
Trees and Fallen (Part 2)

Aalejah then explained to Lith that, before dying, a Tree had all of their knowledge that they considered irrelevant written down by the elves and stored into devices that worked akin to Soluspedia.

After the old Tree's death, the elves would deliver the records to the new Tree that would, in turn, accept them and become their new home.

"No matter how big and powerful a creature is, their mind can store only so much information." Aalejah said. "This way, the past generation of the World Tree can pass onto the next one only what they can't entrust to us.

"Once the Chosen Sapling turns into the new Yggdrasill, the burden on their minds is minimum and this process keeps them untainted from the bias and traumas of their predecessor."

"Along with the old Tree's connection to the rest of Mogar's vegetation, the new Tree inherits only knowledge, not memories, so that the cycle can start anew.

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