
Downward spiral

lily was still alone at Nero and kyires apartment when she got the news...normally Nero probably would've talked to her in person but he couldn't stand the sight of a girl hurting sure to his standards this was a corwards way out... but what choice did he have the closer a girl is to him the more it messed him up seeing them breaking down like that. Not only that he was put on the spot to tell her that her husband the person she'd been in love with for three years can't come home. And he up and got her pregnant before leaving which is a double tear jerker.

He knew Dante probably wanted him to just go down and give her the gist before he tried to call her and have him sit with her in case she didn't take it well but he just couldn't bring himself to look her in the eye to talk to her

*He called but there was no answer just straight to voicemail and a robotic tone*

That worried him. But then again he's never called it's just been texts and he really didn't want to be the asshole who did this sensitive shit over texts...

[author chan does the eye thing to those of you who break up over texts]

Nero sighed and sat down to talk to kyire on the phone on how he should handle this...

~Meanwhile at his and kyires apartment~

It was all static...like that night and all those times before when I was young all I could hear was the static of a crappy old tv.

...But now it was different it wasn't just that terrible noise everything was covered in those disturbingly poorly drawn scribbles. They looked like someone's child just fucked up a drawing but it's everywhere and she can't see shit.

*lily frantically started to run but ran straight into a wall.*


"Darling...darling? Dar-"

"Oh no no no no no"

he can't fix me he's not here anymore I'm all alone...

*lily stumbles around having to blindly feel where she's going.*

*About a good five minutes of hell passed with no dice of finding a door.*

*She let out a crazed laugh*

"It's gotta be a sick vr game or a dream right? Why don't I just start ripping everything apart to find a key or a button to get out?"

[its not a game she's just forgotten where the fuck she is thanks to the noise and the scribble hallucinations. Poor kyire and neros stuff.]

She began ripping anything her hands found apart pillows cushions chairs the dam couch there was stuffing everywhere her fingers were bruised since she'd been forced to use a lot of force without being able to use her powers thanks to her now pregnant state.

"Where is it....come on...AHAHAHAHA if this is hell THEN LET ME BE WITH DARLING! I don't care what realm it is as long as I'm by my princes side it doesn't matter!!!

What you want money? power? bitches? dudes? I don't care I can get you anything let me go ok?

...Better yet give him back to me and I can be your pawn FOREVER!!!"

Bargaining with the perp well this probably would be an attractive offer if there actually was someone there but it was just her...alone...with her bat shit crazy ptsd trip...

*no response. Just static*

Since there's nothing left to rip apart left in the room she began...frantically clawing at the walls trying to forcible get herself out...

She felt something warm on her fingers as she continued the process... she glanced to were her hands were but...

"No no no NO!!!"

She can't see her hands she assumed that the spirals have began to try to take her over. But actually her brains really censoring the blood, bruising and the fact that she just ripped out all her nails.

*she fell backwards onto her but she curls her legs up to her chest and hugs her knees*

But then she feels something behind her that's new that she hadn't bumped into before... she decided to get up and check it...it was one of the sliding doors that led to a balcony. Not being able to see what it is she slide it open.

She instantly regretted this she was greeted by defending static. The static was replacing all the surrounding noises of the outside world but the more noise the louder the static gets. Being in a large city like red grave that made the static insanely loud.

Not only that but everything had been replaced with the spirals.

Unfortunately the railing to the balcony was low. As she collapsed from fear she nearly falls off it.

~to be continued~

Sorry I haven't been very stable with updates...^_^ll some medical stuffs come up thanks to the heat I'm not in the best shape but I'll keep trying I'm sorry thanks for the patience


Luna320creators' thoughts
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