
~Welcome to hell~ part 2

The stench that I was met with as soon as this weirdo put the can down was to much to bear...not to mention that disgusting slush like sound when that an came in contact with the "ground"...that's not ground that's rotting flesh and blood definitely not ground there...I couldn't tell since I was preoccupied with puking if that little shit was silently judging me or if he'd just thought

"fuck this guy I'm out"

*the boy unstrapped a bag that was warped around his leg and pulled his pant leg back down before unzipping the bag and rummaging through it*

I was hoping for the second but looks like lady lucks mad at me...

(Ok is this kid depth or dumb cuz he didn't try to kill me when I was puking and he hadn't spoken a word the whole time...I swear to Lucifer's ass if that's poisoned...-.-why would anyone waste posion on ration crackers and ginger al?...more importantly is he trying to give them to me I can't tell he's just star-...)

*trys to look opposite of the kids eyes but his eyes follow noct's without breaking that resting bitch face*

[note anyone other then his senpai doing a poker face is atomically a bitchy person in nocturnes eyes]

"....take it"


*I fell on my butt landing in a puddle of blood.*

(Great now I look like Carrie after she got her telekinetic period...-.-ll)

But for the record I didn't know if he could talk or not his voice was lifeless and monotone he sounded either like a kuudere or a robot...

".....I don't like poisoning sick people"

*reluctently I reached up and took the ginger ale and ration crackers from his hand...*

(he opened the pop but not the food...I'll eat the rations I don't trust this kid he's weird)

*eats the dam saltines but instantly regretted it because it's extremely salty now I want water*

He stared at me with those creepy ass glow stick eyes like boi seriously why and wait do mine do that to???

[nope just nannashi's do that in this story]

*he pulled something out of his pocket*

(This'll hurt but it's not gonna kill me...my powers are more long range attacks then close range...well I can manipulate people by desires but I prefer doing that on the women because if this fuckers desire is lust I'd be in a very uncomfortable situation...)

Unaware nannashi has no worldly desires left...well sure he wants to keep "mother" safe but in the end he's gonna have to be the one to put her down if she loses any of her internal wars...as per his contract with her, this counted for all versions of "mother" if one breaks he's gotta take it out.

"....trust me if you were on my hit list you'd already be dead, give this to her"

*he stretched out his hand and gave nocturne a pink embroidered charm looking thing with kanji on it*

"I can't fuckin read this...."

*he sighed at nocturne*

"Last time I checked she no longer believed in a deity but she still believes in charms since there're proven to work...."

"I still don't know who "she" is your pretty dam vague"

".....you have a contract don't you?"

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