
Calling Card (Part 1)

"We'll see if you still find it sweet when you have a child of your own or when Manohar discovers that that the children of the Verhen household can already project holograms." Marth said with a smug grin.

"How do you know about that?" Lith's heart skipped a beat.

"Kids like to banter. Aran showed his skills to Frey, who in turn told 'Uncle' Zogar about it when he visited Zinya. Vastor in turn told me and we'll do our best to keep Manohar in the dark, but you need to be more careful."

"If the Queen's Corps learns about you teaching Light Mastery to the members of your family, the efforts of the Royals to put a leash on your neck will only get worse, especially now that you are single." Marth said.

"Thanks for the advice. How is it going at the White Griffon?" Lith asked.

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