
Ticket to Ride

QJ wrinkled his nose in distaste. The stale scent of spilled beer and body odor hung over the crowd in the oppressive heat of the saloon. 

[OP: Sato] Someone open a window. 

[OP: Ringo] Who's your contact in Junebug?

[OP: QJ] Any bartender. Lead the way, Breeze. 

[OP: Breeze] Sure. 

Breeze pushed three people out of her way, knocking them into two others, causing a fistfight to break out. Undeterred, She continued forward, elbowing and shoving her way toward the bar, leaving chaos in her wake. Oddly enough, none of the customers decided to pick a fight with her. The tall beauty stared down anyone who glanced at her; she was an ass-whooping ready to happen. 

QJ slammed his hand down on the wooden bar. 

A balding man with a shaggy black beard and dirty apron approached. "What can I get for you, stranger?"

"I'm here about a train," QJ replied. 

[System Message] This begins stage one of the Venture quest. Do you wish to continue?

"Yes," QJ stated. 

[Venture Quest Updated] 

The bartender scratched his beard while staring up at the dirty yellow ceiling. "It be tickets that you want. Those are awfully hard to come by." 

"I'm sure," QJ tapped on the bar with his fingers. "How much?"

The man shook his head slightly. "I'm not selling tickets, just information. That will cost you a hundred credits." 

"Done," QJ agreed. 

"Northwest of town, a trail leads to the Sanctum Mountain pass." The bartender paused as if his memory was spotty. "For some reason, the details escape me."

"Highway robbery... Fine, another hundred credits." QJ leaned closer. "Any more of your shit, and my friend uses your head for a mop and butt for a broom." 

Breeze smiled, casually cracking her knuckles. "I enjoy dancing with fellas like you." 

The bartender bared his yellow teeth in what passed as a smile. "You'll find a group of riders; one will surely have what you need." 

[Venture Quest Updated] 

QJ led the group outside, all of them welcomed fresh, dry air. 

[OP: QJ] Take a look. 

[Venture: A ticket to Ride] Multi-Stage 

Description: Six riders are traveling west toward the Sanctum Mountain Pass. One of them will have what you need. 

[OP: Ringo] Seems straightforward. 

[OP: QJ] It's not. Their horses are fast, and they won't stop. 

[OP: Sato] Are we fighting on horseback?

[OP: QJ] No, thankfully, my wrangler ability will cause one to peel off. 

[OP: Ringo] What happens if we choose wrong? 

[OP: QJ] We probably will unless we get really lucky. We'll have to chase them down. 

[OP: Lotte] You said their horses are fast.

[OP: QJ] Not as fast as my horse. This part of the quest can take several days. Most groups are only able to catch one. 

[OP: Ringo] Can we set up an ambush?

[OP: QJ] They won't spawn if there are multiple groups or if we are too spread out. 

[OP: Ringo] How many will we be able to catch?

[OP: QJ] Three at the most; once they make it to the pass, they are home free. I can't chase the next one until the one we have dies. 

[OP: Sato] What happens if we fail?

[OP: QJ] 24 hour reset. It will likely take us a few days. 

The group rode west toward the pass. Stunted trees, desert clump grass, and the occasional cactus stretched toward the distant mountain range. 

"There!" Sato stood in the stirrups. "Dust to the west of us." 

[OP: QJ] Ride! 

QJ let Scorch run as fast as he wanted. Within a few minutes, he left his group in the dust and was closing on their target. Six riders sat low in the saddle, riding casually at a moderate canter.

[System Message] You have been spotted! 

[Venture Quest Updated]

QJ stayed low in the saddle while Scorch accelerated toward the riders. His quarry fled at full gallop, spread out single file over several meters. As with anyone, some of the horses were slower than the others. 

Within a few minutes, he pulled within twenty meters of his intended target. 


Ulysius Grim has been roped and is closing on your position. 

QJ's lariat settled neatly over the rider's shoulder, yanking him backward onto the dirt in a cloud of dust. Scorch skidded to a stop as his rider vaulted from the saddle. 

[Kneecap] Ulysius Grim has been slowed by forty percent. 

[Aimed Shot]

(Headshot Bonus) (Critical Hit) 

QJ has hit the target for 33,444 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 6,689 damage. 

QJ dodged to one side when the rider lunged at him with a blade in his free hand. Knocking the blade to one side, he stepped closer and stabbed Oh Shit into the man's chest before pulling the trigger. 

[Sudden Stab]

QJ has hit the target for 12,555 damage.

[Point Blank] (Critical Hit/ Exposed Wound)

QJ has hit the target for 39, 882 damage. 

Fire scorches your target for 7,976 damage. 

[OP: Ringo] We're here! 

*Enju has activated Hotpack*

QJ has been healed for 18,832 hp. 

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

Ulysius Grim has been taunted. 

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into target for 15,414 damage, 2,3174 damage, and 23,111 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into target for 17,444 damage, 13,787 damage, and 23177 damage.

*Tendon Slice*

[Critical Hit]

Sato has hit target for 28,540 damage

Ulysis Grim has been slain. 

Without stopping, QJ sprinted toward Scorch and exited in a cloud of dust. 

[OP: QJ] Check the body for a train ticket. 

Once again, Scorch galloped across the desert landscape while QJ cursed himself for not bringing Chainy. She also had a fast horse. He bent low in the saddle, patting the red stallion on the shoulder. "No worries, Red. One rider at a time." 

[OP: Ringo] No drop. Giving chase. 

The pursuit lasted another ten minutes before QJ uncoiled his lariat. By this time, the dust from the road had settled onto this sweaty skin. He pulled his handkerchief over his mouth, noting that he could feel Scorch's body heat rising. 


Jojo Grim has been roped and is closing on your position. 

Scorch stopped suddenly, yanking the target out of the saddle and onto the rocky ground with a bone-jarring thud. 

QJ vaulted to the ground, skidding to stop while aiming. 

[Kneecap] Jojo Grim has been slowed by forty percent. 

[Aimed Shot]

(Headshot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 22,977 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 4,595 damage. 

*Breeze has activated Turach Mach'tu*

Jojo Grimm has been his for 5,433 damage. 

*Tendon Slice*

[Critical Hit]

Sato has hit target for 28,540 damage

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into target for 12,400 damage, 5,3104 damage, and 25,971 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into target for 22,324 damage, 16,777 damage, and 25,444 damage.

[OP: Breeze] Did you see that? I hit him for 5k! 

[OP: QJ] Amazeballs.

*Enju has activated Hotpack*

Breeze has been healed for 21,431 hp. 

QJ closed when Breeze managed to turn their target; lunging forward, he stabbed 'Oh Shit' into the base of the skull. 

[Sudden Stab] (Vulnerable Area)

QJ has hit the target for 24,515 damage.

[Point Blank] (Critical Hit/ Exposed Wound)

QJ has hit the target for 79, 931 damage. 

Fire scorches your target for 15,986 damage. 

Jojo Grim has been slain. 

QJ took two quick strides and jumped into the saddle. Scorch responded by accelerating after the distant riders. 

[OP: Sato] No drop again... Can we get one more?

[OP: QJ] Maybe. I don't know where the cut-off is.

[OP: Lotte] What does Exposed wound mean? I've seen it twice now. 

[OP: Ringo] He struck the same area twice in succession. I've only seen it once on the Legends server: two bullets landing on the same spot. It's super rare.

[OP: QJ] Oh Shit is essentially two weapons. That will happen every time the shot is released with the blade still inserted. 

QJ placed a hand on Scorch's neck. He had been concerned with the big horse running hard in the desert heat, but Red maintained a safe temperature. Perhaps the frequent stops kept his body heat from skyrocketing. 

[OP: Lotte] We should get it on this one. Right? 

[OP: Sato] It will be the sixth one with my luck. 

The pursuit lasted half an hour, with time running short. Scorch overtook the riders for the third time. 


Bongo Grim has been roped and is closing on your position. 

QJ's lariat settled nicely over his target's shoulders just as Scorch reared back with enough power to send his owner face-first into the ground. Grim was yanked upward and back, cartwheeling head over heels to land head-down at an awkward angle. 

QJ heard a loud crack that sounded like branches breaking. 

Bongo Grim has been slain. 

"The hell..." QJ sprang into the saddle without thinking. In an instant, the chase was resumed. 

[OP: Ringo] QJ?

[OP: QJ] Check the corpse; maybe we can squeeze out a 4th if we need to. 

[OP: Sato] What happened?

[OP: QJ] Broke his neck falling from his horse. 

QJ grinned despite the situation. At least no one saw him face-plant into the dirt. 

[OP: Ringo] No drop. 

QJ muttered a curse, keeping low to the saddle as Scorch stretched out his powerful stride. The ground beneath them turned flat and hard as the mountains loomed alarmingly. 

"Is that it?" QJ spotted a rocky entryway leading to a narrow pass; Scorch's hooves banged on the ground like a beating drum. "COME ON, RED! RUN!" 

An instant later, QJ was thrown back in the saddle as his mount accelerated once again. The ground beneath them blurred, and the impossible distance vanished into nothing. 


Micah Grim has been roped and is closing on your position. 

QJ's lariat settled over his target's shoulders a few meters from the pass, pulling him from the saddle while the remaining riders disappeared into the mountain pass. 

[Kneecap] Micah Grim has been slowed by forty percent. 


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Micah Grim.

You've pocketed a [Ticket to Ride].

[Your pickpocket skill has increased to 57.]


[Venture Quest Updated]

QJ cackled like a crazy person, fleeing toward his mount; he vaulted into the saddle and sped away from Micah, who was chasing on foot. 

[OP: Lotte] Did you drop him on his head again? The last guy had a bone sticking out the side of his neck. 

[OP: QJ] Nope, this guy had the ticket. 

[OP: Ringo] How'd you get it?

[OP: QJ] Pickpocket ftw!

[OP: Lotte] What about the target?

[OP: QJ] Chasing me on foot, let's get out of here. 

[OP: Sato] When you tell this story, you can end it with, And some say he's still chasing me today. 

[OP: QJ] No doubt. 

The group returned to Thunder Keep, each of them smiling. Few things were more rewarding than a hard-fought victory. 

Breeze stretched her arms overhead. "Is anyone attending virtually?"

"Me," QJ replied. 

"Same," Lotte said. 

"I kinda have to," Ringo glanced at her hud. "We still have two hours. What's next on the Venture quest?"

"Let's talk it over with Wu; there may be a way to speed things up." QJ stopped next to the Keep entrance. "Heading to Briar Rose, my clothes are there."

[OP: QJ] I'm out. Bella ciao. 

Breeze paused when Lotte stopped. "Logging out?"

Lotte shook her head. "Going to Briar Rose with QJ." 

Breeze flashed a big smile before hugging the smaller woman. "That was so blasted awesome today! Watching you put Handsome Jack in the dirt! I was probably going to start bawling if he beat you."

"He was pretty handsome," Lotte agreed. "See you guys back at the house." 


Thanks for reading.

[Cue the Beatles 'Ticket to Ride']

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