

Later that day Mio had become the talk of the university.

Dana had sent her a message of the school online newspaper and the top news was:

➢ School Heartthrob, Jacob Deeks asks out mystery new girl!

Mio facepalmed herself, she was currently hiding in a bathroom stall holding her phone in her hand. She squeezed it tightly, " I'm going to kill that evil bastard!" she seethed and then heard some girls come into the bathroom.

She heard the clack of their heels on the marble floor and heard them stop in front of the mirror.

" Did you hear? Jacob asked some random first year out" a girl with a high pitched voice said.

" Hmph!" another girl responded. " Everyone knows that Jacob doesn't date. It's probably a stunt to make Eiko jealous."

" Oh, right I remember there was a rumour about them being in an on and off relationship. "

" Exactly," the high pitched girl said.

After they were finishing discussing and walked out. Mio opened the stall door.

" So the sleaze bag has a woman" she crossed her arms and looked in the mirror.

" I'll get you back" she muttered and walked out of the bathroom.

It was almost the end of her day and made her way to the entrance of the school. Mio walked swiftly, determined not to catch anybody's attention until she heard a familiar boy call out to her.

" Mio!" she turned around and saw the handsome Kei jogging towards her.

Relieved she smiled at him, " Hey Kei" he stopped before her.

" I heard what happened in the cafeteria. Are you okay?" he asked.

Mio laughed " Of course I'm okay. Other than being the talk of the school nothing else happened".

He sighed and grabbed her shoulders " Listen you don't have to go if you don't want to" he looked seriously into her eyes and Mio was flattered by his concern.

" Of course she had to go" a voice from behind Mio said. Mio froze she knew this voice, it was him.

She lightly moved to the side and with a welcoming smile greeted him. Kei had a hard look on his face " Jacob" he said.

" Kei" Jacob responded.

Mio basically saw sparks of tension fly between them. Her expression morphed into a half-save me and a half-I need to smile look.

" Mio if you need anything, you have my numbers" with that Kei walked away and Mio watched him and then turned her face to Jacob.

His fake smile was on his face and she internally sighed.

" I thought you still had class?" she asked.

Jacob gave her a knowing look, " I thought It'd be better to skip and leave early to avoid all the others", he leaned closer and Mio jumped back.

" How considerate of you" her response held a tinge of sarcasm which Jacob didn't seem to catch.

" Shall we go".

Mio nodded and followed behind him, there was a car waiting for them and Jacob opened the door on the passenger side. Mio slipped in elegantly her butt in first, then her legs. He closed the door and walked to the driver's seat.

He was going to drive. Mio didn't see any driver around and wondered if they maybe came just to drop the car off. Since they were both driven to school.

Jacob got in shut the door and drove off.

" Where are we going?" Mio asked holding her bag to her bosom, feeling slightly uneasy. This entire situation was so out of the blue, they were strangers at school and at home.

" You'll see" that answer didn't make her feel any better.

Jacob stopped the car near an opened parking lot and they got out.

Mio followed him down the street passing shops while not saying anything.

She was wondering if she should take this chance to get close to him since there was no evidence of Jamerson or any other bodyguards.

" Here we are," Jacob said in a friendly tone, he was standing in front of a dark alleyway.

Mio's eyes widened ' Oh God! Is this where he plans to kill me and dump my body?'

Her immediate paranoia settled in and she no longer smiled.

" Are you s-sure?"

Jacob walked into the alley and Mio reluctantly followed.

' Why am I even going along with this?'

Jacob led Mio down the alleyway glancing behind him at her. She looked calm on the surface but he wondered what she really felt.

In the alley filled with dirt and riddled with graffiti on the walls was a door. The door looked very out of place in an alley. It looked like a regular home door, with a brass nob and a handle at the top to knock.

Jacob grabbed the handle and knocked Du-Du-da-Du!

Nothing happened, then the door swung open and a large man with tattoos and a bald head asked.

" State your business?" he looked very unfriendly and Mio silently compared him to Hong and Long. Although they were about the same size and scary looking, their dumb looks couldn't compare to the meanness on this man's face.

" Pleasure," Jacob said in a sultry tone.

Mio gripped the handle of her bag ready to stomp away, but somewhere in her gut, she wanted to see what game this man was playing at.

They entered through the door and Mio's eyes had to adjust to the dim lights in the place. A stream of classical music filled the air and Mio walked into a lounge. All the seats were red booth seats, there were waiters dressed in suits and only a few people actually sitting.

Mio was slightly taken aback, this place looked very fancy. She had expected Jacob to take her to some dingy place just to taunt her.

A waiter seated them and Jacob ordered some drinks.

He sat back in the chair looking at ease, while Mio sat up straight looking around.

" So, what do you think?" he asked.

" Well, this is certainly unexpected," she said and he let out a lopsided smile, whilst pushing up his glasses.

As he pushed up his glasses Mio caught a bit of his gaze that seemed almost sharp and devoid of emotion.

But, once the glasses covered his eyes, his gaze was back to its usual friendliness.

Two glasses of wine were brought and Jacob took one and Mio the other. She wasn't going to drink, especially around this man.

She took a fake sip and looked at him over her wine glass.

She then set the glass down.

" What are you playing at?" she wasn't going to beat around the bush this time. Mio had, had enough of her pretending, she wanted to know what Jacob's intentions were.

They were engaged to be married and even though he had not been with other girls during her stay.

She felt as if he was hiding something behind that benign smile of his.

He leisurely placed the glass down. His lips curved and he said, " I'm glad you asked".

" Truth be told I had tried to be nice to you", Mio internally scoffed.

" But I can't hide it anymore. I thought you were going to be different but you're just the same. So I'm gonna say it straight".

His tone changed and he sat forward, looking into her eyes.

" I don't like you"...

Next chapter