

Krav-Gilan Pine Forest, Refugee Convoy

*Liutenant Colonel Elon POV


Bang !

Another thunderous roar echoed.

Why the sounds were so different ? Wait, wait I am still alive. I did not die. Then, whose shot just now ?

" Tsk!" I heard a young female's voice chuckle full of disdainful. " To think someone dare to play gunning game using this primitive tools..."

Who ? I opened my eyes.

Now I can see my saviour closely. She was still very young, maybe around fifteen years old. The trace of childishness still appears in her face. She had the straight and limp hair in dark black color. Her eyes were blue sea.

" Who are you ? Why do you get in my way ?" Sirna shouted angrily. His hands were bleeding. His musket was thrown off somewhere.

Bang !

A bullet was shot and scratched the surface of his skin accurately. What a skill !

Sirna dumbfounded. His brain was still unable to comprehend what just happened.

" Tell your dogs to thrown away all of their weapon or I blow your head!" She threatening them, her gun were aimed to Sirna's head. "Believe, I would not miss my shoot next time."

Her hands held such a weapon which had design almost similar to the musket but shorter and looks more advances. It appeared her weapon could shoot consecutively without need to reload its ammo.

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

Three consecutive shoot hit Sirna' s left ankle, right heel, and left palm. He screamed in agony.

" Arrrrrrrghhh ! Obey her.. obey her.. thrown off your weapon.. everyone, thrown off your weapon..." He started sobbing. Then he fallen to the ground.

" Tsk" She chuckled anoyed.

She walked casually to Sirna. Some of Sirna's underling refuse to throw off their weapon and start to aim at her.

Bang !

She countered them before they ready to shoot.

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

Still with her casual walk, she shot them one by one.

Her targets were fallen down one by one with incomplete hands and bleeding so bad. The agony scream could be heard here and there.

" Surrender or I shot your heads. Did you think those antique musket could stop me ? I have some of yours and I hate it. It is inaccurate and slow. In my papa's hometown those musket were only be used to chase out crows from the farm."

I stunned to hear her word. Those are the most advanced weapon I loathed most and I need most. Yet you said it was antique. Who are you really ?

"Anyone wants to try me again ?" She arrogantly challenged everyone there. Strange, from estimated one thousand soldiers, no one dare to accept her challenge openly.

She grabbed Sirna's hair and dragged him into our side.

" Ouch.. it's hurt.. it's hurt !"

" Shut up !"


Her feet wrapped by some sinister shoes kicked Sirna's face. I could see his lips start to bleed.

"Because of your deed, I lost my precious time along with my family. Just realize that I hate you and I even don't like your colleague. The traitor's smell was so stench and dreadful. It made me want to kick your face many more!" Then she dragged him toward us.

I can see her closely, now. She wore some strange green uniform with a pattern similar to the falling leaves on the ground. Her fashion were bad but I think she did not care at all.

" Where's the Princess ? Tell her, the envoy of Titan Family had arrive. My name is Tyas Lalita Titan, a grand daughter of Duchess Nindya. My grandma had told me to pick you up, guys!"

Ah ! No wonder she was so reckless, tomboyish and fearless. She really inherited all that Duchess bad personality.

" Ha ? Did you try so say something, old man ?" She glared at me angrily.

Fuck ! Are you a mind reader ?

" No.. no.... I'll inform the princess right now. I'm Elon, her loyal retainer."

As if she felt some malice move out there, she shout suddenly "One wrong move, then I blow your leader into pieces."

Bang !

" Argh ....!" Another one get shot.

Bang ! Bang ! Bang !

Demon ! She's a demon. I get my back shivered. Cold sweat were flooding my body. She did not missed any shot at all. One shot one down. What a skill !

I informed Princess Isvara who hid inside my Turtle formation. And I was so glad she quickly agree to meet her.

" I am Princess Isvara, Were you looking for me ?"

That girl sheathed her weapon and administered a strange salutation. She put her right hand near her right temple. Her expression was serious and emitted a respectable aura. Thus, her manner affected Prince Isvara that she unconsciously mimicked her.

" I am Tyas Lalita Titan, the envoy of Titan Family sent on duty to guard you to meet Duchess Nindya, my grandmother. It's an honour to meet you."

"I am glad to meet you too." Princess Isvara nodded.

They shaked hands.

" Were you come alone, weren't you ?"

" No, Your Highness. I have my backup protecting me hiding somewhere around here."

Princess Isvara nodded. "That was a good plan."

" I must inform you that your father, King Ranu was safe and health. We were able to save him from assassination trap. Soon you'll meet him."

" Really ?" Isvara held her shouted of joy. She put her palms covering her mouth. I could see a little tears come up in the corner of her eyes. She looked more relieved than before.

That's wonderful. I think I also felt relieved. The old King was safe then everything will be easy to turn back to normal, I guess.

I could also see the relieved written on Princess's face.

Huh ?

Why do I feel heart some conversation from her ?

" Bzt... Sierra-Alpha-One, Sierra-Alpha-One,.. This is November-India-One.."

" Bzzt ..This is Sierra-Alpha-One, loud and clear, OVER. ..bzzt"

" Bzt.. Status report, Sierra-Alpha-One, OVER.. bzt"

" Bzzt.. Sierra-Alpha-One with Romeo Alpha on Krav-Gilan Pine Forest, ten klicks southwest, hundreds ragheads found and neutralized, squared away, OVER! .. Bzzt"

"Bzt...COPY Sierra-Alpha-One, Bravo Zulu.! .. Bzt.. Mike-Yanke-One, Mike-Yanke-One.. This is November-India-One.. Bzt"

" Bzzt ..This is Mike-Yanke-One, loud and clear, OVER. ..bzzt"

" Bzt.. Status report, Mike-Yanke-One, OVER.. bzt"

" Bzzt.. Mike-Yanke-One with Romeo Beta on Krav-Gilan Pine Forest, nine klicks northwest, found hundred ragheads and neutralized, OVER! .. Bzzt"

" Bzt...COPY Mike-Yanke-One, Bravo Zulu.!

" Bzt... Bzt... Tango-Yanke-One, Tango-Yanke-One.. This is November-India-One.."

Wait.. What was that sound ? Did some people talking each other on remote distant? How come ?

I look at Tyas faces and saw she calmly take out a weird small box place it on her cheek.

" This is Tango-Yanke-One, loud and clear, OVER."

"Bzz.. Status report, Tango-Yanke-One, OVER.. bzz"

"Tango-Yanke-One on Krav-Gilan Pine Forest, eight klicks southwest, VVIP found and save, along with a battalion of partizans, a tens of ragheads, VIP Tango neutralized, OVER."

"Bzzt...COPY Tango-Yanke-One, Say hi to VVIP. I'll pick you all up soon. Bravo Zulu.!"


I saw her close her conversation. "What.. what was that ?"

She answer my question with a flat face. " It's my grandmother. She will pick up us soon."

"What ?"

It was still hard for me to believe that, those Titans coordinate each other through remote distance. Such feat was impossible for Vajya!

VVIP = Very Very Important Person, means Princess Isvara

klicks = kilometers

Ragheads = enemies

VIP Tango = Target VIP, means General Sirna

squared away = cleaned up; in military shape; ready for inspection.

Romeo Alpha = First team to raid the enemy force

Romeo Beta = Second team to raid the enemy force

WedhusSlayercreators' thoughts
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