
Idiocy (Part 1)

Lith hadn't seen Kalla during the last three years, they just talked from time to time when her communication amulet appeared online. Lith understood how difficult the process of safely splitting one's core was and he thought that endangering his friend's life just for a social visit was beyond idiotic.

Once he reached the White Griffon, Lith asked the Headmaster to have his teacher ring back. He didn't have the time to fly around the forest searching for Kalla.

Albeit short, his meeting with Marth provided him some vital information.

"I never met Kalla the Wight after Balkor's attack. I honestly believed she had died by the hand of a Valor." Marth replied when Lith asked him about Kalla's whereabouts.

"I would love to contact Scarlett, but she left the White Griffon for good. We have a new Lord of the Forest, Sentar the Thunderbird."

Next chapter