range.

[Artifact Weapon Modifier] All critical hits do 2X damage.

Exquisite Bonus: A three-second stun is applied each time the Crimson Thorn scores a critical hit. This weapon is good, very good. 

QJ spent a minute wrapping it up, ignoring the sudden buzzing of his hud, and sent the package to Barti Silverleaf with a brief note.


This is to replace the rapier you broke in Exodus. Try to keep this in one piece.


Next chapter