

A silence hung over the kitchen; the group watched the winged figure as it made its way to the safe. 

Wu leaned closer, whispering as if it could hear him. "It materialized out of thin air? I didn't see any activation timer." 

"It's a draconian thief, the winged variety." Robin appeared in the doorway and exited QJ's room, stretching her hands over her head before covering a yawn. "As far as I know, they are only in Asperia." 

The group at the desk looked clueless, so Robin continued. "They're native to TAP, specifically an isolated area called Asperia."

Wu snapped his fingers. "Is that the veiled country?" 

Robin nodded. "A magical veil surrounds it. Any player who tries to cross dies instantly and loses everything they were carrying."

Sato frowned at the thief; the draconian opened the safe like it was a kitchen cupboard. "Have you been there?"

"Yes," Robin grinned slyly. "It's the only place in TAP to learn advanced NPC skills."

Breeze whistled softly. "Do you know how he got into the building?"

Robin nodded. "She, the draconian, is a female. They secrete an enzyme through their fingertips that is odorless and invisible; once dispersed, they can return to it by phase shifting, like one of the shadow fiends. It's an instinctual ability that originally enabled them to return to their nests whenever they wanted." 

"Seems like the perfect thief," Lotte noted. She offered Robin a friendly smile. "How come they haven't taken over everything?"

Robin watched as the thief exited the Painted Lady. "The scent continually weakens over time, two days, and it's gone. Do we have someone following her?"

  "Angel," Wu shrugged slightly when he said it. QJ handpicked her for the job. "QJ had me coat the door with a powdered fluorescent." 

"Smart," Robin decided. "Angel has the Ba'Avriel form and can use the [hunt] ability to track the residue."

Wu couldn't wrap his head around the idea of a forbidden country. "How big is Asperia? You said players die when they cross? Is this immediate? Or something that happens slowly?"

Robin shrugged. "I'm not an expert on Asperia, but I think heroes lose consciousness when they cross the veil. As far as I know, only one hero has passed through and returned unharmed." 

Lotte smirked at the confused faces sitting around her. "The NPC Assassin?"

Robin touched the tip of her nose with a slender finger. "Boom."


The draconian glided effortlessly, unaware that a black-winged Ba'Avriel had picked up her trail high above. The thief had taken several portals, but since Angel was aware of her lineage, she could guess her route correctly. 

The predator and prey flew over one of the most unforgiving zones in TAP. The final journey to Asperia required the traveler to cross a scorching desert where creatures and the elements made it dangerous for those forced to walk. Since no portals were allowed in the veiled country, anyone leaving or gaining entry made the same trip. Safehouses and watering points were set up along the King's Highway, monitored by the Asperian guard. 

With about an hour left until their arrival, Angel sped up, putting a substantial distance between herself and the thief. She landed near a monitored checkpoint and activated her human form before dropping stealth. 

Two guards stood near the archway, both noticing when she approached. They were wingless draconian, although their coloring varied substantially. The female was bronze, while the male was an attractive silver. The scales that covered their bodies faded completely at their jawlines, but their features could never be mistaken for human. Their eyes were round and more prominent than humans, and their broad noses were down-turned, making it impossible to see their nostrils. 

"Hello, Beautiful," the male assumed a relaxed demeanor. His yellow eyes stared at the Spider Queen. 

Angel waved a hand; the guard instantly fell onto the stone pathway, bound from knee to shoulder in tight webbing. "Thank you for the compliment." 

The female guard bowed respectfully, ignoring her fallen comrade. "Welcome to Asperia. May I ask your destination?"

"Assassin Guild," Angel replied with the words recommended by Q. When the Ba'Avriel were defeated by Fora, a small group established a foothold in Asperia. Although technically, Merci Quickill was the Assassin's Guild Leader, she had never stepped foot in the place. 

The guard scowled at the bound male on the ground, tempted to kick him. She studied the crowned young woman. Dark black hair, a pale face with bright green eyes, her demeanor boasted a confidence that most couldn't display without an army behind them. The visitor was obviously someone of note. "Do you need directions?"

Angel shook her head and crossed the veil without looking back. 


QJ studied the practice sword, swinging back and forth in a wide swath before leaping forward in a thrusting motion. He had, of course, learned swordsmanship from Hashtag, TAP's premier blade wielder. 

"It seems you've held a sword before," Aji stated the obvious. 

QJ grabbed the blade by the tip and hilt, letting it bend slightly. "This is a rapier; I never used one of these when Uncle Hash taught me." He glanced at his Majordomo; she wasn't big on small talk. "Was there something else?"

Aji nodded. "Robin is here. She asked me to make sure you weren't indisposed."

"Just show her in next time; whatever I'm doing, Robs can either join in or watch." 

Robin appeared directly in front of him, not surprised when he didn't startle. "Courageous words, QJ." She gave him a quick kiss before glancing around. "Where's Ra?" 

"Sleeping," QJ replied. He left her in Briar Rose's luxurious master bedroom before retiring to the nearby den to draw new swordgun designs. Several different kinds of daggers and short swords were lined up neatly on the marble-tiled floor. 

Robin stepped away, curious about his latest ideas. Two daggers immediately grabbed her attention. The first was short, less than six inches. "I've never seen one of these." 

QJ picked up the blade in question, gripping the horizontal hilt in his hand, with the blade protruding between his pointer and middle fingers. "It's called a push blade."  After demonstrating, he handed her the weapon."

Robin whistled softly, making a punching motion. "This is for up-close work?" 

"Straight up brawling or dirty fighting, no footwork or fancy parrying required."  QJ smiled when Robin sat the blade down and picked up the other one she had noticed. 

"Oh my..." Rob turned the blade over in her hands, a twelve-inch double-sided blade with a razor-sharp tip. "It's a bit longer than I'm used to, but I love the feel of it." 

"That design is from my world. It's called an Arkansas toothpick." 

Robin raised an eyebrow. "I assume that's just an expression?"

QJ nodded. "As far as I know. I'm making you one."

"Another Swordgun?" Robin asked.

QJ shook his head. "This one will be a Swagger." 

Robin stared momentarily before laughing loudly; after a few seconds, Aji joined in. 

"What's so funny, Robs?" QJ glanced between his girlfriend and Majordomo; they were clearly amused. 

"You get your naming sense from Q."  Robin was still laughing when she placed the dagger back on the desk.

QJ shrugged slightly, not getting the joke. "I'm also making a push swagger for Dixie and a swordgun for Barti."

Robin didn't comment on the first name. "Are you trying to get on her good side?"

QJ scrunched up his face in what he decided was a necessary look of disgust. "She's a Silverleaf; I'm already on her good side."

Robin nodded in agreement. "Just don't tempt her too much, or she'll break the pact." 

QJ grimaced at the mention of the pact rumor. "There's no such thing. Anyways... Bart's blade broke when she was attacked the other day."

Robin studied his expression; QJ was born with the ultimate innocent face. "And she is the loveliest of the Silverleaf women." 

"That opinion has nothing to do with my work," QJ replied honestly. Barti's hair was so pale that it looked like freshly fallen snow; she was a very popular and bright girl with a pleasant personality.

"If you say so," Robin teased. 

"What's the latest with the Painted Lady?" QJ asked. 

"You were right. A draconian thief returned the mask," Robin answered. "Angel is hot on the trail." 

QJ wasn't surprised by the news. "Straight to Asperia, I bet." 

Robin nodded and moved close enough to wrap her arms around him. "Going to find Ra and relax a bit. What are you going to do?" 

QJ had been wanting to head to his gunsmith shop at the keep but didn't want to leave Ra alone; Robin's arrival was opportune. "If you don't mind keeping an eye on Ra, I'd like to head to the Keep and get some work done." 

Robin's smile could have melted butter. "No worries, I'll bring her by the Keep when she wakes up." 

Thanks for reading!

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