
Vergil got lose on horomones

"...where'd he go?"

(Welp fuck)

I'm both in need of some things and I let a horny demon prowl the house or city free....

From what memory's a share with him he hasn't gotten any for 18 years so those demon hormones might be a problem...

My senses aren't very keen yet so should I search the house or the streets?

*shadow purrs next to v*

(Oh right your a panther dog)

"Tell daddy where the shady fucker is"

*shadow blinks and rolls over*

*rubs tummy*

"Ey Shakespeare weren't you I don't know trying to keep people from getting molested by your maker?"

"Hello to you to...and yes"

*v ceases the belly rubs and shadow grrs at griffon*

"Yeah yeah whatever puppy cat. Not sure if the charm on her hand will be enough to fend off a sparda but there's literally a strip club down the street..."

"Ah the classic save many or one... but that woman is my god sooo shoot morals"

"...and demon baby's so triple threat why not call one of those guys we met a little while ago better to stay in packs cuz protection and what not"

*i limped towards the desk and dialed neros number but I got silence he must have been busy killing pests. Next the pack of wild lesbians literally none of them picked up which makes me think there's a gay three way going on since I'd also called nico or they're all out drinking*

"Well this sucks"

(Yes my pet it does. He'd bitch slap me if I said that out loud though he hates the term pet since he's competent of human speech...)

*just then a woman dressed in a rather odd pastel Lolita outfit with a matching purse and flats walked in*

(What do I say to the living doll? Should I attack it?)

*There was a short silence as she looked me up and down then up once more*

"Your new...you a customer?"

"No... my name is v and wh-"

"Where's lily?"

*she leans to her right and stairs behind me as if hoping for her to be hidden off to the side somehow*

(Rude thing you are...)

*I can't help but grimace a little at her not only does she look odd shes a bitch*

"You gonna answer? ...did you do something to her"

Before I realized it she'd managed to get a pastel pink switchblade up to my neck

(Bitch wtf does everything have to be cutesy to you??)

*V hissing meme*

*I shot her a nasty look*

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

*My boys were on either side of her ready to attack*

*She scoffed at me before putting her switchblade away*

"Shit I wish I had backup... you hid her didn't you? Listen if your working with that freak we won't hesitate you here me!"

"I've done nothing to the girl she's upstairs but Vergil that's our current issue"

"What do yo-"

*freakin screeching and sirens*

"Aren't you alarmed?"

"Nope happens every day here though gotta admit that one sounded close..."

"...so it's normal here that most are just desensitized?"

"Yeah so you working here or what?"

"...actually come to think of it I don't know"

"More help ain't bad we are missing our local hero..."

"Can you search the club or would you care to stay here with the girl I feel rather concerned for the citizens of the city with what just happened...."

"Well I got some time off so sure I'll stay with lily is she resting?"

"Most likely yes... well then take care"

(Whys he limping?)

*I stared at V as he left the office*

It's nice to be somewhere a little more normal then the orphanage...I think I'll enjoy the atmosphere and clean and watch after lily for a bit.

*patty put on here signature cleaning lady outfit though now it's kinda small and awkward since she's grown quite a bit since back when Dante had first started hanging out with her*

(Dam I need to get a upgrade this is tight...)

*every room downstairs was shiny and clean so I ended up watching tv for a while instead and ditched the old get up I didn't expect it to all be shiny and new.*

(He better get his ass back soon he's never gonna find a girl like this again...)

Meanwhile Vergils upstairs~

Everything seems quite and you can hear panting coming from the bathroom...

Nearby Lily's chilling on her bed cuddling with a Dante body pillow cuz she's lonely

Note she made one while the chapter was going on and she wasn't on the screen kinda makeshift lonely wifefu stand in while she waits for Dante...or Vergil might do something weird who knows

Luna320creators' thoughts
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