
Doubler Canyon

QJ slipped the Striker bracelet over his hand, grinning when a small hud popped up with the character's vital statistics.

[Jobo] Range Rider Level 31

Agility 35

Perception 49

Stamina 22

Wisdom 29

Strength 25

Command 11


Rifle IV 77/100 (Capped)

BR 8

[Exodus System Message] You've equipped an active Striker band. Jobo will be the default name for all raid and group communication unless otherwise specified.

QJ frowned at the message. "Use QJ as the default name for raid and group communication."

[Exodus System Message] QJ is now the default origin for raid and group communication.

"Looks like Miss Chi didn't skimp on quality." QJ noticed the character was capped, meaning it couldn't improve further. This was how Exodus was able to maintain its mid-tier Striker catalog. The BR (Battle Rating) was more than high enough for Doubler Canyon. As a character progressed through GnG, its BR was used to gauge strength. A BR of 12 meant that the character attained maximum effect for their level. This could be based on several things, from top-end gear to having specific stats maxed.

He thought he'd log into the house hub to get any last-minute directions from his dad. Voices from the kitchen told him that they were waiting. "Anything you can think of that I might have overlooked, Dad?"

Quinn looked at his son, "thank you... thank you."

QJ cocked his head to one side, "huh?"

Anna, Ren, and Tal were all staring at him. Everyone was blushing furiously, their faces split into wide grins. Ren turned on her hud's recording device and started streaming.

Quinn looked at the speechless women and then back at QJ, "um.. look down, son."

QJ glanced down, his eyes widening in horror. "Oh, sweet mother!" He jumped backward, stumbled over the landing, and fell on his butt. He felt his face turning red; I have boobs... great big ones. Jobo was a woman.

Tal was the first to recover; she hid her smile behind her hand. "Sorry, QJ, you took us by surprise." Jobo was a tall redhead with an incredibly voluptuous figure.

QJ stood up slowly, "so... no last-minute advice then?" The group at the island erupted into laughter again, "Log-on Exodus, Gaming Hub."


QJ looked at the time on his hud; he still had nearly an hour before the start. With nothing to do but wait, he decided to hit the Songbird for a bit and headed toward the TAP area. As usual, the line was out the door, getting a table most days was next to impossible.

Robin was sitting at the front door, pleasantly turning people away. QJ stopped when he recognized a person in line.

It was his homeroom teacher, Chi Blanca.

He walked toward her, stopping once he was directly behind her.

Chi Blanca turned when she sensed his presence; she stared at the tall redhead before erupting in laughter.

QJ frowned at her, "Oh, I see... you did this on purpose."

Chi's usually serious face struggled to stay calm, "it was random, QJ. Two Striker Riders are female, but all the shooters in your class are male." She patted him on the shoulder, biting her lip to keep from laughing, "it was just bad luck."

QJ frowned at her, "sure it was." He stepped past the people in line and stopped in front of Robin. "Let me in, Robs."

Robin raised an eyebrow at the redhead before her, "do I know you?"

"Of course, it's QJ. This is the Striker account I'm using for Doubler Canyon Raid today."

Robin stood up; her smile could melt ice cubes. "Really? What did I give you for your birthday last year?"

QJ glanced over his shoulder and lowered his voice, "an IOU for skinny dipping."

Robin's soft laugh drew everyone's attention; she opened the door for QJ and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Good luck on the raid today."

After more than twenty minutes, QJ exited the Songbird. He noted with some satisfaction that both Exodus instructors were still in line.

"That's your Ace?" Freya Corso watched as Jobo approached them. Freya's class had used the Striker account many times, so she immediately recognized the Rider.

"That's him. Wonder what he wants now." Chi smiled as her student stopped before them, "did you enjoy your lunch QJ?"

"I just hung out a bit, too nervous to eat." QJ returned his teacher's smile, "think we could hang out in the 3rd years staging area for the first part of the raid?"

Chi glanced at Freya, who nodded at her. "That's good thinking, QJ. Letting your people see the first stage of the raid will help them relax."

Freya watched him walk away, "he changed the weapon load-out for their raid."

Chi raised an eyebrow, "he did?" She brought up her hud and looked at the raid sheet. "Four Springfield rifles? Why would he do that?"

Freya shrugged, "no idea. That cost a thousand points too. Doesn't he realize that saving that much normally takes three years?"

Chi didn't comment; she could see the potential of her freshmen class. "I'm not expecting much, but this will benefit them. If nothing else, it's a good experience for their 2nd-year labs."

"The first time is always fun." Freya had to calm her class down when they heard that the freshmen GnG class was taking a crack at Doubler Canyon. She had told them they were treating it as a field trip.


A short while later, the freshman GnG class sat near the back of the Doubler Canyon staging area, careful not to interfere with the 3rd year preparation.

QJ divided his raid into four separate groups and made them sit together during the raid. Then, he pointed out which area each group needed to observe. There were a total of 15 sub-bosses and five bosses. With each new sub-boss, new adds would spawn at the end of the leaves.

The raid started quickly, with the tank and dps attacking the sub-boss. They used the traditional method of having two marksmen and a healer for each leaf. They wiped immediately after the first spawn. The third leaf collapsed, and the mobs ended up overrunning the tank group.

QJ had a hud open to each of his group leaders. "The third leg collapsed. I was looking away, so I didn't see the reason. Let's watch the repeat."

The third years reset themselves and started again. This time they managed to get to the second sub-boss before the third leaf collapsed again.

QJ shook his head as the two raid leaders switched the shooters from the third and fourth leaf. "What is that going to do?"

The third years reset and started again; they had nearly finished the third sub-boss when the fourth leaf collapsed, causing them to wipe. QJ could hear the bickering between their teammates now.

QJ addressed his raid members. "The last thing you want to do in this situation is point fingers. Let's keep our raid positive and free of drama."

A second hud opened up in front of QJ, and the round face of Char's Striker stared at him. "What's going on? I thought these guys had the juice to win this."

"It will be fine." QJ strolled over to the edge of the staging area where the third years were regrouping. Maya and a girl with violet hair were discussing the raid. Freya and Chi watched them from nearby; like Chi, Freya refused to help them.

The purple-haired girl looked up when QJ crowded the edge of the staging area. "What do you want, freshmen?"

Maya placed a hand on her shoulder and glanced at him, "What's up, QJ?"

QJ lowered his voice, "those two Riders are shooting too early. They waste their first three shots and end up reloading at the worst possible time. It's causing the wipe."

Maya watched him walk away, "shooting too early?" She glanced at her co-leader, who shrugged at the question.

The two instructors had heard the interaction; both were deep in thought.

Freya glanced at Chi, "I wonder, Chi... Could you give me that first year?"

"No way," Chi shook her head.

QJ rejoined his group, watching as the 3rd years took down the first three sub-bosses and quickly burned down the first Boss. There was a cheer among the raid members as they quickly reset and got ready for the second wave.

Chi and Frey walked over to them during this time, "let's go, class. We'll have to exit and join our Doubler Canyon instance."

QJ rounded up his raid group, and they quickly exited.

Chi glanced at her co-worker when she noticed her following them. "Shouldn't you stay with your kids, Freya?"

Freya pushed her pale blond hair out of her eyes, "I just want to see the start of your classes raid. I'm really curious."

Chi nodded in agreement, "me too."

QJ immediately took charge of the instance. "Get in your places, everyone, and follow the steps we went over. We'll be fine." QJ moved people around carefully; the first sub-boss sat quietly on a boulder in the canyon's center. He wouldn't move unless someone damaged him.

Chi frowned at the tight grouping in the center. Didn't they see what the third years were doing?

Freya watched the four Riders climb up on the high ledge. "why are they going up there? And they're facing the wrong way..."

"No way." Chi shook her head, "cheeky brat is going to try and cover the leaves with four Riders. That's why they have the Springfields; they'll be shooting over the middle."

Freya whistled softly, "if four shooters can hold the leaves, then that frees up four healers and four dps."

QJ checked his rifle and got in a comfortable prone position, he could see all the way down both leaves he was facing, but he was only responsible for the one on the left.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Okay, everyone, remember your steps. Shammy's on debuff duty; let the tanks establish aggro first. Secondary healers hold back your dps; your main focus is to jump in on heals if needed. Call out when you are ready.

QJ scanned the area, ensuring everyone was in place. He had assigned group leaders for tanks, dps, and heals. They would let him know when their people were ready.

[Tank Group: Jarmilla] Ready.

[Heal Group: Travis] Ready.

[DPS Group: Junzo] Ready.

QJ glanced at the other three Riders; their strategy's success relied heavily on the four of them.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Remember, make the first shot count. Go for the front leg; slow everything down first. Then burn the target down.

Chi's voice spoke through the raid interface. "Whenever you are ready, class. Good luck."

QJ nodded to himself and scanned his leaf.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shammy debuff the first Sub-Boss; the tank can jump in as soon as it's debuffed.

*Shendra has cast Wild Wind*

A Notorious Outlaw has been slowed by 40 percent.

*Tarbuck has activated Battle Cry*

A Notorious Outlaw has taunted.

QJ caught the movement at the back of his leaf and aimed quickly.


A Wild Longhorn has been crippled.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

A Wild Longhorn has been struck for 13,500 damage

*Riders Sharpshooter*

A Wild Longhorn has been struck for 6750 damage

QJ caught a second spawn at the back of the canyon.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shooters, watch for the second spawn.


A Vicious Wild Cat has been crippled.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

A Wild Longhorn has been struck for 10,200 damage

A Wild Longhorn has been slain.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

A Vicious Wild Cat has been struck for 17,600 damage

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shooters, watch for the third spawn!


A Dire Wolf has been crippled.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

A Vicious Wild Cat has been struck for 3,080 damage

A Vicious Wild Cat has been slain.

Freya and Chi watched as the freshmen marched through the first three sub-bosses and started on the first Boss.

Chi couldn't keep the smile off of her face. "These guys... Our shooters are carrying the load so far."

Freya watched and listened to QJ; he kept the shooters on point, constantly reminding them so that all they had to do was shoot. "Shit... I have to go, Chi."

Chi glanced at Freya as she rushed out of the instance. Her class was just finishing off the first Boss. "Great Job, class."

QJ glanced at his hud timer.

/Raid Leader: QJ: 90 seconds, reload and reset. Shammies get ready to debuff. Tanks, make sure you wait.

QJ took a deep breath and then started scanning his leaf again.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shooters start scanning now. Respawn in thirty seconds.

QJ caught a glimpse of movement in the back of the canyon.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Here they come.


An Outlaw has been crippled.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

(Headshot Bonus)

An Outlaw has been struck for 24,544 damage.

An Outlaw has been slain.

Chi watched as her freshmen class continued to advance through the raid. She recorded everything, taking notes so they could review them later. Her com-chat blinked, and she opened it up to see Freya's smiling face.

"We finished the Raid Chi!" Freya had to speak loudly over the cheers of her students. "How're things going over there."

Chi's calm eyes stayed on QJ; when the raid leader was relaxed, everyone else was that way too. "We are halfway through the fourth boss, about to move toward the last leg."

"What? Your class is going to finish it?" Freya's face said it all; she couldn't believe it.

"Afraid so. No wipes yet, and we are about to start the last Boss." Chi couldn't keep the pride out of her voice, they made mistakes, but they were recovering and listening closely. More importantly, the shooters and their Springfield rifles were uncanny in their accuracy. They had drawn a line in the sand and refused to let anything pass.

"Can I bring my class over?" Freya wanted them to see the Springfield strategy.

"Yes, but they stay off comms and act like church mice." Chi's serious face said she'd be merciless if the 3rd years became unruly.

Freya nodded, "understood."

The fourth Boss went down quickly, QJ glanced at his hud timer.

/Raid Leader: QJ: 90 seconds, everyone, stay calm and keep moving along. Shammies prep for debuff, Tanks, make sure you wait!

*Shendra has cast Wild Wind*

A Dangerous Bandit has been slowed by 40 percent.

*Tarbuck has activated Battle Cry*

A Dangerous Bandit has taunted.

QJ caught the movement at the back of his leaf.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shooters open fire.


A Mad Grizzly has been crippled.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

A Mad Grizzly has been struck for 3,080 damage

QJ spotted two more spawns at the back of the canyon.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Double respawns. Shooters slow both of them first.


A Rabid Coyote has been crippled.


A Sneaky Thief has been crippled.

/Raid Leader: QJ: Shooters, call out if you need help!

QJ quickly scanned the leaf next to his; the Rider had managed to slow everything already.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

(Headshot Bonus)

A Mad Grizzly has been struck for 14,800 damage.

*Riders Sharpshooter*

A Mad Grizzly has been struck for 7,300 damage.

A Mad Grizzly has been slain.

Freya and the third years watched quietly as the freshmen roared down the stretch.

"Are these guys really 1st years?" Nina pushed a stray strand of purple hair out of her face. "Hey Maya, what was that freshmen's name?"

"QJ." Maya was watching the raid. "This wouldn't have worked for us. Their shooters are incredible."

Nina nodded. Half of the third-year shooters were average at best. This raid exposed their weaknesses. "I was rude to him earlier. I'll have to apologize."

Maya raised an eyebrow at her classmate, "you always say that, but then you never do."

Nina smiled, "well... it's the thought, right?"

/Raid Leader: QJ: Ten Percent! The leaves are clear. Shooters open up on the last Boss.

QJ reloaded quickly and emptied his rifle into the Boss; he managed to reload and do it again before the final Boss died.

The freshmen GnG class finished a flawless run just over two hours after they started.

The Doubler Canyon King has been Slain.

[Exodus System Message] You have cleared Doubler Canyon in 2 hours and 4 minutes. Rank 5th.

QJ smiled as he trotted down the steep terrain to the middle of the canyon; half of his classmates were screaming, while the other half were bawling. QJ exhaled loudly, feeling like a weight had been lifted off his chest. He walked slowly toward the staging area, a big smile glued to his face as he quickly changed into his Exodus Avatar, the rest of his classmates followed suit.

QJ spotted Char's wheelchair and made a bee-line for her. "Great Job Char!"

Char smiled and gave him a high five. "That was the most awesome thing I've ever been a part of QJ! We just boom-boomed, and they kept falling down." She balled up her fists and punched the air as she spoke.

QJ laughed at her expression, "Boom boomed? Mind if I use that?"

Char shook her head, "sorry, I've already applied for the patent."

QJ moved behind her and grabbed the handles of her wheelchair. "Can I drive this thing?"

Char looked over her shoulder, her pale face blushing slightly. "Can I trust you not to drive crazy?"

"Um... just wheelies, no jumps." He winked at her as he started moving toward the exit.

"Good Job, QJ!" A voice spoke behind him; he turned to see Maya and her Co-Leader.

"Thanks! I assume you guys finished it also?" QJ didn't slow down; the two 3rd years fell in beside them.

"Yep, that was sage advice you gave us." Maya nodded her head, "I'm going to owe you one after this."

"Me too!" The violet-haired girl spoke up, "I'm Nina by the way. Sorry for being rude earlier."

QJ waved them both off, "it's okay to help each other. Don't worry about it."

They exited the instance and met up with the other students from the Exodus Academy. QJ was chatting with Char when Chi and Freya finally caught up with them.

"Great Job, everyone. Tomorrow you'll receive the information for your new GnG account." Chi had contacted the Dean directly and notified him that they were skipping ahead in the curriculum. Chi's voice was drowned out by the cheers of her students.

QJ bent forward and lowered his voice, "what class are you going to make?"

Char rolled her eyes at him, "slinger, of course. What else?"

"I might go with a Wrangler." QJ smiled at the surprise in her eyes, "I like pistols better than rifles."

Chi gave her students a friendly smile. "The new server doesn't open until noon tomorrow, so you've plenty of time to consider what class you are building. I don't know about you, but I don't feel like heading back to the Academy after all this. Suggestions?"

"Afterparty!" QJ raised his hands over his head in victory, his classmates applauded and shouted their support.

Chi raised an eyebrow. "Did you have a place in mind?"

QJ shrugged slightly, "The Songbird, if that's okay."

The students quieted down quickly. Chi watched her student to see if he was joking.

He also caught Freya's attention, and she leaned closer. "Can you swing something like that, QJ?"

The Songbird was an Exodus hotspot, and most days, the line to get in extended out the door.

"Think so." QJ opened up his hud, and a moment later, Lara Sy's pretty face popped into his screen.

"Hi QJ! How'd the raid go?"

"We cleared it, first try, and no wipes!" QJ grinned at her, "now we are looking for someplace to hold an afterparty!"

"Afterparty?" Lara took a quick look behind her and nodded. "Give me a half hour, and I'll clear this place for you. How many should we expect?"

QJ glanced at his homeroom teacher, "31?"

Freya cleared her throat, "since we've spent the day together, perhaps we should join you in celebrating?"

Chi laughed and shrugged, "up to you, QJ."

"About 60, Lara." QJ waved at the blue-haired rogue and quickly cut comm.

Freya stared at him, her blue eyes unreadable. "Just so we're clear, that was Nightingale, right?"

QJ nodded, "yep."

Chi noticed he was pushing Charlotte's wheelchair; the two seemed to have become friends. "You're DPS was awesome today, Char."

"That Striker slinger hits hard, Miss Chi. I can't wait to build my own!" Char was already planning her first ten levels. "Does this mean we'll use our new GnG account avatars for school?"

It was well known that everyone used their actual person as an avatar at the Exodus Academy. This would change mid-way through the 2nd year when they were given their GnG accounts.

After that, they would use their game avatar.

"Yes, tomorrow I want everyone to come to the first hour with their level one character." Chi was also excited; given the supervision that freshmen require, the Dean had told her to make an account on the new server to continue their education.

A half-hour later, QJ walked with his classmates to the Songbird, stopping suddenly when a pretty blonde opened the door.

"QJ!" Tal hugged her son close and dragged him inside. Only Char knew their relationship.

Freya's mouth dropped open in shock, "the goddess? How does QJ know Tal Riley?"

His classmates followed him in, the tall blonde woman kissed him several times while she squeezed his cheeks. QJ's face turned red as he tried to avoid her... finally he gave up. "A bit overboard," he muttered.

Tal stopped suddenly, "sorry, QJ." She turned back toward the guests, "Welcome to the Songbird. I'm QJ's mom, Tal. Please make yourself at home. Everything is on the house!"

"....." Chi.

"...." Freya.

QJ was sharing a table with Char, Ren, Sasha, and Sara an hour later. All three of his sisters had shown up immediately.

"I have three sisters too." Char laughed at the antics of Sara and Sasha.

Lara's sweet voice instantly quieted everyone as she sang an old ballad called Blue Moon. Robin sat on the stage, letting her feet dangle down, joining in during the second half. She wore a knee-length white dress that hung loosely on her small frame.

Her light orange hair hung down her back.

Ren grabbed her flute from behind the bar and stepped onto the stage. Together, the three continued to play.

Char elbowed QJ and pointed toward the table next to the door. Chi and Freya sat with Tal, Leah, Remmy, and Mojo.

"Hmm...wonder why Mojo is back so soon. She was supposed to be with her clan until next week." QJ grinned at the look on their teacher's faces. "It's a bit overwhelming the first time you meet everyone."

Char nodded in agreement. "Tell me about it. I nearly had a heart attack when Quinn Riley approached our car."

As if on cue, the door pushed open, and Quinn walked in, accompanied by a slim blonde woman with spiked hair.

QJ grinned when he recognized the woman. "Excuse me for a second, please."

The room went quiet when they finally realized who had walked in. Many GnG players pretended to despise the TAP Assassin who had beaten Chained Lightning in a Gunfight, but the reality was vastly different.

Quinn noticed his son walking toward him. "Good Job, QJ!" He hugged his son and ruffled his hair.

Kora waited until they were through and stepped forward. "You never come to see me anymore?" She hugged QJ close; she had been his instructor since he was old enough to wear a headset.

"Sorry, Kora." QJ gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" Maya tapped her on the shoulder and then tried to duck out of sight.

Kora spun quickly and grabbed the third-year student.

"Too Slow!"

Kora looked at her, then back at QJ. "Oh, I see. QJ is Quinn Obreen? He beat the twelve bells, right? The one you said was really..."

Maya cut off her sentence by placing a hand over the older woman's mouth. "What are you rambling about, mom?" Her pale face was blushing furiously.

Kora shrugged out of her grip. "The one you said was really fast."

Maya sighed in relief, "I didn't realize he was the QJ you always talk about."

Four hours later, nearly everyone had left. Leah, Tal, Remmy, and Mojo were still chatting with the two instructors from the Exodus Academy.

Sasha and Sara were draped over their dad, who was fast asleep in one of the comfortable chairs. QJ was sitting on the stage talking with Robin.

"Going to bed soon ?" Robin was on her best behavior, she knew there were at least three sets of eyes watching her.

QJ smiled at her predicament. The reality was that he had three moms. He was introduced as Mojo's son when he visited the Jol Clan last year. Leah often referred to him as her son as well. Tal felt the same way towards Sara and Sasha. "Hard to get away with things when you are being watched, right?"

Robin nodded, her dark eyes flashing. "Did you want to do something, QJ?"

QJ laughed and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head. "I think you are amazing, Robs."

She watched as he walked toward the other table and said goodbye to everyone. A few moments later, he logged off. Robin yawned and headed up the stairs without saying a word; she could feel the eyes on her.

Next chapter