
Phineas And Ferb

Author: AikoSaito
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There's 104 days of summer vacation...

Chapter 1Rollercoaster

So, Ferb, what do you wanna do today? What about Perry? What does he want to do? Well, he's a platypus. They don't do much. I for one, am starting to get bored, and boredom is something of up with which I will not put! The first thing they're gonna ask us when we get back to school is "what did we do over the summer?". I mean, no school for three months. Our life should be a roller coaster! And I mean a good roller coaster, not like that one we rode at the state fair. Please exit to the left. Man, that was lame. Why, if I built a roller coaster, I would That's it! I know what we're gonna do today! Phineas, Ferb! I'm gonna go pick up a few things. You boys stays out of trouble, okay? Okay, Mom. We're gonna build a roller coaster! I'm in charge, right? You did tell them I'm in charge. Relax, Candace. Nobody has to be in charge. But what if there's an emergency? Like what? What if, uh What if a satellite falls out of orbit and crashes into the house? If that happens, you're in charge. Yes. Mom says I'm in charge, conditionally. Whatever. Wait a minute. What are you doing? Homework. It's summer. That's cool, you wait till the last minute then. Well, I'm watching you. And I'm in charge conditionally! Hello? Oh, hi, Stacy! No, I can't get to the mall right now. Mom just went to the store, she left me in charge, well, you know, conditionally. Oh, if you go, can you see if Jeremy is there? No, no, he's the cute one that works at Mr. Slushy Burger. Yeah, he totally smiled at me the last time I was there. I just about died! No, I told you I can't, I'm watching my brother and step-brother. Yeah, and they never get into trouble, 'cause Mom never catches them. One of these days though, I'm going to see the two as she catches them red handed. Will you hold it down? I am trying to use the phone! Mom left me in charge, so there will be no shenanigans today. What are doing right now? Why do you ask? What do you mean you can see it from your house? See what?! Phineas, what is this?! Do you like it? Ooh, I'm gonna go tell Mom, and when she sees what you're doing, you are going down! Down, down, down! D-O-W-N, down! We're gonna need a blowtorch and some more peanut butter. Hey Candace. Is Phineas home? Down, down, I say! Hey, Phineas. Hey, Isabella. Whatcha doin'? Building a roller coaster. In your backyard? Some of it. Wow. Isn't that kind of impossible? Some might say. Hey, Ferb. Does your step-brother ever talk? Ferb? He's more of a man of action. I was gonna go to the pool, you wanna go swimming? Kind of in the middle of something here. Oh, right. Okay, I'll see you later then. Okay. Hey, Ferb, you got enough rivets up there? Hey, where's Perry? Good morning, Agent P. The evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to his old tricks. For reasons unknown to us, he bought up 80% of the country's tin foil. I want you to get over to his hideout right away, find out what he's up to, and put a stop to it. As always Agent P, it is important that your cover identity as a mindless domestic pet remains intact. Now, get out there. We're all counting on you. So, the way I see it, the soil fuel rockets kick in at the mall's parking lot. Then we release the snakes during the corkscrew at the interstate. I'm gonna go get the snakes. Mom, you gotta come home, right now. Did a satellite crash into the house? No, no, no! You gotta see what Phineas and Ferb are doing! Seems like we've had this conversation before. What do you mean? I seem to recall you telling me that the boys were training monkeys to juggle bicycles. And when I come home, there was a stunning lack of monkeys. I still don't know how they cleaned that up so fast. So, what's the emergency this time? They're building a roller coaster! Candace, seriously, isn't Phineas a little young to be a roller coaster engineer? Aren't you a little young to be a roller coaster engineer? Yes. Yes I am. Well, I must say, I'm very impressed. The forms all seems to be in order, although I'd never seen them filled out in crayon before. So, if there's anything I can get you, anything at all, just let me know. Do you think we could borrow one of those gadgets? Now, this is the life. Ah, Perry the Platypus, what an unexpected surprise. And by unexpected, I mean: completely expected! I, Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz, have covered the entire eastern seaboard in tin foil. And when I put my giant magnet, next to my genius, Magnetism Magnifier, I will pull the East, in westerly direction, thereby reversing the rotation of the earth! You may well ask yourself, "why would he do this?" "What could he possibly have to gain?" Well, let me just answer that question, I haven't really worked on all the bugs yet. I mean, you know, tin foil alone costs a lot. But Mom, I'm telling you, they're building it, and it's huge! "Phineas and Ferb present the Coolest Coaster Ever, now open"? Mom! Phineas and Ferb got a roller coaster? You'd think we get a discount if we bring the flier? Maybe we better take it. Here, look, look, look, see? I told you I'm not crazy! I told you! And you're not crazy because? (screams) I see your point, Candace. No crazy person would scream at a post like that. I'll be at the dairy section if you wanna come yell at some cheese or anything. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! May I present to you a spectacle most of the morning in the making! The Coolest Coaster EVER! So, who wants to go first? To fasten, insert the tab inside the metal buckle. To release, just pull back on the- Oops. Well, you get the picture. Well, that's about it. Enjoy the ride. You guys all signed the waivers, right? Relax, they're just rubber. Hey, look, there comes the A-A-A-A! really make my money back. I-I-I could by a bunch of east-facing real estate, and sell it again with an unsentimental view. I just Ha! You missed! Aaahh! Ow, ow, ow, owwwww! Owww! Now, you are too late! Quake in your boots and watch helplessly, as the unimaginable electromagnetic forces, pull the eastern seaboard, thereby reversing the rotation of the-- Well, that didn't work. And now, we have a two ton ball of tin foil traveling 200 miles an hour directly at us! Quickly, we must separate the magnet from the Magnifier before it's too late! Now I know I have that club card in here somewhere. I always have it with me, but my purse is a disaster area, you know how it is. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Mom! Mom! It's no use! It's no use, we are doomed! You did it! You saved us, Perry the Platypus Curse you, Perry the Platypus! Look, look, look, see? Okay, I give up. What am I supposed to be looking at? No! It's not possible! I'm gonna go get the cart. It was right here, and it was huge! Mom! Time to go. I've got frozens. Okay, so you think that Phineas and Ferb are still under that stupid tree in the backyard, right? Well, yes. That would be my guess. Fine. Then lets go home, now! Oh, there you are, Perry. Nice hat, Isabella. Funny, I don't remember this in the blueprints. And I'm sure this is new. Ee-eee-ee, ha-hah-ha. I worry about you sometimes, Candace. \R Welcome to Mr. Slushy Burger. May I take your order? Anyone want fries? Croissant? Anyone want a croissant?\R You know, if that thing crashes into earth, Candace is in charge. We should have charged more. Okay, we're here. Are you happy now, Candace? Yes! See, Mom? I told you they weren't there! Oh, hi, boys. Hi, Mom. Come on, Candace, help me with the groceries. But-but-but-but-but-but-but Let's go. Hey Phineas, that was great. Way too cool. That was awesome! Can we do it again? Sorry, only one ride per customer. That was great, Phineas. So, what are you gonna do tomorrow? Don't know yet. Maybe you could teach Perry some tricks. Well, he is a platypus, they don't do much. They're the only mammals to lay eggs. Maybe he'll lay an egg. Cool, see you tomorrow. It really was the coolest coaster ever. You guys makes a great team. Well, a brother is a brother. But I couldn't have asked for a better one than Ferb. You know what I mean? (burps) Oh-ho-ho, man! I could smell the peanut butter! Well, that was impressive. See you guys. So, what should we do tomorrow? There's a world of possibilities. Maybe we should make a list. Mom! Give it a rest, Candace!

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