
Tower Dungeon

QJ stood in the shower for several minutes letting the hot water wake him up. The events of the previous evening left him with a few questions. First, what was the Domain Deed? Second, Sajana and Circa would have been raided before, so what did he do that interfered with the succession?

The Exodus games like TAP and GnG could be played while you slept; most players did so. However, QJ was unconvinced; he seemed to sleep better when he wasn't linked to anything.

"Morning QJ," Anna sat at the island, sipping her coffee.

"Morning Nan, I see mom's coffee, but I don't see mom." QJ grabbed a bagel from the bin and poured himself some orange juice.

"Your parents went to the lap pool to swim." Anna smiled at the face he made, "you weren't up yet, sleepyhead."

"Crap..." QJ wasn't a swim nut like his mom, but they always stopped at the Waffle House on the way home from the pool. "I could eat me some waffles." He bit into his bagel viciously; somehow, it didn't taste as good. "I need some help, Nan."

Anna raised an eyebrow at his serious expression. She leaned forward slightly. "Did something happen last night?"

QJ nodded and began to relate the previous day's events to Anna. He finished with the system message, and the Sajana drops.

Anna listened intently, halfway through she opened her hud and started recording everything. "Don't do anything else with the deed until I dive into this. We could end up hurting Angel by making the wrong move."

QJ nodded. Moving forward blindly in this situation might cause Angel's position to be compromised. "I need to bring Ringo into the loop. As our guild leader, she should be made aware of anything that may affect our standing in GnG."

"Agreed. I'll research Sajana, Circa, this crown, and the domain deed." Anna offered him an encouraging smile. "Don't look so worried. I'm hot on the trail! It's been years since my skills have been put to the test."

"Thanks, Nan." QJ hugged her tight and proceeded upstairs.

The Painted Lady was open when QJ casually walked by, so he stopped in.

Jezi smiled when she saw him, "how'd the fade ring work?"

QJ returned her smile, "excellent, complete stealth for eight minutes."

He sat three items on the counter, "could you identify these for me, Jezi?"

Jezi nodded and picked up the scroll. "Oh... nice insurance. It's an instant rez scroll; anyone can use it."

While QJ watched her identify the items, events from the prior evening kept creeping into his thoughts.

"These gloves are nice; know any healers?" Jezi glanced up and caught him watching her. "It's normal to have wandering thoughts, QJ. I also thought of last night when you walked in."

QJ felt his face heat up, "I guess so."

[Gloves of Restoration]

Healer Class only.

+20 to healing.


Jezi whistled and held up the hatchet. "Now, this is nice. Do you understand how BR is applied in GnG?"


Hatchet: Tank Class only.

+10 Stamina

Additional Effect: Chance

to stun.

BR: 9

"I know it is directly responsible for offensive and defensive capabilities." As someone with a strong interest in GnG, he made it his mission to fill his head with information.

Jezi nodded. "Weapon, armor, and character BR are complied separately, but the sum of the parts is always greater. For example, a weapon with 9 BR will have a measurable impact on offense and defense."

QJ understood what she was saying. GnG used a unique method of influencing offensive and defensive abilities. Weapons weren't measured by their damage, nor was armor rated by their AC. Some felt the system needed to be revised, but QJ liked its simplicity. "Have you played GnG?"

Jezi nodded. "I went back and forth between GnG and TAP for quite some time. Then, when I gained a hidden TAP class, I turned in my spurs."

QJ smiled at the term. It was something only a GnG player would say. "Not sure if you are interested in this, but take a look." QJ placed a large chunk of bee wax on the counter.

Jezi picked it up, squeezing it like clay to be molded. "Sticky, smells sweet."

"It's honey wax... "It has excellent sound suppression."

"Sound suppression? Really..." Jezi smiled and put out a slender hand, "a bit more, please."

"Sure," QJ took out a large portion and sat it on the counter. He kept about half for his engineer friends to look at. "I didn't realize until now; you're an alchemist, right?"

"Maybe," she replied casually. "Bring me back some more wax if you get the chance."

"Okay, Jezi, thanks for the help." He waved and headed out the door quickly.

QJ didn't see Lotte at the stables, so he headed to class instead. Unexpectedly, the door to his classroom was open, and the sound of voices could be heard in the hallway. Although the freshmen class consisted of thirty people, they were not ordinarily loud.

"Morning QJ." Freya, the third-year teacher, was in their room with most of her class.

"Morning, Miss Freya." QJ noticed Maya was sitting at his desk, talking to Lotte.

"Call me Dessi, please, Level 8 Field Medic." The third-year teacher was standing in the front of the room.

"This some sort of take-over?" QJ walked over to his desk.

Dessi shook her head with a smile. "Not really."

"Good... We'd flatten you daisies without trying." QJ smiled warmly, taking the edge off his words. He glanced at Maya. "You're in my seat."

Maya responded with a friendly smile and stood up. "I was keeping it warm for you."

"Did my first-year class suddenly get bigger?" Ringo entered the room a few seconds after QJ, her face unreadable.

Dessi smiled at her friend. "Thought we'd look at the leaderboard with the freshmen class."

"Oh? Is something wrong with the one in your room?" Ringo knew her friend. She was here for a reason.

"We just want to bond a bit more." Dessi smiled innocently and leaned against her desk.

A few minutes later, all her students were seated, and the 3rd years were standing against the windows. Ringo waited until everyone quieted down. "Let's take a look at the leaderboard, shall we?"

[Top Guild Level]

1) Old Skool-Lvl 9.4

2) One Problem 7.6

3) Chupa Lupa 7.5

[Class Leaderboard]

Range Rider: Sexy Dexy-Lvl 10

Gunfighter: Oldman Crane-Lvl 11

Brave: Laffy Taffy-Lvl-7

Tracker: Carlotti Hottie-Lvl 9

Shaman: Dead Mimi-Lvl 9

Field Medic: Suga Pie-Lvl 8

Wrangler: Kingslayer QJ-Lvl 8

Scout: Cactus Flower Lvl 8

Commanchero: Breeze-Lvl 9

Cavalry: Iron Lou-Lvl 9

Raider: Devil Woman-Lvl 9

Gambler: Pinnacle-Lvl 8

[Top Five OverAll]

1) Oldman Crane

2) Sexy Dexy

3) Carlotti Hottie

4) Sunny Meadow

5) Breeze

"Oh... we have two students on the leaderboard today." Ringo glanced at the back of the classroom where Breeze was sitting. "Good job, Breeze."

Dessi nodded. "Your class is doing very well. We are at 7.8; however, please take a look at the neat little title your ace is holding."

Ringo turned back toward the board, her shock at seeing QJ's progress had caused her to miss the title. What level would he be if he wasn't cursed? "Kingslayer? Where did you get that title, QJ?"

QJ made a locking gesture over his lips. "That information belongs to One Problem."

"Hey! You should share that kind of stuff!" Nina's face started to get red.

Ringo kept her face expressionless, "I've no issue with keeping our own secrets."

"Miss Chi! We should be helping each other more!" Maya's voice was calm as she tried to reason with the first years.

"Call me Ringo, please, level 8 Slinger."

"You don't get the Kingslayer title without killing a King." Dessi knew her friend wouldn't budge. "According to my research, that title isn't attainable anywhere near Laredo."

QJ grinned at all the frowning 3rd years. "I'm unwilling to share that information at this time."

Dessi held up her hand to stop her class from further comments. "How about you offer to sell us anything your class can't use?"

"I only received one thing worth mentioning, and I'm saving it for Breeze."

Breeze heard her name and peeked over at QJ. "Something for me?"

Breeze was not only talented but also very friendly. Her avatar was precisely the way she looked irl. She had brown skin and black hair. Her dark eyes always seemed like they were laughing.

QJ linked the item to the class. "Thought the server's top Chero could use it."


Hatchet: Tank Class only.

+10 Stamina

Additional Effect: Chance

to stun.

BR: 9

Breeze seemed to appear instantly in front of QJ's desk. Her smile showed all of her pearly white teeth. "That's for me?"

QJ laughed at her expression and handed her the hatchet. "Remember this when a Wrangler item drops."

Breeze nodded solemnly, "I'll definitely look for you if that happens."

"And you get to be my tank for a few days." QJ rubbed his hands together, finally, a meat shield.

Ringo was listening to the conversation. "Four of us are level 8 or higher; that means we can finally start a real group."

"I know someplace nice, but none of our healers are level 8 yet." QJ had a tip from Anna on a nice dungeon crawl.

Lotte had been listening quietly. The gunslingers on the server were fast-levelers. "I need some better gear."

QJ noticed Dessi watching him. "Want to group with us today, Dessi?"

Dessi stared at him in surprise. "You want to cooperate now?"

"You've got some serious balls, QJ! What have you done for us?" Nina shouted at him, her temper finally erupting.

QJ shrugged. "Hey, I have a nice healer item you can have if you tag along."

The purple-haired girl stomped on the floor, "You idiot! You think she's interested in your crap?"

Dessi ignored her student's tantrum. "Show me, QJ."

"Sure." QJ linked the gloves from his inventory.

[Gloves of Restoration]

Healer Class only.

+20 to healing.


Dessi stared at the stats, her blue eyes expressionless. "I'm in." She held out her hand, a sly smile on her face.

"I'll give them to you when we meet in GnG."

Dessi frowned at him. "Where's the trust QJ?"

"Left it at home."

Ringo laughed at her co-worker's expression. "Okay, third years, out of my classroom."

Dessi stood by the door until the last of her students exited. "Meet at the Laredo platform?"

QJ nodded, "yep."

Ringo waited until they were well down the hallway, then she shut the door. "Very nice job, everyone. Once we get to level 10, we can start some raids."

QJ walked up to the front of the room and switched his hud display to the board.

"North of Laredo, there's a group of caves." He circled the spot on the map. "You have to go into the back entrance here.

Ringo studied the map, "this where the King is?"

QJ nodded and brought up the two caverns separated by a wall of wax. "There were two spawns, an Empress and a King.

Although initially, they were elite placeholders. When I killed them, the royals spawned 6 hours later."

Ringo didn't hide the surprise on her face. "Two titled mobs?" It will be 48 hours until they return; until then, it will be placeholders."

"Good. That will give us time to discuss some events I may or may not have set in motion."

"Oh?" Ringo leaned forward slightly. "Did you find something interesting?"

QJ nodded. "I have someone researching it now. Could we have a virtual meeting later?"

"Of course. Something happened when you cleared the cavern?"


"How did you kill them?" Breeze interrupted. "Those should have been elites."

"Acoustics. The bee chamber walls are coated with sound-proof wax, and the ceiling is basically one big tuning crystal. I drew the Ants inside the Bee chamber, and when I shot the ceiling..."

"Everything starting taking damage." Lotte finished his sentence, her head shaking in amazement. "How'd you avoid dying if the acoustics are so damaging?"

QJ took out a small piece of bee wax from his inventory. "Place this in your ears, and you barely hear anything."

Ringo halted further discussion by posting the duty roster to everyone's hud. "Feel free to log in. Extra duties after lunch and Equestrian training following that." Ringo gave her class the thumbs up. "Oh, and the rumor is that Maya will attempt 12 bells today."

Lotte tightened her ponytail, "Think she'll make it?"

QJ nodded, "She has a good chance."

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: Laredo

Time: 0800 hours

Server Population: 8,104 Your current level is 8.

[System Message] You have received a group invite from Ringo. Do you wish to accept?


[Group: QJ] Heya.

[Group: Breeze] Hi QJ.

[Group: Lotte] Welcome, slowpoke.

[Group: Ringo] Hi QJ.

[Group: Dessi] On my way.

QJ checked his hud; the rest of the group would take a few minutes to arrive, so he headed down to the market hub. After purchasing some level 10 armor and weapons, he packaged it up and sent it to Remmy, along with a few large chunks of bee wax.

His hud blinked almost immediately, and Remmy's cute face popped up.

"What's this stuff, QJ?" Remmy had a bit of the wax in her hands and was squeezing it.

"It's bee wax I found in GnG. It has excellent sound-suppressing characteristics. Thought you might be interested."

Remmy immediately hooked it up to an instrument on her workbench. "Look at that, barely any vibration." She turned her head, completely forgetting about QJ, "Tal, look at this!"

A moment later, Tal's pretty profile came into view. "Where'd you get that, Remmy?"

"I gave it to her." QJ was used to being ignored by engineers. "This is like my childhood all over again."

Tal turned her head and looked at the hud. "Oh... sorry, hun. I didn't realize."

"It's fine, gotta run. Thanks, guys." QJ didn't listen to their replies. Instead, he cut comm and summoned Scorch.

After the group met, riding to the dungeon took another 15 minutes.

QJ handed Dessi the healer gloves. "Thanks for coming."

The group stood there for a moment, staring at the massive tower.

Breeze frowned at the structure."I thought you said it was a dungeon."

QJ nodded. "Tower dungeon. We'll fight on the floor below the one we pull from. We'll start out here and clear the first floor to begin."

The group moved away from the entrance QJ pulled out his Lariat and glanced over his shoulder.

[Group: QJ] Ready?

[Group: Ringo] Start us up.

QJ disappeared into the entrance.

[Group: QJ] Incoming!


An Elite Angry Skeleton has been roped and is closing on your position


An Elite Angry Skeleton has been slowed by forty percent.

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

An Elite Angry Skeleton has been taunted.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 652 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 532 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 1230 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 246 damage.

*Breeze has activated Turoc Mach'tu.

An Elite Angry Skeleton has been hit for 223 damage.

An Elite Angry Skeleton has been stunned.

*Hot Pack*

Dessi has healed Breeze for 450 hp.

*Double Direct Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 223 damage and 347 damage.

*Direct Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 322 damage.

[Group: QJ] Incoming!


An Elite Necromancer has been roped and is closing on your position


An Elite Necromancer has been slowed by forty percent.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into the target for 434 damage, 358 damage, and 534 damage.

[An Elite Angry Skeleton has been slain.]

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

An Elite Necromancer has been taunted.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 442 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 343 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 986 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 197 damage.

*Breeze has activated Turoc Mach'tu.

An Elite Necromancer has been hit for 185 damage.

*Hot Pack*

Dessi has healed Breeze for 525 hp.

*Direct Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 438.

*Double Direct Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 322 damage and 521 damage.

[Group: QJ] Incoming!


An Elite Haunted Spirit has been roped and is closing on your position


An Elite Haunted Spirit has been slowed by forty percent.

*Double Direct Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 223 damage and 347 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into the target for 654 damage, 388 damage, and 517 damage.

[An Elite Necromancer has been slain]

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

An Elite Haunted Spirit has been taunted.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 662 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 533 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 990 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 198 damage.

QJ holstered his rifle and pulled his shotgun.

[Group: QJ] Rush inside after this mob!


An Elite Evil Presence has been roped and is closing on your position


An Elite Evil Presence has been slowed by forty percent.

*Double Direct Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 223 damage and 347 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into the target for 744 damage, 628 damage, and 517 damage.

[An Elite Haunted Spirit has been slain.]

[Group: Breeze] Follow!

Breeze charged into the first room where QJ was kiting the mob.

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

An Elite Evil Presence has been taunted.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 265 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 354 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 630 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 126 damage.

*Breeze has activated Turoc Mach'tu.

An Elite Evil Presence has been hit for 223 damage.

An Elite Evil Presence has been stunned.

*Hot Pack*

Dessi has healed Breeze for 450 hp.

[Group: Dessi] Energy down to 20 percent!"

*Double Direct Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 223 damage and 347 damage.

*Direct Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 322 damage.

*Point Blank*

QJ had hit the target for 2130 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 426 damage.

[An Elite Evil Presence has been Slain.]

QJ knelt on one knee and started reloading his weapons. "Take a break; two more on this floor, then I'll start pulling from the 2nd floor."

Lotte stared at him in shock, "Holy crap, QJ."

Breeze shook her head. "One mob dies, and the other is already there."

Ringo messed up QJ's hair, "doing great, stacking those mobs up like pancakes."

QJ's eyes lit up at the mention of food. "I love me some pancakes."

Dessi was resupplying her Field Bandages, her eyes watching the young Wrangler. "Could I see your weapons, QJ?"

QJ nodded. "It's just the advanced starter kit gear, modified by Remmy and my Mom. The BR is lower now that I've leveled up a few times."

[Advanced Sawed-Off Shotgun]


Special Effect: Chance to Stun.

+ 10 to Stamina

Battle Rating 5.4

[Extended Range Pistol]

Six-inch Barrel Extension

Chamber Modified to accept

Carbine Rifle bullets. Special

Effect: Increased Accuracy.

+5 Perception

Battle Rating 5.5

"...." Ringo.

"...." Dessi.

"...." Lotte.

"...." Breeze.

QJ smiled shamelessly. "Come on... it's the starter kit."

Breeze smiled sweetly. "We should date QJ, seriously."

Lotte rolled her eyes. "Woah there, Chero, he's my neighbor. Unfortunately, we don't have room for more."

Dessi winked at QJ. "It's good Karma to take care of the healers."

"Sorry I can't hear you, Dessi." QJ stood up and drew his shotgun.

"Hey.. what kind of slick setup is that?" Ringo stepped closer and looked at his armor. "The holsters lock into place?"

QJ nodded, "I don't even feel them. I'll get mom to look at your stuff."

Dessi cheered. "Good job, QJ!"

"Um... I was talking to my Guild leader."

Dessi frowned. "Bad job QJ!"

With QJ chain pulling, the group spent the morning flying through the first six floors of the tower. Breeze had reached level 11, Lotte, Ringo, and Dessi were at 10, and QJ was still closing in on 9.

Ringo checked her hud. "Just the floor boss left; then it will be time to go."

Dessi glanced at QJ. He was working harder than anyone, yet he remained at level 8. "Thanks for the hard work QJ."

Ringo nodded. "Yeah, QJ, great job."

QJ shrugged, "Just have to get to level 10."

"I'll help you, QJ." Breeze threw a tanned arm around his shoulders. Throughout the morning, the group learned that the Chero was very friendly and outspoken. "Let's discuss those Phoenix bullets of yours. Those are badass!"

"Agreed." QJ pulled his pistol and walked toward the floor boss.


Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been slowed by 40 percent.

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been taunted.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 588 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 538 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit)

QJ has hit the target for 3,540 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 708 damage.

*Breeze has activated Turoc Mach'tu.

Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been hit for 444 damage.

Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been stunned.

*Hot Pack*

(Critical Heal)

Dessi has healed Breeze for 2,870 hp.

*Double Direct Shot*

(Critical Shot)

Ringo has hit the target for 2134 damage and 1866 damage.

*Direct Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 322 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into the target (Critical Hit) for 1545 damage, 1381 damage, and 1531 damage.

Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, is Raging; all damage is tripled.

*Hot Pack*

Dessi has healed Breeze for 950 hp.

*Field Pack*

Dessi has healed Breeze for 1880 hp.

*Point Blank*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit the target for 1630 damage

Fire scorches your target for 326 damage.

Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been stunned.

*Aimed Shot*

Lotte has hit the target for 1,333 damage

*Aimed Shot*

Ringo has hit the target for 1511 damage.

[Tsunder, the Fallen Angel, has been Slain.]

Ringo checked the corpse, "Slinger and Tank stuff."

[Reinforced Overlay]

Medium Armor

Reduces incoming damage

by twenty percent.

+ 10 to Stamina.

BR: 9

[Light Leather Shirt]

Gunslinger Only

Medium Armor

+10 Agility.

BR: 8

Ringo handed Breeze the armor and gave a thumbs up to Lotte.

*Ringo has rolled the dice* 88.

*Lotte has rolled the dice* 93.

Lotte smiled and grabbed her leather shirt. "Thanks for the hard work, everyone."

QJ activated his return token and waved. "See you guys in class."

GnG Fact: Turoc Mach'tu is the Commanchero's bread and butter. This mid-level attack features an aggro-building element along with a chance to stun.

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