
Jailbird QJ

QJ placed all the valuable items he was wearing in his inventory. Some NPCs in GnG, like law enforcement and prison guards, could lock your inventory, but none could rob it. The exception to that rule would be any quest-related items pertinent to the situation. However, any items you wore would either be confiscated or stolen.

He stood on the roof, his hands raised overhead. The quest he received; was he supposed to stop the assassination? Or was it a chance to escape being blamed? "Spilled milk now..."

QJ stared down at the courtyard, not moving since he realized the guards would arrive any second. He spied Annabelle below, moving into the shadows, out of harm's way. He activated live streaming and waited.

"Step away from the edge, Sandhealer Faction Leader." A guard's voice spoke from behind him.

QJ did as he was asked. If they used his title, his treatment should fit his rank, no matter the charge. Maelstrom couldn't afford to abuse someone considered a foreign Duke without a trial. "I am innocent. I witnessed the King's death but had no part in it."

He was grabbed and spun around. QJ offered no resistance when they manacled his wrists in front of him.

[You have been placed under arrest, and your inventory locked.]

"No? Then what do you call this?" demanded the guard who shackled him.

[An Incriminating Note has been taken from you.]

"That's not mine; I've never seen it before," QJ said with a straight face.



[You are already under arrest for a high crime.]

QJ smiled innocently.


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed a [Common Paperclip]


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed a [Clean sock]

[Your pickpocket skill has increased to 4.]



[You are already under arrest for a high crime.]



[You are already under arrest for a high crime.]

[Your pickpocket skill has increased to 5.]


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed [3 credits]


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed a [Silver spoon]

QJ was escorted to the Palaces' main doors, where a horse-drawn carriage with barred windows awaited. With nothing better to do during the fifteen minutes it took them to exit the palace, he had managed to raise his pickpocket skill to 16.

The prison coach door swung open in front of him.

Guard Captain Randal patted down his own pockets while targeting QJ with a suspicious glare. "Are you trying something funny?"

"Not sure what you mean." QJ shook his head. "Try not to damage my tux. My Majordomo won't be happy if you do."


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed a [Incriminating Note]

[Your pickpocket skill has increased to 17.]

[Quest Updated.]

The door slammed shut after he was 'assisted' inside. A sudden tilt of the carriage told QJ that at least two of his guards climbed onto the side rails of the stage.

QJ sighed heavily. "Hey... Do you guys mind if I sing? It helps when I get nervous." He kicked the coach's door; it was solid oak reinforced with steel straps. "No comment? How about something old school, then?"

"The warden threw a party in the county jail

The prison band was there, and they began to wail

The band was jumpin', and the joint began to swing

You should've heard those knocked-out jailbirds sing

Let's rock

Everybody, let's rock

Everybody in the whole cell block

Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock."

When the wagon stopped a quarter of an hour later, the door was yanked open by an angry Guard Captain. Evidently, repeated renditions of a golden oldie got old... after a dozen times or so.

Gella and all three of QJ's moms stared at the recorded live stream of his arrest. The Songbird had been closed for the evening but was now open and filled to capacity with assorted friends, family, and members of OP.

Quinn stood behind the bar with Pops, serving beer to their guests. "What do you think, Anna?" Quinn asked.

Anna held a sleeping bundle in her arms, rocking gently as she rewatched the arrest for the third time. "Well, this is going viral. More than 3 million views in the first ten minutes. I've already received a dozen messages from Exodus Today requesting an interview with QJ."

"Pause the video," Ringo moved closer. "Can you zoom in on that screen message?"

Anna nodded. She zoomed in and did a screen grab before displaying it.

****Screen Grab*****


You've successfully [Pickpocketed] Guard Captain Randal.

You've pocketed a [Incriminating Note]

[Your pickpocket skill has increased to 17.]


Pops and Quinn immediately burst into laughter, along with a good portion of the guests.

"That's my boy!" Quinn toasted QJ, clinking his mug against the one Pops held before polishing it off. "Might as well stack petty crime to the list. You can only hang once."

Ringo shook her head. "In GnG, if you are charged with a high crime, any lesser crimes you may have committed will be ignored."

Anna did a double-take, unsure if she heard correctly. As a lawyer, she found the idea laughable. "What constitutes a high crime in GnG?"

"I'm only aware of two, murder of a Royal Family Member and Treason." Ringo was doing her best to keep a straight face, but it was difficult. "To my knowledge, QJ is the first student of the Exodus Academy to be charged with a high crime."

"Another first for the Riley clan," Quinn toasted his son again.

Anna focused on the contents of the screen grab. "It says [Incriminating Note]. If that is evidence against QJ, then we need to keep it out of their hands."

While QJ's family discussed different options at the bar, the Songbirds were gathered at their booth in the far corner. A tiny thief sat next to Robin, his eyes constantly moving.

Nightingale was using the booth's hud to display a map of Maelstrom prison. After the Gypsy quest, the Songbirds were very familiar with the layout.

Wren played with a strand of blond hair while smiling at Robin. "QJ has a nice voice."

Nightingale nodded in agreement. "He and Larry can start an all-male version of the Songbirds. We'll call them the Jailbirds."

Thrush covered a laugh. "I might have to rethink letting Robin have free rein with QJ."

"Same here," Wren teased.

Nightingale pursed her lips while she considered their options. Basically, they could do anything they wanted on the Phoenix server. The NPCs were all fairly low-leveled. "Standard breakout. We go in hard and contain the first floor. Robin and Wren find his cell and bring him down. We already have an established exit in the lower levels through the Freeborn settlement."

Robin tilted her head slightly. "We doing this?"

Nightingale shook her head. "If we are asked, or if I think he's in danger."

Leah and Mojo sat at the Songbird's bar; both of their eyes had turned the darkest blue. Serli, Quinn, Pops, and Tal were watching them as they described what was happening.

"Okay... they have him." In the interest of self-preservation, Quinn decided to hide his smile. The live stream had stopped suddenly when QJ was brought into the prison. However, Fora had other methods of keeping tabs on him.

Tal's pretty blue eyes shone with emotion. "Think they can lock up my son?"

Serli crossed her arms in front of her. "Let's trash the city and take him back. Burn everything to the ground."

Quinn wanted to laugh but managed to hold it in. "Easy there. QJ is really resourceful. He chose to give himself up to keep his friend from being discovered. Let's give him an opportunity to make his play."

Serli stood up, "Fine, I won't interfere unless they try to harm him. However, I'm going to stay at Briar Rose and make sure no one tries to take his things."

Leah continued to describe the events as they placed QJ in a secure room. As a high-ranking nobleman, he wouldn't be thrown into the dungeon. Both panthers dropped stealth when the door was slammed shut and locked.

QJ glanced from Bali to Jalie. "I'm okay, guys."

Leah's voice coming from a huge panther was very disconcerting. "We won't step in unless things start to go badly. No one is allowed to harm you, period."

QJ nodded. "Thank you for the support. Let me figure out a plan." QJ had already checked his hud; it was no longer working. The room he was in must restrict communication and access. It was the same restrictions he had placed in his casino. However, Shadowfiends could communicate regardless of any limitations.

QJ took a moment to examine his cell. In many cities, the room could be considered an upscale apartment. He walked toward a comfortable-looking bed and grabbed the corner of the blanket that covered it. With a sudden tear, he ripped off a small strip.

"Do you know anything about the charges?" Mojo's voice held an angry edge.

QJ removed a small piece of paper from his pocket and wrapped the strip of blanket around it before approaching Jalie. "My inventory is locked, so pickpocketed items go to option two, any external bags or pockets."

"Anna asked if you have any clues," Leah said.

QJ patted Jalie's soft head. "Open." He carefully placed the cloth inside her mouth. "Don't chew or swallow this. I might have a lead; we'll talk about it when I log off."

****Author's Note****

When an incarcerated player logs off in GnG, the system generates a placeholder to take his place.


Far away, in a small cave located in the Dunjai desert, a small woman used a white rock to draw images on the stone wall. She also showed them pictures from a notebook she had drawn. After QJ's departure, Dara searched for five ghosts that she knew. QJ had said, if everyone can teach five, then the world will change very quickly. They will all teach five, and within a relatively short period of time, all the ghosts will have found their voice.

She stood in front of them; this was the second day she had taught them. In their eyes, she could see the excitement they felt at finding their missing voices.

[In Sign]

"Good morning, friends. I am Dara."

The class answered silently with their hands. "Good morning Dara."

[Back at QJ's house]

QJ stretched in bed for a moment before removing the ceramic discs attached to his temples. His hud dinged almost immediately, and Robin's smiling face stared at him.

"You have a nice voice, Jailbird."

"Thanks, Robs." He could hear one of the other Songbirds humming 'Jailhouse Rock' in the background. "How's the Keep? I was worried that there would be fallout from my arrest."

"Nothing yet. I've heard some grumblings, but the rumors say that Lilly has blocked anyone from making an official charge against OP. Smart play separating from us."

"We'll see if it sticks. I suppose Briar Rose has been taken?"

Robin shook her head. For once, it was hanging loose over her shoulders. "Oddly enough, Serli has picked this time to visit you. She showed up with a few hundred elite commandos. Merci is with her."

"My Gram is taking good care of me. I'll have to do something nice for her when this is done." QJ returned Robin's smile. "Did you say Merci showed up also?"

Merci Quickill, also known as the Assassin Queen, was a Captain in the Raven Battalion, and the leader of Gryphon Flight. Since birth, she had always referred to QJ as the 'young Prince.'

Robin nodded. "She's not under orders. According to her, she's just doing a bit of exploring."

QJ laughed. "As long as they leave her alone, she won't cause trouble."

"Probably not," Robin agreed. "She did bring all of Gryphon Flight with her."

"How about you, Robs? Got a plan to break me out?"

Robin nodded. "My sisters and I have already planned it out. Ninety seconds and you are out of there."

"Damn... I was teasing Robs."

"Not me. Ninety seconds, say the word." Robin leaned forward, "Shall I come by the house later?"

"Yes, we can use the pool."

"Sounds like a good idea, QJ. I'll keep you updated on any changes."

QJ took a quick shower and was enjoying a late breakfast when his roommates finally started to wake up.

"Some help here, QJ," Lotte called from her room.

The door was open, so QJ walked in. Lotte was sitting on her bed wearing shorts; he had never seen the scars on her legs. From his guesswork, he estimated that her legs would have been burned the worst.

"Sorry to put you through this QJ, forgot to set the brake on my chair, and I must have bumped it when I got in bed last night."

QJ shrugged and sat down next to her instead of grabbing the chair. "We're past this, right?" He squeezed her hand. "Need help getting in the shower?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Umm... we aren't there yet." Lotte felt her face turning red. "You always try to embarrass me, rascal. You've seen more of my scars than anyone outside of my family."

"Oh, I see. Any scars on your backside?"

Lotte shook her head. "Oddly enough, my butt is perfect."

QJ felt a smile spreading across his face, "I find myself in agreement with that comment."

Lotte stared at him for a moment, then covered her blushing face with her hands. "Crap...The things you make me say! Why did I say that?"

QJ stood and pushed her chair over before applying the brake. "Up you go." He helped her get in the chair, even though she really didn't need it.

Lotte stopped in the doorway of her bathroom. "Make me breakfast as punishment for teasing me."

"I was going to do that anyway." QJ waved to her and then shut the door on his way out.

"How's the Jailbird doing?" Breeze's dark hair was damp from the shower; it hung down her back, making her shirt wet.

"Doing great. Haven't come to see me in prison yet, I noticed." QJ grabbed three glasses and poured orange juice for them.

"Sorry, my mom doesn't allow me to visit relatives in prison."

"Right, I suppose that makes sense." QJ tried to tell if she was teasing him, but her face was unreadable.

Nina trotted down the stairs."Did they let you out on good behavior?"

"Funny." QJ made a face at his purple-haired roommate. "When I log off, a generic version of me sits there waiting."

"No worries, I'll come see you, QJ." Nina pulled her hair back and fastened it with a hair tie. "Do they allow conjugal visits?"

"Denied!" QJ toasted a bagel for Lotte and let it sit. The doorbell stopped the 'conjugal visit' conversation from going any further.

QJ opened the door to an Asian man in his mid-20s. He was of average height and wore his long hair in a top knot. "Morning. Would you be Wu Ling?"

The man nodded and stuck out his hand. "You must be QJ! Aunty Yu wasn't joking; you look just like your dad."

QJ glanced over his shoulder before lowering his voice. "Don't mention the casino. I told them you are here to be our guild's information broker."

A smile creased Wu's pale face, "information broker? I like the sound of that."

"Come on in and meet everyone." QJ opened the door wider to let him in. Sato and Lotte had joined the rest of the group at the table. All of them were watching the newcomer with curious eyes.

"Hey guys, this is Mr. Wu Ling. He's going to be staying with us from now on." QJ motioned for him to come into the kitchen. "Left to right, this is Breeze, Nina, Lotte, and Sato."

Wu smiled at the group. "Just call me Wu, please. I'm an expert in just about everything dealing with GnG and Exodus. QJ hired me to be the guild information broker."

Breeze leaned back in her chair, "are you a gamer too?"

Wu shook his head, "I like to mess around on the Legends server, but I don't have much talent."

Nina patted the chair next to hers. "Welcome to the house, Wu."

Wu secretly thanked his aunt for setting this up. She hadn't mentioned that three of his housemates would be pretty girls. "Thank you!"

"Did you hear that our boy is locked up for assassinating the King?" Sato's face showed his relief; the new guy didn't appear to be a babe magnet like QJ.

"Yes, just about everyone on every server is talking about the events taking place on the Phoenix server." Wu shook his head in amazement, "I've cataloged every major faction and world event from all the servers. Using an algorithm that I developed, I'll plug in the information for Phoenix. I'll be able to show you the lines of departure and hopefully be able to predict future events to some extent."

By QJ's estimates, the events in Maelstrom had a sixty or seventy percent variation from the other servers. "Anything you need, Wu, just let me know."

"I'll need your event and quest logs. Everyone in the guild actually, I'll be better able to do my part once I've collected all the data."

"Damn, Wu, you're awesome!" Breeze smiled at him. "Got a girlfriend yet?"

"Um... just a virtual one." Wu glanced around the first level of the home. His Aunt hadn't told him that the house was huge. "Aunty Yu told me to give you this QJ." He handed him a small flash drive.

QJ took the flash drive without saying anything. "You are going to fit in here nicely, Wu."

"I can't wait to set up. Where is my room?"

Nina jumped up before Breeze could move, "I'll show you around, Wu."

Wu followed Nina up the stairs, while Breeze stubbornly tagged along.

Sato stared as the trio went up the stairs. "How come they are being so nice to him?"

Lotte patted him on the back. "It's not your fault Sato; being smart is super sexy."

"...." Sato.

"Oh god... I'm sorry, Sato. I didn't mean to imply that you aren't smart." Lotte looked to QJ for help, but unexpectedly he fled the scene for his room.

Lotte quickly retreated to her own door; QJ's door was closed. "Pool at noon, QJ?"

"Wouldn't miss it! Going to Ravenwood for a bit."

QJ had his VR suit on and slid into the chamber. He plugged the flash drive into the headset.

[VR Platform detected, awaiting input.]

"Use external flash drive for input."

[Synchronizing Avatar, welcome to the Studio.]

QJ found himself in a comfortable room with three large chairs and lots of monitors. He walked over to the monitor wall. "Damn... that's a lot of monitors."

"Do you like it?" A feminine voice from behind caused him to jump. He turned to see the lovely Daiyu Ling.

"Startled me; you must be notified when someone logs into your VRP?"

Yu nodded. "Smart boy." It was her avatar from when Yu used to do commentating. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Impressive set-up." QJ pointed at the dozen monitors on the wall. "Those monitors will be from my dealers at the casino?"

"Yes, video and separate audio feeds. You'll be able to catch every whisper. It will all be recorded, and then Wu will have to sift through it."

"We'll take good care of Wu. I need to find something that points me toward the person responsible for the King's death."

Yu looked at him for a moment and then took a seat. "My nephew ran some initial numbers on the possibilities." She used her hud to show him the most likely suspects.

There were three names that QJ recognized right away. "Queen Iya, Princess Lilianna, and Angel."

"Wu doesn't know Angel, of course; there's no way she would ever try and incriminate you."

QJ nodded in agreement. "She could have killed the King easily; she is a Winged Assassin, in addition to her natural spider abilities."

Yu pursed her lips as she considered the list. "What about Lilly?"

"I really don't want it to be her. Let's be realistic, though; power can be very tempting." He left out the part that bothered him the most, the idea that Annabelle could be working against him.

"From what I understand, you're one of her allies. It seems to work against her goals to implicate you."

"I hope so." QJ stared at the hud, trying to connect dots he may have missed. "Shit..."

"Just keep working on it, QJ; you'll get there."

"Hope so, Yu. Thanks for all your help. I owe you one."

"No worries, cya QJ."

QJ logged out of the VRP and switched to his TAP avatar before logging into Exodus. He brought up his hud and contacted Ringo. A moment later, her pretty face smiled at him.

"How's crime?" Ringo didn't bother to hide the humor she felt at the situation.

QJ stepped into the Songbird and walked upstairs without speaking to anyone. Robin's room was on the end; she had long since given him a key. "Are you someplace where you can talk?"

"Almost; I was heading to the office to speak with Robin. Let me contact you in a bit."

QJ nodded and took a seat on Robin's bed. Apparently, his girlfriend liked stuffed animals. "Damn... I need to pay closer attention."

A few minutes later, QJ's hud blinked, and he opened it up to see Robin and Ringo. "Hey, Robs."

Robin gave him a sexy smile. "That my bed, QJ?"

QJ nodded. "Very soft too. Sorry to interrupt your day, but I have a suspect."

Robin glanced at Ringo for a moment and then turned her brown eyes back to QJ. "We suspect the Queen."

"It has to be her QJ; she benefitted the most from this. The only way she inherits the throne is if she manages to implicate Lilly for the King's death." Ringo watched him for a reaction.

"I don't disagree. However, I suspect that she had outside help." QJ didn't want to say it out loud.

"We have a list of the Queen's known allies." Robin displayed the list on the hud.

"That's not what I meant. I mean, player help."

Ringo stared at her ace; although inexperienced, she trusted his ability to reason things out. "You think someone is working against us?"

"What would you do if OP was offered a Main Event Quest to Assassinate the King?" QJ asked.

Ringo glanced at Robin and then back at QJ. "I would have at least considered it. Being allied with the Monarchy in Maelstrom would mean that the OP's strength would soar."

QJ nodded. "Phoenix is a new server. Which guilds could pull that off?"

"Besides us... Old Skool and Chupa Lupa." Ringo wouldn't have added Chupa Lupa, but the three of them had managed to clear the medium mounds in the Sassara colony, which means they are strong.

"Briar Rose, the Guild Keep, and upper-tier titles. All of that could be in the pot for the guild who pulled it off." QJ sighed heavily. "You are forgetting someone, aren't you?"

"Forgetting? No, I don't think so." Ringo stared at him for a long moment before she understood. "You are talking about Gunsmoke... Dessi's guild."

QJ nodded. "We can't rule them out."

Thanks for reading.

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