
Belius (Part 2)

"Is there anything I can do for you before leaving?" The officer asked.

"Yes, thank you. How do I reach a place called Velorian?"

"Your lady friend has good taste. It's one of the best restaurants on Elm Street, right beside its Gate." The man replied with a smirk.

"How do you know I have a lady friend and about her taste?"

"It's a place popular among young couples. Also, the closer a building is to a Gate the more expensive it is." The officer pointed at the dimensional door standing in front of Lith's living quarters.

The word "expensive" made Lith's wallet bleed.

"I also need clothes. Do you have any recommendations?" There were two things Lith deeply regretted about having left the White Griffon academy. It's all you can eat free restaurant and not needing any clothes aside his Associate Professor's uniform to hit on women.

Wearing one was enough to be treated as a VIP in any establishment of the Distar Marquisate.

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