

Did I just witness a murder? Patty get the orphans under control wtf?!

*At that moment I smelt something burning*

It wasn't like normal smoke it was more like something going wrong in a science lab kinda burning. To say the least I think I saw V swallow some vomit. Me on the other hand...I have no idea why but I was getting an odd sense of dejavu. I couldn't hear the poor souls heartbeat or his breathing

I approached the kid then realized there's green stuff leaking out of him the surroundings that he'd gotten the stuff on was literally dissolving while burning...

"What the hell?"

My instinct was to poke the green stuff to see what it was, V yelled something to me but I was already in the zone...

*a hand shot up and grabbed mine before I could touch the goop*

It was the kid...I was to stunned to scream, but my husbands immortal so this shouldn't shock me. Well actually to be precise it does. My husbands heart still beats and he definitely breaths. The hand that was holding mine was very cold, there was a very slight warmth radiating from it. It certainly wasn't warm enough for any life to sustain itself.

*V smacked the corpse boy with his cane several times in the head each time more green stuff splattered out but thankfully none got on lily or V*

This child either has no shits to give or he's actually dying...I can't tell

"V take it easy he's gonna die if you-"

"We should flee no he won't did you see how fast his arm shot up to grab you?"

"....nope I was trying to poke the goo"

"Lily it's burning through cement why would you touch it?"

"...cuz idk what it is and my gut says poke strange stuff"

*confused stared at lily while Lily's staring at the dissolving cement wanting to poke the goo*

"...acid don't poke"

"Stay down!"

*V started beating up the corpse child with his cane*

*She knew what it was now so she no longer wants to poke the goo.*

"Kaaa-0-0 aaaaaaa"

*the goo was sucked back into the corpse kid through its wounds and they magically seemed to disappear*

At this point V picked me up and limp jogged us back to the shop....I think I had a mini heart attack from that weird occurrence but more importantly we gotta get Jess under control cuz she shoved someone into a truck to steal.

Next chapter