
Night Out

Remedy POV

"Remedy you coming out tonight since we don't have work tomorrow." Jolly asked.

Should I go.....

"Yeah you should come this time were going to the new and popular club called, Stars. Supposedly it the biggest club out here "Said Molly like she read my mind.

"Fine but I'm gonna change out of this attire. And get dress since its been awhile since I been out." I reply giving up.

"Were coming with you to help" "To make sure you don't bail out on us." Molly started and Jolly finished her sentence.

Those two girls are my best friend. Those two aren't sister but I wouldn't be surprised if they were. I mean they are both party girls and they finish each other sentences.

It took us an hour from our job to my house, right now they were tossing clothes from my dresser to my closet looking for a outfit.

"Did you find anything Molly." Jolly asked. I sat there patiently till they were done making a mess.

"I found a crop top and a see through shirt. What about you?" Molly said.

" Mini skirt and leggings that will make her ass pop." As they tried to find and outfit I brought out a box under my bed that my sister gave me for my 23 birthday. I never thought I would need it till now.

"Hey would this work." I said lifting up the dress.

"Oh yeah that'll work." They both say with a mischievous smile like they found the perfect pray. I spend most of my time with work and stay at home or visit my family every now and then.

They rush me to the shower and told me to shave everywhere. I did as they said and wash my hair as well. I had the towel wrapped around me as I exit the bathroom door they grabbed me and pulled me down to a chair. "Could you go light on my make up." I ask. They didn't answer but I know that they will not put too much on.

They had work gently with my wavy curls that where now forming after washing my hair. They blow dry my hair and left with a poufy mess. Jolly flat iron while molly did my make up. One working in different areas so time wouldn't be waisted.



35 mins later...

My hair was done in a nice wavy/curly style with a little bounce. They put eye shadow that was black with a slight stroke. Black eyeliner to top off the eye shadow with some mascara to finish it off.

The dress was short but not lose and wrapped around my hip and thigh as the back flowed with my legs and one spit on the side of both of my leg. There was a opening in the front and loose but my boobs help it look full.

" I swear if someone don't take you I will because girl you got the curve, the right ass, and nice round boobs." Molly gushed over my body.

" I don't think we will see her tomorrow don't ya think?" Jolly spoke looking toward Molly.

" Hey don't get ahead of yourself I just came to have fun." I said back to Jolly stupid remark.

"Oh you will alright." Jolly look at Molly with a smirk.

"No I wont and I don't need a man. I don't have time to be in a relationship or one night stands." I said as I put on my black high heels pumps on.

"You brought it up not us, and what's wrong with having some fun with a toy who will please you." Molly replied.

"Your such a bitch I swear your only there for sex but watch one day it will bite you in the ass." I said as I left out of the house since they were ready to go out anyways like usual.



10 minutes has pass and we are now arriving to Stars. But I had this feeling in my stomach and I know damn well it wasn't cramps. We got out of Molly's car since Jolly and Molly hanged out and lived next to each other they rode with each other everywhere.

There was a long ass line and no way in hell I was waiting. FUCK. I went to turn around but the girls grabbed me and brought me where the bouncer was. "You guys got reservation.'' The tall buff guy with tattoos seem intimidating.

He looked down at us as if we were ants." No but-"

"Then get in the line with the rest." The bouncer said as we were about to turn there was two fellas who was quite the lookers.

" Ty these girl with us and they come to all my party now move along." The bouncer looked at Molly and Jolly then to me.

" What about this one." Ty said looking in my direction.

My hand began to sweat almost embarrassed look over and saw Molly whisper something to the tall built guy who spoke earlier.

"She a guest tonight be sure to let them know to treat these lady well and drinks are free for these three." He looked in our direction. He nodded unhooked the rope bar and let us through while I heard some complains being field with the loud music.

It was dark but the light flashed over everyone body figure was enough view dim lights here and there.

I saw the bar name stars. I wonder why, I looked up to see stars on the ceiling. Of course.

I look to Molly and she was with the guy from earlier Jolly was motioning me to come sit by her and the man who had his hand behind her." HOW DO YOU KNOW THESES GUYS." I yelled over the loud music.


A waiter walk to our table and put a vodka bottle and pointed to a guy few table away and the guy looked at me and wink. So disgusted I grabbed the bottle and popped it open not once looking at the guy. I lifted it up towards Jolly and the dude who has been quiet for a while.

They nodded and put out there shot glass. After I poured them some I got a plastic cup and filled it half full and got up and left the bottle there. I took a big gulp ready for this night to be over with. I was bored with clubs all there was to give was sweaty bodies and headache in the morning.

My favorite song 'shake that ass girl' when I was in my young age back then I was wild and free. Today I wanted to be free. I handed the cup to somebody and I swayed as the song start to count down and dropped to the floor and brought my ass up first before I brought up my upper half of the body.

I knew I would get stares from people here and there but I knew how to move. As I was bring my hip around I felt someone had on my hip and the hot stinky breath behind my neck. " How was the vodka dear. I haven't seen you out in years." Why did I know this voice.

I grabbed the person hand away from my hip to see someone I was avoiding in the clubs. How did I not notice him sooner and who would choose vodka for a girl.... Oh he knew me too well.

"What do you want." I ask so agitated

" Nothing just watching you shake your hip that I missed so much." He replied.

" You know what Duane I COULD GIVE TO FUCKS ABOUT YOUR RAT ASS NOW LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." I said and grabbed someone cup. *splash* I made sure I got it in his face then I walk through the crowed people to the bar.

His eyes where gonna burn but I knew that wont keep him away.

" Can I have a strong martini cause I'm gonna need it especially with this ass who coming up right now.." I look at the guy with displeasure and comfort.

" Coming right up.-" He came in closer and said " If you need any assistance I can handle him for ya." He backed away when Michael was in ear shot and I nodded and waited for the martini.

I looked at the young fit kid behind the bar tinder avoiding the stare of an ass that I wish I could forget about.

" Here you go, your martini ma'am." He looked at me with protectiveness and I mouthed thank you. I took a sip tasting and seeing how strong it was.

"Hey kid." This imbecile yelled. No movements or look at his direction from the young fella from earlier. I took the last swallow before I yelled the guy over earlier. " Excuse me I didn't catch your name."

" My name is Ray." He smiled and look at the douche next to me get agitated for being ignored.

"Hi Ray I'm Remedy can you get me another one of this good stuff." I said lifting the empty martini glass. I lift my finger up and motion for him to get closer so I can whisper in his ear.

" Get him the most vile liquor you can put together and give it to him.." I asked with the most twisted smile as I waited for Ray to see what he could do.

Not to long after Ray brought my drink then a drink that looked like vodka. He sat it in front of him. " Its on me" I said as Ray sat it down.

I knew the idiot would take the drink especially since it is me and he think I'm sweet and innocent. I watch him as he took the whole shot and swallow it. There wasn't a reaction and I looked at Ray and held his had as if saying 'give it a minute'.

Just like that he got up and ran to who know where." He is gonna be in the bathroom for a good minute unless he shit his self. There always long lines on Fridays." He said and winked in my direction which made me laugh. I'm sure he put laxative and something else to have him running like the way he did.

" Never give me that drink." I half laugh, half serious.

"I wont its to help people who being bothered by assholes." he said back as if he done this before.

"Promise." I put up my pinky finger. "Promise" he connected it with mines before he went back to his duties... Duties...Haha I'm so childish.



After a good 10 minutes my head was down bored to death, when I knew there was someone who sat down besides me I assume it was Duane.

" Duane I thought I gave you a warning with the damn drink. Fuck OFF.." I sat up to see a nice tan dude who wore a nice long sleeve button up but only the middle was button and the top and bottom exposed the rest of his hard chest abs?

Right or am I wrong. I should touch...No... I should...Yes.....No... Uhhh to many martinis

He looked at me intently before he ask for Ray assistance.

" I'm sorry there was a dick here earlier but from help from my friend here Ray he sent his ass shitting..." I said laughing. No response. Oh I guess that's my que to leave.

As I was about to get up to look for Jolly and Molly I felt a firm hand grab my wrist spinning towards the man from earlier. " Let me by you a drink sorry for my rudeness." The grip he held it didn't hurt yet so sensational I almost had an orgasm if you ask me.

I looked down at my wrist than look up at the gentle man who held on such tender ocean eyes. I realized all I was doing was staring..

" Uh if you can remove your hand maybe I will." I said getting out of the stare and looking where is hands rested.

He let go and I sat where I was earlier. I waited for Ray to finish with another person.

" Hey Ray come here please I need a drink." I yelled. He nodded as he was finishing with his customer. When he came over he looked at me before he looked at the guy next to me.

" Same thing as before." He said as he came over to my ear. I heard a somewhat growl. The fuck. I'm imagining thing or hearing things. "Would you like me to use the vile on this fella." I laughed and shook my head no.

Ray back up and spoke so the guy next to was able to hear. " So what can I get you Remedy."

" A coke or water is fine and this guy would like-" I looked at his direction of the guy to say what he wanted. " Scotch with vodka if you could please." He said.

" You having a rough day like Remedy here I see." Said Ray as he brought out the scotch and I assume a strong vodka that I had earlier. I could tell by the brand name from the douche from earlier.

"Yeah it has been but why she having a rough day." The guy said avoiding me which hello im right here.

"Why don't you ask me your self." I said before Ray could say anything.

" Well you seem mad from earlier so I tried to reframe myself from getting you any madder." The dude said .

"Well I feel like Ray here should give you a vile so I wont get mad and agitated." I said as he set down the dude scotch and my water instead of a coke. I guess I need to sober up before I leave.

I opened my water bottle and I looked at the corner of my eyes to see his body turn and shift closer to me close to my ear.

" Is that a warning or a threat." The guy said in a huskie voice soo deep that I could jump him if I wanted too...Where is these thoughts coming from...

" Well dude it can go both ways I could get that sexy young fella to do it for me than to get my hand dirty." I said close to his ear and scoot back and brushed against his ear and cheek. GRRR..... Did I just hear a Grr. The fuck.

I scooted back and found his hands had landed on my mid thigh gripping it tight. I mean I like a man with a tight grip but he had no right. I was so shocked with his movements that I lifted my hand and slapped him across the face. I didn't know if I was to drunk or something but I felt bad. I got up and left to where Ray was. " Can I see your phone." I asked.

" Yea hold on." He rustled in his front pockets to see which one his phone was in. He found it in the right and handed it to me. I went to contacts and added my phone number.

" I gave you my phone number we should catch up another time I should get going." I said held out his phone with my name and number. I reached over the counter to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.


" Thanks for all your help I had fun." I said then give him another kiss on his other cheek.


I looked up to where the sound it was coming from. " Hey you alright. Was the drink strong or do you need the hospital." I said after the weird sound from this dude.

''Yeah I'm alright. You should just go where you need to go." He said in a grumble.

"Fine be an ass next time I know not to ask if your okay again." I said swayed my hip as I left to show him what he missed out on for being an ass or was I hopping he was watching me. Now were are the girls....



15 mins later

I looked from were we where earlier and looked out side to see if their car was here but no they left without me. It took me another five minutes to try to get back in because there was a different bouncer. The other bouncer from before and appeared and said I could go back in. I decided to sit back at the bar where I was earlier and saw the same dude from 15 minutes ago.

"So you came back to give me more insults Remedy." This absurd looking sexy hot man with hands of godss...

Uh same dude from earlier what the hell I mean he gripped me firm.. ooo firm I wonder what else is firm.

I wasn't paying attention when I felt him assault my ear with is soft lips that came around my ear lobe. I scooted back and looked into the once ocean eyes to a dark shade brown and so mysterious.

I found my self captivated in his eyes like being trapped between a dog paws and I'm a bird that's been caught.

"Remedy.. So where are the insults." He ask again trying to push me. I wasn't in the mood at the moment I felt like after being up so high with adrenaline its finally falls to the state I started from.

Forgetting what he did earlier with his mouth I was in no mood to argue." No insults just to sit and hopefully find a ride." I said submitting to exhaustion and displeasure in a place I had once had fun in.

"Logan" he said.

" What!?" I said back

" My name is Logan. Logan Wild" This guy name was Logan Wild this whole time... I mean he's been driving me wild every since I first met him.

" Well you already know my name." I said with irritation from earlier ignoring me.

" Yeah well that's true." He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Silence just pure silence and awkward. I look up to see if Ray was around but he wasn't just a female bar tender. I waited for three minutes. "Excuse me miss." I ask the lady over.

"Yeah what's up and its Shyann." Shyann said correcting me.

" Is Ray here I need to speak with him." I ask this biker looking chick. Not saying anything is wrong with bikers but she had that vibe all she needed was bubble gum or a lollipop.

" No he had to leave early but I can leave a message for him." She said leaning against the counter cleaning a glass.

"No-" *spit* "um I was just asking if he can give me a ride" *spit*" since my friends left me I was hopping he could take me after he was done." * spit* I couldn't help but stare as she spit on the glass and wiping the smudges of the shot glass.

" Tough luck I would help but I have to stay and clean sorry darlin." Shyann said as she try to help but no luck at all.

" I can give you a ride." I turn to the voice who it was coming from.


I just want to let you know there point of view will switch so pls pay attention to that

lowlove4lifecreators' thoughts
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