
Chapter 9: Shells Town

Josh's PoV:

Arriving at Shells Town, I had Manni stop far away enough to not be seen from the island, then carrying my two luggages, I Geppoed my way towards the island for about 10 minutes before finally arriving at the docks.

My ears are still ringing from all the yelling and screaming from both my passengers. One from fear and the other from excitement.

"Alright, we're here." I notified them as I gently landed on the docks. Thankfully, nobody was around the area at the time to stir up a commotion. "Let's head into town."

Nodding briefly, the two followed after me. I really do feel bad for Coby. From the anime, I know that he had steeled his resolve with the help of Luffy just before I arrived and shattered his common sense. Poor guy couldn't sit properly to say the least after learning that he was on Manni.

As we entered into town, Luffy and Coby had their talk about Zoro and Morgan. I have to admit, seeing the townspeople comically jumping over in fear was pretty hilarious, although I shouldn't laugh at that.

I didn't really pay them much attention as I was lost in my thoughts...

My role in the pirate crew had been something that I've been thinking about recently.. although I plan to make Manni the Merry's guard, for what my official position will be is still up for debate.

Sure I could just usurp Zoro's "rank" of first mate as he doesn't really do anything but I don't really wanna take that from him. Besides, ranks like that doesn't really matter when your with the Strawhats, only what you can do.

Luffy is the captain, Nami is the navigator, Zoro's the swordsman, Usopp is the sniper, Sanji is the cook, Chopper is the doctor, Robin is the archeologist, Franky is the shipwright, Brook is the musician, and I don't really know what Jinbei will be because he hadn't joined yet when I last saw the anime.

The question is... what position will I take up?

Sure, I've got combat capabilities that they probably won't be able to match until they are in their peak but that doesn't really give me a possible position.

Then it hit me, thinking back on some of the reasons why I wanted to join the crew... there was one about training them. I could just make up a position as their Combat Trainer or something. Yeah.. that sounds good.

I ended my thoughts there as we arrived in front of the marine base and Luffy had just found the tied up Zoro. He and Coby were hanging on the wall like kids while I just leaned against it.

This part of the story doesn't really interest me as I already know that Luffy doesn't need my help. I waited patiently for the part that I already decided to play during our stay here.

After a few minutes of waiting, it finally came. A shadow of a person can be seen flying out from the other side of the wall followed by a high pitched scream.

I quickly went into action and jumped up and grabbed the small silhouette that had been mercilessly thrown away like a rag doll.

As I landed, I could see that Luffy had prepared to jump in himself but seeing that I had taken action, he restrained himself.

"Are you alright, jou-chan?" I asked her in the most gentle voice I could muster while putting her down slowly. She looked up at me and nodded.

"I'm alright. Thank you, onii-san." Seeing that the girl wasn't physically hurt anywhere, I kneeled down to her eye level.

"That's good." I said as I patted her head. "You were very brave." While praising her at the same time. She had gained a wide smile on her face.

Oh god.. does she want to kill me with her moe overload!? It's devastating!

By this time, Luffy and Coby has already arrived at our position and were hovering above us as I was kneeling down to get to eye level with the little girl.

"Let's go find your parents." I said. Turning my head towards Luffy, I asked him, "you don't need me here right?"

"Nope.." he just grinned back at me and then headed towards the wall before climbing over it and disappearing.

I grabbed the girl by one of her tiny hand and asked her to lead the way. If you hadn't noticed by now, I deemed it a bit too dangerous to constantly stay in my element form.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still stay in my element form when we enter a more dangerous part of the Grandline but doing that here in East Blue is too risky. Not for me, but should I ever slip up and someone accidentally touches me or someone tries to wake me up while I'm in deep sleep, I don't want to zap them with lightning that could potentially kill them.

Reaching the bar that the girl, Rika, and her family owns, we walked inside to be greeted by the sight of customers staring at us with curiosity.

Rika ran up to her mother and told her all about what she had done today and about us. After getting a scolding from her mother, which understandably isn't really stern, she walked over to us and bowed in gratitude.

"It's quite alright, ma'am. My name is Josh and this is Coby." I introduced myself and then gestured towards the boy standing behind me.

After a returned gesture from Rika's mother who introduced herself as Ririka, we sat at the counter waiting for Luffy.

Not long after, Luffy arrived and joined us. Rika had then explained the reason for Zoro's arrest. Then came the incident with Helmeppo. I laughed so hard that I almost broke a vein when I saw the stupid son get clocked straight to the face by Luffy.

I could tell that Luffy had obviously held back. Otherwise, how could an untrained civilian still be conscious enough to even threaten us before running off with his marine guards.

"Hurry and go get our swordsman." I said to Luffy after I finally managed to stop laughing. He nodded at me and stomped away from the bar.

Seeing Luffy's furious expression for the first time since meeting him almost sent chills down my spine even though I already knew that he would get like that and already saw it in the anime. I'll let you in on a secret, watching and knowing are nothing compared to experiencing.

"Josh-san, aren't you going to help Luffy-san!? Isn't he your captain?" Coby asked/shouted at me. It was understandable for him to feel a bit angered by my inaction.

"If Luffy wanted any help, he would ask." I simply stated before downing another glass of wine. I hadn't really had much experience with alcohol back on Earth since I was still a minor and am still technically am... but when in Rome right?

I hadn't drank enough to get me drunk but I could feel the effects slowly creeping in. Deciding that I've had enough, I put the glass upside down and put one hand over my mouth as I yawned.

"I wish Luffy would hurry up so we can leave." I said absentmindedly, ignoring the annoyed glare that Coby shot at my direction.

"If your so worried, why don't you go help them." I suggested. After all, that did happen in canon and he became even more resolute because of it.

"I think I will. I don't like the marines that I admire when they act in such a way." Coby resolutely made his way toward the plaza where Zoro is held.

I simply sat there and waited for all 3 of them to return.

Hmm.. I've given my captain's coat to Luffy so maybe I should get a different kind of coat. What to choose.. what to choose.

Thinking about all the cool anime characters with a coat hung over their shoulders, I finally decided to get the perfect one.

I asked Ririka for the bathroom and left my seat. After reaching there, I had the system quickly exchange the coat for me and donned it.

The coat was a different design from the captain's coat that I had gifted to Luffy. This coat was lengthy, reaching past my knees. The color of the coat was mainly black with soft gray fur lining on the edges. This was the coat that Laxus from Fairy Tail always wore.

Perfect.. I've been feeling like I was missing something for a while. Now I feel complete.

I smiled as I looked at myself from the bathroom mirror.

To check on Luffy's progress, I used Observation Haki. Sensing that 2.. no 3 familiar auras were headed to the bar and inferred that Luffy and the others had returned. I stepped out of the bathroom to go greet them.

After a hearty meal enjoyed by all 4 of us, Zoro asked Luffy where the rest of the crew were to which Luffy replied by pointing to himself, Zoro, and then at me.

Zoro wasn't as shocked as in canon where it was just the 2 of them but was still relatively shocked. I moved closer to him and put my hands out for a handshake to which he returned the gesture and we shook hands.

"I'm Joshua, you can just call me Josh." I introduced myself for like the 5th time today, which I am kind of getting annoyed at.

"I'm Roronoa Zoro. I'll be the swordsman of the crew." He replied back to my greeting. I looked at him and smiled.

"Just so you know, your also the first mate." I said, making him look at me in confusion. "Normally I should 'rightfully' take that title but I have another that I made up myself. When we've gathered all of the crew here in East Blue and are headed to the Grandline, I'll tell you all about it cuz I don't wanna explain things too many times."

He just nodded dumbly. Still slightly confused by what I said, before just shrugging. I pulled up a chair and looked at him again.

"It'll be up to us to look after this big baby." I said as I pointed at Luffy who protested indignantly which I promptly ignored. "I can already tell you that he's going to be a handful." I finished with a laugh.

"Sigh.. what kind of a captain did I follow?" Zoro only sighed in fake regret before we both bursted out laughing which irked Luffy.

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