[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]
Location: Briar Rose
Time: 0642 hours
Server Population: 59,812 Your current level is 51.
[Guild Message of the Day]
Today we are meeting at the Briar Rose central courtyard.
[OP: Ringo] Here is a list of the crafting books acquired by QJ during our event quest. We'll use GCP to bid on the different skills. Keep in mind, some of these are somewhat non-traditional. QJ added the descriptions.
[Ophthalmic] Create lenses for all manner of devices, including glasses, telescopes, binoculars, and scopes.
[Tailor] Make clothes, undergarments, and other cloth accouterments. (This does not enable any sort of leather working.)
[Gemology] Bring out the power of gemstones by cutting, crafting, and adding enchantments.
[Cobbler] You make shoes...
[Chapelier] Advanced hat making.
[Jeweler] Make rings, bracelets, and necklaces for your friends.
[Trapper] Assemble a wide variety of traps, from simple trip lines to field-sized mazes.
[Swordsmith] Just like it sounds, daggers and swords.
[Chef] Learn the art of cooking.
[Scribe] Create enchantments that can be added to objects.
[OP: QJ] This is why there is basically no player lifestyle presence in GnG.
[OP: Chainy] What do you mean?
[OP: QJ] Say you want to ring that grants night vision. You'd need the collaboration of a jeweler, gemologist, and a scribe.
[OP: Ringo] Unless your ring doesn't have any stones. There's a formula for this sort of thing. Generally, the more disciplines involved, the greater the result.
[OP: Sato] How do NPCs do it?
[OP: Breeze] Lying down is my guess...
[OP: QJ] They learn multiple disciplines. Start at 200 GCP for the skills.
QJ watched his hud scroll with bids; no one was willing to go more than 1,000 GCP, so everything sold quickly.
[Ophthalmic] Leeta
[Tailor] Shonie
[Gemology] Breeze
[Cobbler] Maric
[Chapelier] Chainy
[Jeweler] Sato
[Trapper] Potshot
[Swordsmith] Dusk
[Chef] Nightrain
[Scribe] Bolo
[OP: Sato] Jewelers are rich, right?
[OP: QJ] If you want to make some credits, then you should have contested for Chapelier.
[OP: Sato] What? Really?
[OP: Chainy] Ever price a GnG hat in Exodus? They are crazy expensive, especially if you learn a few fashion patterns.
QJ took a seat on the edge of the central courtyard in what could have been referred to as the rear section of the grounds. Sandwiched between Sato and Breeze, he served as neutral territory as the two went back and forth. After a few minutes, he'd had enough and gave them some space.
[OP: QJ] Okay, let's get started. Everyone's here. We don't have an updated server board out here, but I can tell you that we are doing well.
[OP: Ringo] More than well, the levels we won in our Main Event quest match the levels lost by those that went against us.
[OP: QJ] On a different topic, the new City Fort will have private residences for OP members.
[OP: Chainy] I can't wait to see it. The Legends server has nothing like it. You can buy a personal residence in some of the larger towns, but the cost is quite high.
[OP: QJ] As with everything else, we'll use GCP to bid on these.
[OP: Ringo] I won't be bidding, since I already have an estate.
[OP: QJ] Same here. Enjoy your free time until lunch; then, we'll focus on training for the Goodwill games.
[OP: Ringo] Last thing, our allies from the Sandhealer Faction will be heading home in a few minutes. Let's give them a proper send-off.
[OP: Breeze] I still think we should keep them. That battlefield slow was pretty nice.
[OP: QJ] Captain Haden is the crowned Prince of the Basara continent; his father rules the Dunjai tribes.
[OP: Sato] Really? Maybe he can give me a quest...
[OP: QJ] Maybe. Let's send them home.
QJ had already arranged with Jambo to change their departure point to Briar Rose since the Keep was being upgraded. The group of young archers was quietly practicing their craft on a few targets Aji had set up for them on one of the side courtyards.
Haden smiled and waved at OP when he noticed their approach. Jambo was tracing a glyph into the stones while the rest fired downrange.
"Are you here to see us off?" Haden flashed a bright smile, extending his hand to shake.
QJ nodded and shook the offered hand, waiting until Ringo did the same before speaking. "Thank you for coming, little brother. Please give my regards to your father."
Haden's smile widened until it seemed his entire face would be consumed. "I hope to see you again, brother QJ."
"Same here," QJ replied. "OP will answer the call if you have need of us."
Jambo stood up suddenly, jumping out of the way as the runes he drew started to glow. "Everyone, line up!" The large man took the first spot, followed quickly by Haden and the rest of the detachment.
QJ stood off to one side and watched as a stone archway started to form.
[OP: Ringo] Let's give these guys a hand.
With OP clapping loudly, the archway came into focus, and Jambo walked forward. One by one, they exited until the last of the One Sun archers were gone. In the aftermath, a blurred form appeared in the gate as if waiting for someone.
[OP: Breeze] Another visitor?
QJ moved forward, stepping into the archway where a familiar form stood. She held a long staff in one hand with a blue orb of water circling at the top. Her smiling, dark face was stunningly beautiful in the glow of the gate. "Ra..."
Ra stepped closer, embracing him with one arm while continuing to hold the water staff in the other. "I've missed you, QJ."
"You look well." QJ held her close, resting his chin on her head when she leaned against him. "How is your family?"
Ra leaned back long enough to sneak a quick kiss. "Our family is fine; I hope you will visit us soon."
QJ snorted at her words. "You tricked me."
Ra pursed her full lips. "I know... husband." She stepped back after she spoke, smiling at the way his mouth opened and closed several times.
QJ was speechless for a few seconds before Wu's earlier words finally sunk in. The Sandhealer Faction was eliminated on every other server... "How long can you maintain the gateway?"
"Only a few minutes," Ra admitted.
[OP: QJ] Are any of my family members close by?
[OP: Sara] Me and Sasha were about to use your spa.
[OP: QJ] West side courtyard, right now. You're taking a trip.
Within a few seconds, a dark elf teen appeared, dragging a protesting red-haired girl behind her. As a dark elf, Sara was much stronger than her sister.
QJ gestured for them to hurry before returning his glance to Ra.
"I'm not going anywhere!" Sasha's freckled nose wrinkled as she shook her finger at QJ. "We were going to use the spa!"
"This is Ra. I'm tasking you with her protection." QJ motioned for them to join the woman in question.
Sara moved forward without asking why. Her lavender eyes studied the newcomer while ignoring the protests of her sibling. Ra was dressed in a light blue robe; gold bracelets, and armbands adorned her bare arms. Her skin was the color of coffee, with delicate features beautiful enough to make angels weep. "Count on us!"
QJ stepped back when he felt the archway getting brighter, a sign that it was about to shut down. "These are my sisters," he shouted to Ra. "We'll talk soon."
"QJ!" Sasha's freckled face showed that she was about to lose her temper. "I have important things to do!"
[Whisper: QJ/ Sasha] Very well. If you don't wish to guard your sister-in-law, then step out.
Instead of stepping out, Sasha jumped forward and grabbed Ra's free hand. An instant later, all three of them vanished from sight.
[OP: Breeze] Hey! Did that woman kiss you?
[OP: QJ] Yes. The people of the Basara continent are very friendly.
[OP: Sato] Emphasis on friendly.
An hour later, instead of grinding levels with his guildmates, QJ logged off to face the music. He spent a few minutes researching different topics and then called a family meeting at his parent's house. The group included Leah, Mojo, Serli, Lara Sy, Tal, Pops, Ella, Gus, Ren, and Anna Li. As an afterthought, QJ made sure Naomi was in attendance and took a moment to connect with Felix Soma via the kitchen island hud.
Quinn looked at his son and then at the four women staring at QJ. For once, someone else had poked the bear. He was having a great deal of difficulty maintaining a straight face. "You did something bad, right? Tell your old man what it was."
"Got married," QJ muttered under his breath.
Quinn froze in place for a moment. "Gonna stream this meeting so I can rewatch later."
Finally, Tal couldn't take any more waiting. "Can we get started, QJ?"
QJ shook his head. "Wait until Rob's get's here."
As if on cue, the orange-haired rogued appeared at the stairs landing. She took a moment to take in her surroundings before grabbing the empty chair next to QJ. "Sorry, it took me so long."
QJ used his personal hud to display a map of the Basara continent. "A while ago, I was sent on a Major Event Quest for the Sandhealer Faction. Recently, I discovered that this same faction has been eliminated on every other server."
"Every server?" Felix's voice grew loud with excitement. "You verified this?"
"Our guild's Information Broker did, but you are welcome to double-check." QJ brought up a set of unofficial numbers. "We're looking at a group of thousands."
Naomi whistled softly. "We can let one or two potential LAI slide, but what will we do with an entire community?"
Felix shook his head in frustration. "Our new policy, starting at the next patch, will be to prohibit GnG NPCs from switching servers. They'll be able to access Exodus, but only if they are the only version of themselves."
Leah fixed QJ with a green-eyed stare. "You are leaving something out." It sounded like a question, but it wasn't; the Apple Princess had great intuition.
QJ described the events of the Sandhealer Faction quest, from the spear-throwing and insults to the opening of the Engineer's building. He left the marriage ceremony until last, and oddly enough, it brought the house down.
Leah declared Redline, while Mojo began discussing with her mother how many commandos she could send.
Tal studied the map for a moment, tapping her finger against her chin. "Our new base of operations isn't far from there."
Quinn scowled suddenly while holding a finger to his lips. "No need to talk about that."
QJ snorted loudly. "Seriously? Do you think I don't realize who Oldman Crane is?"
Quinn shrugged innocently. "Never seen him myself, although I have heard he's pretty skilled."
"Dad... You colored your hair white and put on wire-rimmed spectacles. It's the worst disguise since Clark Kent." QJ hadn't been aware of the identities of Old Skool until he glimpsed a screenshot of Crane and Sexy Dexy on the GnG forums. Neither of his parents put much effort into changing their appearance for their GnG character.
Tal looked somewhat guilty, covering it up by moving the map. "We took over a group chain of islands called Hai'dysta. It's less than half a day by ship to the Basara continent."
Lara Sy favored QJ with a calm smile while pushing a stray lock of her blue hair behind one ear. "What are you planning to do, QJ?"
QJ cleared his throat before stepping away from the island. "I'm going to act properly and ensure her safety. Once I realized that she was probably an LAI, I sent Sasha and Sara with her."
Mojo nodded in acknowledgment. The rogue, cleric duo might be young, but both were trained from birth with the same purpose that QJ was. "That's a good short-term plan. Is Old Skool close enough to protect her?"
Quinn held up a hand to stop any further discussion. "QJ is a grown man and doesn't need to ask our permission to act. Nor should we step in and interfere if he hasn't asked."
Leah seemed to want to argue, but instead, she canceled Redline. "You make sure that no one harms Sierra before we've had a chance to meet her."
Tal nodded in agreement. "Not one hair on her head is to be touched."
Mojo closed her hud and watched him with her lavender eyes. "Handle this properly, QJ."
"I've looked into this." Robin swiped the island hud, zooming out on the map until it showed the continents. "GnG is set up in a way to restrict player movement early in the game. With the exception of the Berg continent, portal or archway travel has to be enabled for each additional continent."
QJ vividly remembered his first experience with cross-continental travel; it was decidedly unpleasant. "I did a bit of research; enabling portal traffic involves a rather difficult quest line."
"That's fine," Leah's green eyes studied the map. "We'll need a fleet until then; let's send Nimda in."
Quinn snorted but covered it with a polite cough. "How did the new groom travel to Basara if travel isn't enabled?"
"Good question," Robin answered. "Only very powerful magic users can open up pathways between continents before portals are enabled. According to Jambo, Sierra is the only one on the Basara continent that can manage it."
Anna Li smiled excitedly. "So, our girl is strong?
"Seems like it," Pop's old voice didn't match well with his young face. "Whatever you need, QJ, just ask."
"I need someone to start the quest line," QJ replied.
For once, the elder Quinn was being cooperative. He exchanged glances with Tal before nodding. "Since we've already moved to Hai'dysta, Old Skool will start immediately."
QJ contacted Wu via his wrist hud; the OP information broker had obviously been expecting his call. "Besides the quest line, what else is required to open up intercontinental travel between Berg and Basara."
Wu tried to ignore the fact that the Legends of TAP were staring at him. "You'll have to hand carry the first portal; by ship, wagon, and caravan; it's a long journey."
"I'll bring it there," Robin placed a hand on QJ's shoulder. "Although Sasha and Sara are dependable, I worry something unforeseen could happen. I'll contact Nimda; we'll procure a ship at the nearest Berg port."
Lark raised a hand from her seat next to Ren. "I can take over your Commandant duties for a few days, Robin."
QJ squeezed her hand. "We've only had an hour to plan; let's push forward, and get everything started. That's it for now. If you'll excuse me, I need to return."
Robin stood up to follow him but was stopped when Tal caught her eye.
Unexpectedly she approached the Songbird and embraced her. Tal's pretty blue eyes were warm. "You should view this Sandhealer woman like a younger sister and protect her at all costs."
For once, the orange-haired Songbird was speechless. She only nodded in reply; her urge to run was nearly overwhelming when Leah and Mojo closed in.
Leah smiled sweetly, her freckled nose wrinkling slightly. "Transport the gate and then return safely with Sierra."
Mojo's lavender eyes stared at her. "You know what to do if anyone attempts to harm her."
Spent the last week sick with Bronchitis, but I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. Thanks for reading.