

Jack found his Beretta lie around about twenty meters from where he fought the last big dog. He wiped the gun affectionately like a father to his daughter.

"Thanks for your hard work. Sorry I could not be able to hug you until the end." Jack says. He tries a little joking to vent the emotions of his heart.

Under the light of the moon, he kisses his gun affectionally, just like a knight did with his sword, like an investor with his mother's loaned-money or like a son of the head of the crime-organization with his illegal contract. Hail Beretta!

With clothes that are torn here and there until almost naked, he tries to reach the hilltop.

His nanomachines have notified him that the last foe has died. This person prefers to choose to suicide, rather than experiencing something more terrible.

So, everything has been under control, uh? Jack thought. He lit his clove cigarette dan blows it smoke full of enjoyment.

His body still seemed to bear extreme pain. But he forces his body to move step by step.

He stepped past the battle place with Val earlier. For some reason, Jack thought, did his nanomachines fail?

"Help ..." Val spoke in a voice like a pig slit in the neck.

Val seemed to suffocate her neck, her tongue stuck out while his eyes glared like a ping pong ball. Her condition is so alarming. Now and then her body jiggled as if trying to release an immeasurable pain.

"Help ... hurt... please." She cries.

Jack could hear her soft sobs. His heart is breaking due to her cry. But Jack pretends to be ignorant and ruthless.

She raises her face, looked at Jack. Her eyelids were runny. Her deep-purple iris looks like a great amethyst that is inlaid with heaven's tears. Her pale white cheeks were wet with tears. His face portrays extreme suffering she had to endure. Her beautiful lips trembled.

"I'm sorry ... I surrender ... please take this pain ... or kill me, I beg you."

Her tremble hands tried to reach Jack's feet which stood not far from her.

"I beg you... kill me."

Jack shook his head. "Sorry I can't do that ..."

Her eyes widened when her face is full of disappointment. She seemed not to believe her hearing. She supposed to be angry. But those kind of emotion were no longer exist in her heart. She only found helplessness, pain, distrust, sadness, and submission scattered in the space of her empty heart.

"I beg you... "

Jack shook his head. "You are too dangerous. Far more dangerous than thirty persons from your army combined together."

"It's hurt... please... kill me."

"Besides canceling nanomachines' command which is still half progressing is far more dangerous to your body. Believe me, after this; you'll be set free from the curse of bloodthirsty."

As long as her life, there wasn't even a man she couldn't conquer, let alone dare to refuse her request. Which man not tempted by her beautiful body. But this man who won the lived-and-dead battle just now act as if he had not been affected by her beauty.

Jack shook his head. "My ancestors in my hometown forbade killing enemies who had surrendered. A true knight will not hurt an enemy who is already helpless."

She realized this was something she had to go through — a redemption for her mistakes first.

"Believe me, after this, and you'll be set free from the curse of bloodthirsty. In the future, If you had ever realized that you had been set free and you are not carrying any mission to hurt my people again, come at me. Maybe we can be a best friend in the future." Jack shake her hand. "I'll take my leave now. Goodbye"

"I'm sorry ... I am so sorry..." She sobs again then lean her body to the trunk and close her eyes.

Without Jack knowing, around Val's body had gathered a lot of thin fog which was getting thicker and longer. The fog was so thick that Jack was unable to see Val's body and even the surroundings.


Jack shots his Beretta up into the sky. This thunderous roar will pick other's attention.

He feels he must immediately take tactical steps to call in reinforcements before it's too late. He didn't know what would happen next. And that makes it unable to estimate what risks will be faced. Jack's biggest fear was being forced to face dangers that were not recognized before. His life opportunity will be zero.


Again Jack shots his Beretta up into the sky.


"Is that you, my Boy?" Granny Nindya's voice suddenly was near her. Strangely, the thick fog that had covered the surrounding Jack getting thinned and then slowly disappeared. As if they were scared of her arrival.

"Mother ..."

Jack smiled. He grabbed Granny Nindya's right hand and bent to kiss the back of her hand. A child manners to his parents from his village.

"Oh, good boy! What happened to you? Whom are you fighting ?" Granny Nindya put on a worried face in her youthful look and started flowing her energy healing to Jack.

Jack felt the attention and sincerity of this old woman. "Thank you, Mother. I just met a row of big dogs, and a murderer and blood drinker are magicians. I almost died in their hands."

While issuing several magic circles containing sigel in his right hand, Granny Nindya continued to speak.

"You must immediately mastery the magic of our family. I'm sure you can master it very quickly. Believe me, every mother has very sharp sensing about their beloved. Those skills will be able to provide enough protection for you. Right now our family and we are in great danger. Or I should say, this kingdom will face his great challenges." Granny Nindya then put energy in her right hand and flow it through the Sahasrara Chakra on Jack's crown.

"Thank you for your will and advice. I will be very proud to receive your lesson, Mother." Answer Jack "And please also teach me how to run best with magic" Jack laughed.

Granny Nindya smiles. "Regarding escape, you can help Meyrlion teach you. For the matter of escaping or running away; he is unmatched in all of Vajya. No one better than him. Especially about running away from his responsibilities." Granny Nindya laughed.

"Well Jack, I just certified you one of our family's ultimate magic, Eye of thundergod. I just planted seeds of magic in the form of sigils and the primary energy into your inner magical circuit. As someone whom Elder Ferlon acknowledged, I believe you can certainly recognize and develop them. "

"Ah, it turns out that you are all here ..." A Meyrlion voice approached. "I tracked your shot, which is made me find you here. Hey, Jack, what happened to you?"

"Long story, Bro" Jack laughed.

"Mother, you have been here first ..." Meyrlion greets her.

She nodded. "Have you found others, Boy ?"

"Yes Mother, I have found Tyas and Kyra. There are also some prisoners that fully surrender to us. We will have some new information. Let us gather with others. ..."

"A true knight will not kill an enemy who is already helpless." - Wage Rudolf Supratman. Wage, the movie

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