
Home and Grief (Part 1)

The Marchioness kept her cool despite Lith's threats and made him see reason.

'How does she know about our conversation with the Queen? Isn't she just a Marchioness?' While Lith fell into fury, Solus sought solace in cold logic.

Yet she didn't fare any better as her brain refused to find answers. She hated her own inability to close her eyes to the horror around them and her senses that picked up the slightest detail of the wounds on Lark's body.

Solus would have liked to weep, but she had no tears. Solus would have liked to scream, but she had no mouth. The only way she had to express her feelings was through Lith, but he was already burdened with more than he could take.

"I'm very sorry, Lith, but there's only a limited number of Royal Fortress armor and you have no idea how many of those cards we have received." Mirim showed him her own along with a list containing several names.

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