

QJ exited his room's VR chamber, the seal on the door protested with an audible hiss. After equestrian training, his class moved to the Captured training area and reviewed basic strategies for the afternoon. Only the Captured Captain studied the subtle nuances of movements that could turn defeat into victory; the rest of the players only needed to know who they should be hitting. Ringo was an experienced veteran Captain. She took them through multiple scenarios where QJ was forced to be active and reactive.

"Well... dropping six straight games was a good learning experience." After every match, the teams were shuffled, so only QJ experienced the joy of constantly losing. He scowled at the memory.

"I should go running." QJ slipped out of his VR compression suit and quickly donned his running gear.

"Your favorite Brit is downstairs," Tal spoke from the doorway.

"Jinn's here?" QJ's poor mood faded away. "I should have popped in on you guys during lady's night."

Tal rolled her eyes. "You'd have been bored."

QJ noticed the small case his mom was holding in one hand. "Those are VRP mappers. Did you move things around?"

VRP mappers were used to scan enclosed spaces, making them virtually accessible. The technology was limited. An LAI could pick up a magazine from your coffee table, but they couldn't page thru it. Any change to a mapped space required the process to be repeated.

"We replaced the chairs in the living room," Tal noted QJ's sudden interest. "Something wrong?"

QJ shook his head. "Can I have those mappers?"

A glance around his room told Tal that QJ hadn't moved anything. "What for?"

"I want to take them apart; look at the inside."

Tal's pretty face split into a wide grin. "Want me to find you the schematic too?"

QJ nodded. "I'd like to order a few things for an idea I'm kicking around."

"That's fine. Use the house account. How much stuff are we talking about?"

QJ grabbed his running shoes and headed towards his doorway. "Worried about space or cost?"

"Space, of course," Tal replied. "The cost of good science is irrelevant."

"A lot of stuff. I'll have it shipped to Pop's place." QJ gave his mom a peck on the cheek on his way past her.

Pop's house was the property that butted up against their backyard. He had only used it for a few years before undergoing the Neural Consciousness Transfer procedure (NCT). The old man left the house to his only grandson, but QJ hadn't used it for anything.

"There he is..." Jinn's accent had remained despite the decade she'd spent in Las Vegas. The slim blond held her arms out expectedly.

QJ hugged his former tutor. Jinn had been one of three instructors that rotated into their home regularly. She was by far his favorite. "Hey!"

"Hey, mom, I invited Lotte over for a barbeque." QJ sat on the couch and started putting on his running shoes.

"Is Lotte Charlotte's GnG name?" Tal knew that GnG players were notorious for using their game handles.

QJ nodded, "going for a run. Want to come, dad?"

Quinn shook his head. "I went earlier this morning. Her mom got a job working in Naomi's department, so it looks like they'll be staying."

QJ ran easily down the side of the road. He was deep in thought about the afternoon's Captured contest. "Every time I tried something, she responded right away."

QJ stopped at the park and started doing push-ups. "She a counter-puncher. How do I handle that?"

After a few more sets of push-ups, he started back toward his home. "What if I don't attack? Will she take the initiative if she has nothing to respond to?"

QJ could see his dad firing up the grill from his room when he returned nearly an hour later; he glanced at the time. "Quick shower, then I'll pick up Lotte."

"Shouldn't you change clothes?" Suzi Hall held a light blue blouse for her sister to try on.

Lotte shook her head. "What for? I'm just going next door."

The twins stared at each other and sighed heavily. "The super handsome neighbor just happens to be big into virtual gaming, just like you." Suzi pushed the blouse onto her lap.

Taylor picked up the blouse her twin had tossed and held it out to Lotte. "He's a GnG nut. Shouldn't you at least make an effort?"

"I appreciate the thought. QJ is super nice. Let's be honest here. Take a good look at me." Lotte wheeled toward the doorway.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Suzi jumped in front of her, her short brown hair falling into her eyes, "you're at good as anyone!"

Taylor moved to her sister's side, effectively forming the twin blockade. "As good as anyone, that's for sure!"

"I'm in a wheelchair, and half my face is melted to the point that my mouth is crooked. What are you two even thinking about?"

Lotte moved toward them; they parted before she made contact.

She had just entered the living room when the doorbell rang. Her older sister came to the railing upstairs. "You got that, Char?"

"Call me Lotte, please, and yes; I'll get it."

"I'm not using that stupid name." Jo flipped her hair and turned back to her room.

Lotte grimaced at her older sister. It had been years since they had got along well. She turned to the door and opened it carefully.

QJ stood in the doorway. He looked at her with blue eyes that were focused and smiling. His hair was still damp from the shower; he wore baggy blue shorts and deck shoes. "Ready to eat?"

Lotte nodded as he moved behind her and assumed steering rights. "How can you still be hungry after getting served humble pie all afternoon?"

QJ winced, "that hurts, Lotte."

Lotte laughed at the face he made, her mood instantly getting better. "I'm sure it will get better, QJ."

"For sure." QJ had left his garage door open since he could go straight to the backyard from there.

Quinn looked up when he saw that his son had returned. "Hey, Lotte! Welcome!"

Tal came out with some plates. "It's just the four of us. Are kabobs okay with you, Lotte?"

Lotte nodded; she couldn't help smiling at the blonde. "Thank you for having me."

The food was on the table a short while later, and the group joined hands. It had surprised Lotte when both men had extended their hands.

"Thank you for the meal."

"And God Bless Quinn," Tal added softly, smiling at her husband.

It only took Lotte a few minutes to realize that QJ was much like his dad. They both had the same open frankness about them. Neither seemed to mind taking on challenges.

The father and son pair constantly joked with each other, a light banter that was funny to watch. Lotte thought a wrestling match would have broken out if Tal hadn't been there. She spent most of the time talking with Tal, feeling an unexpected kinship with the blonde engineer.

"Wait... let me get this straight. The school teacher kicked your butt again?" Quinn picked up on it when Lotte was describing the day's events.

"I'd never played before!" QJ shrugged at his dad, "I'll get better."

"What was that?" Quinn waved his fork in the air while putting a hand to his ear, "I couldn't hear you over the sound of lame excuses."

QJ responded by flicking a piece of carrot off his plate, hitting his dad on the arm.

"Stop!" Tal looked at her two men, "don't even think about it!" She stood up and pushed Lotte toward the kitchen door.

"You two clowns are on clean-up," she called over her shoulder as they entered the house.

QJ finished the last of his dinner, "she was obviously talking to the only clown out here."

Quinn gave him the stinkeye. "What? Your dad's a clown!"

"Again... that would be you."

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: Laredo.

Time: 1805 hours

Server Population: 9,004 Your current level is 8.

QJ logged in at the Laredo Platform; he equipped Scorched and immediately set out for the rear entrance of the Bee Cave. After a few minutes of hard running, he arrived at the place where he had helped Nina the night before. He stowed Scorch and started in on foot.


You have faded from view.

Using his lariat, he was able to climb up to the entrance easily. The buzzing of bees warned him that the cavern was once again repopulated. Carefully he maneuvered through the nest, giving the generic bee queen a wide berth. When he arrived at the opening leading to the ant section, he discovered it had been resealed.

"Of course, bees are busy after all." He took another five minutes to cut through the wax wall, storing most of the wax chunks in his inventory, then stuffed his ears full.

He held his hand out, palm up. "Come."

[Spider Bee]

Level 16

HP 150/150

Strength 22

Agility 27

Stamina 17


[Cider Spider]

Level 15

HP 100/100

Strength 16

Agility 16

Stamina 16


[Cider Spider]

Level 15

HP 100/100

Strength 16

Agility 16

Stamina 16


"You guys only went up one level this morning?" The two Cider Spiders scurried up his sleeve while the Spider Bee moved up his arm and perched on his shoulder. He felt a strong sense of warmth coming from her. "You want to chat, don't you? Well, let's see what's left. Display Stats."

Kingslayer QJ (Cursed)

Wrangler: Level 8

Agility 35

Perception 35

Stamina 22

Wisdom 9

Strength 20

Command 5

Total BR:5.5/12


[Phoenix Bullets]

Pistol 65/100 Level 8

Shotgun 34/100 Level 8

[Show Stopper]

The amount of XP you

need to reach level 10

has been tripled.

129,850/135,000 You need 5,150 XP to reach level 9.

QJ felt the eyes of the Spider Bee still focused on him. "Think I'll call you Cleo, you like that? Join the others. I'm going to make some noise."

Instead of moving to his sleeve, she crawled under his collar. A feeling of contentment radiated from her.

QJ walked back to the massive Stalagtite and secured his lariat to it. Then, taking a quick look around to ensure he had remembered everything, he got in position next to the opening.

He found a comfortable firing position and aimed at Keku.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

Keku has been hit for 5,500 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 1,100 damage.

QJ didn't bother to waste any more time shooting; he turned and ran for his lifeline.

Keku followed close behind the fleeing wrangler. As soon as the Ant King entered the cavern, the Queen Bee moved to intercept. QJ watched the initial clash before turning his attention to the wax entranceway. The ants were streaming through it much faster this time. Had QJ not been present, they may have managed to take over the nest.

He aimed at the crystal ceiling and started shooting; like before, the damage and xp scrolled across his hud as chaos reigned below. After a quarter of an hour, none of the insects remained alive. QJ slid down the rope, looting Keku and the Queen Bee. As he approached their corpses, he felt the hunger pangs of his spider friends.

The two Cider Spiders crawled out and stared upward. Then, a moment later, Cleo came out from beneath his collar and perched on his shoulder, she looked down at the other two spiders, and immediately they scurried toward Keku.

QJ smiled at the little Spider Bee, "you giving the orders now, Cleo?"

She looked up at him, unmoving. QJ smiled and extended a finger. Her carapace was covered with a soft brown fuzz. "Go on, get yourself something to eat." He watched as she moved toward the Queen Bee Corpse. "Don't like Ant? I don't blame you."

Queen Bee dropped an unidentified Glove and Keku an unidentified bridle. QJ smiled when he saw the harness; they were rare drops often sold relatively high.

"Display Stats."

Kingslayer QJ (Cursed)

Wrangler: Level 9

Agility 35

Perception 35

Stamina 22

Wisdom 9

Strength 20

Command 5

Total BR:5.5/12


[Phoenix Bullets]

Pistol 70/100 Level 8

Shotgun 44/100 Level 8

[Show Stopper]

The amount of XP you

need to reach level 10

has been tripled.

162,108/195,400 You need 33,292 XP to reach level 10

"One more ought to do it. I'll do a bit of hunting until then." He glanced at the royal corpses."You three stay here and relax."

"Turn on Guild Notifications."

[System Message] Guild Notifications on.

QJ glanced at the guild stats. Ringo and Lotte were at 11; he didn't see Breeze on.

[OP: QJ] Heya!

[OP: Lotte] The church mouse speaks.

[OP: Ringo] Squeak, squeak.

[OP: QJ] Speak up if you still need to acquire a mount.

[OP: Leeta] I still need one.

[OP: QJ] I'm sending you one that dropped, but you'll have to identify it.

QJ dimly recalled the quiet girl who sat behind Breeze; she was a field medic. At level 7, she was the lowest player in the guild. Field medics were traditionally very slow leveling, especially new ones.

[OP: Leeta] Really? Thank you, QJ!

[OP: QJ] Supposedly, it's good Karma to take care of healers.

QJ's hud buzzed, and Ringo's face popped up a moment later. She was wearing a black flat-brimmed cowboy hat.

"Cool hat." QJ felt a tinge of jealousy. Hats were strictly cosmetic in GnG, but they were still relatively expensive. "Was that a drop?"

Ringo nodded. "Dropped off a named mob. I've got a few minutes if you want to discuss the caverns."

QJ took a moment to send Leeta the bridle and exited the cave.

He explained his initial raid on the insect caverns and the subsequent one when Sajana and Circa spawned. Then he briefed her on Anna's research regarding the Line of Succession.

Ringo whistled softly. "It hasn't been 48 hours since the titled royals were killed, so we won't learn anything yet. Can you have Anna send me her findings?"

QJ nodded. "I should add that Angel is an LAI and part of my family. So I won't do anything that compromises her interests."

"A TAP NPC?" Ringo pursed her lips while she considered OP's interest. "This early in the game, the option for royal favor is limited. Would she be interested in an alliance?"

"Yes," QJ answered. He didn't have to ask Angel to know the answer.

[System Message] You have been made Vice Leader of One Problem.

"You've made me a Vice Leader?"

"Check out the Guild Officer Interface. Only the Guild and Vice Leaders may form alliances. Regular officers don't have that option."

"I'll speak to Angel immediately and ensure Anna sends you her research."

"Sounds good; keep up the good work." Ringo closed comm with a wave of her hand.

"Damn... She hung up before I could say anything else." QJ spent the next four hours hunting near the cavern entrance. Several times he spotted groups at the far end of the canyon, but the mobs were too numerous for them to make it through.

[System Message] Jigsaw has sent you a friend request.

QJ glanced at his hud and immediately selected approve.

[Whisper/Nina: QJ] How did you get past all these mobs?

[Whisper/QJ: Nina] I plied them with ice cream.

[Whisper/Nina: QJ] Can't you be serious?

[Whisper/QJ: Nina] Did you bring ice cream?

[Whisper/Nina: QJ] Of course not, you idiot!

[Whisper/QJ: Nina] Then how do you know I'm not serious?


You have faded from view.

QJ reentered the Bee Cavern and returned to the stalactite; his three spiders were waiting for him there. They lay bloated on the ground, unable to crawl. "That is so sad... you fatties can't even move."

Spider Bee (Evolving)

Level 19

HP 250/250

Strength 25

Agility 32

Stamina 24


Cider Spider

Level 19

HP 175/175

Strength 20

Agility 20

Stamina 20


Cider Spider

Level 19

HP 175/175

Strength 20

Agility 20

Stamina 20


He gently picked them up and slid them under his sleeve; instantly, he felt indignation from the Spider Bee.

"Oh, you like the penthouse suite better?" He moved her up to his collar, and she crawled underneath. "Fine, but after this, you guys will start helping. No more free rides."

QJ lined up the Shot with Keku and started the process one last time. A short rope climb and a few minutes of firing at the crystal ceiling saw QJ finally reach level 10.

[System Message] Show Stopper has been upgraded to Indomitable Will.

Kingslayer QJ

Wrangler: Level 10

Agility 40

Perception 40

Stamina 27

Wisdom 14

Strength 25

Command 10

Total BR:4/12


[Phoenix Bullets]

Pistol 11/100 Level 9

Shotgun 33/100 Level 9

[Indomitable Will]

+5 All stats, Immune

to Curses.

196,000/211,000 You need 15,000 XP to reach level 11.

"Hmm... does this mean it wasn't a curse after all?" QJ checked the corpses, Keku dropped an unidentified bracelet, and the Queen Bee dropped an Evasion Scroll.

[Evasion: Group Only]

The entire group is evacuated

to a safe area. Combat use


"That's kinda nice." QJ decided to take a break and head to the Songbird; his favorite engineers had left him a level 10 care package.

The Songbird was busy, as usual. Lark was waiting tables while Pops worked the bar. He smiled at QJ when he entered the tavern.

"QJ!" Pops immediately filled up a mug and slid it in front of his grandson. The technology of the NCT gave the patient the appearance of whatever age they chose. Pops had gone with twenty-five. Over the course of the last few years, he'd been aging backward toward his target goal, giving friends and family time to adjust to change.

"Thanks, Pops." QJ understood the reason for the backward aging when someone he loved went through it. It made the transition from biological to virtual easier for everyone involved.

QJ sent a quick message to Angel and brought up the guild interface. After reading everything, he found the Guild Leader/Vice Leader submenu.

[Guild Leader/Vice Leader]

1) Recruitment.


3) Treaty

4) War.

QJ sipped his beer while going through the various submenus. "List Submenus."

[Recruitment Options]

1) Recruit target player into the guild.

2) Remove target player from the guild.


1) Advance target player to the rank of officer.

2) Demote target officer to standard member.

3) Advance target player to the rank of Vice Leader *Note* Only the Guild Leader may use this option.


1) Alliance.

*Note* You cannot form a Standard Alliance with any entity you are currently at War with.

2) Peace Treaty.

3) Non-Aggression Pact.

4) Trade Pact.


1) Declare War.

*Note* You may declare War on any entity. Doing so dissolves any pacts or treaties between you and said entity.

2) Truce/Ceasefire.

*Note* While under the flag of War, other diplomatic options may only be pursued after negotiating a Truce or Ceasefire.

QJ read through the submenus for a moment before selecting Alliance.


1) Formal Alliance.

2) Secret Alliance.

"Display descriptions for both alliance types."

[Formal Alliance]

Entering a formal alliance requires both parties to support one another by supplying troops or resources. The amount of support must be agreed upon beforehand. While defending the interests of your ally, all military and financial pursuits receive a [Alliance] bonus of 15 percent.

[Secret Alliance]

The terms of this Alliance are negotiated in secret and are not subject to any bonuses. However, if a Secret Alliance is elevated to a Formal Alliance, the standard bonuses will apply.

QJ read through the descriptions, copied them, and sent them to Anna and Angel. The formal corporate lawyer was the legal advisor for most Ravenwood LAIs, including the Spider Queen.

"Can I get you another?" Lark's voice caused QJ to jump slightly. "I'm done. Going to head back to GnG in a bit."

Next chapter