
V does not dream of bunny girl

"Are you alright?"

I have no words for this...the woman who's supposedly the key to both my and his survival is standing before me in a slutty bunny suit...I'm literally two days old but seeing as how I came into existence I can't be certain weather that note was false or true...nor do I know where the fuck that monster disappeared to.

"Sir? Can yuh hear me?"

She tapped her chin like she was thinking of what to do before nodding to herself and began using sign language to try to communicate with v. Sign language.

"No I can speak I'm sorry but that uh attire is just a bit distracting..."

She blushed and looked down towards the floor her long black hair covering most of her face from view. She seems quite sweet compared to her attire which most men would probably assume the opposite by a quick glance...including myself...this I'm not proud of...

"Uh um...what can I help with mr...."

I hadn't given this woman a name nor did I know hers.

"...I have no name I'm but two days old...just kidding you can call me v"

She didn't find the joke funny but it wasn't really a joke to begin with. I thought it might help to break the ice. But she looked up at me and tilted her head to the side seeming confused with my remark.

"My names lily Dante's out on a mission in Italy so I'll fill in just don't tell Nero or the girls cuz I'm not really supposed to fight right now"

"...and tell me whys that lily?"

My current situation is crap and I know this body's dying but I'd rather not be the cause of this naive bunny girls demise...

*she leaned over and put her finger to her lips while staring up at him*

"It's a secret"

*then she shot her usual angelic smile at him.*

(...oh no)

It was at this moment v had what most people would call his first crush...and it's on a bunny girl with a angelic smile oh god what has he done what even is this world he was born into two days ago.

(Fuck she's cute)

Was the only thing he could think of he ended up being in denial since he's not sure if this attraction was his own or the his original's attraction to this woman.

*lily stands back up properly unaware of the heart she may or may not have unintentionally stolen*

"I uhh was told you can heal anything..."

Lily had been through many terrible things in her past as well as having suffered from a shity illness for most of her life before her power had awakened when she'd been abandoned on Dante's doorstep. She didn't really question what v had or why he'd need the goddess sacrifice. But it wouldn't be right not to warn him about a important fact...

"I've never used it before so don't be harsh on me if it fails... if it does work would it trouble you if I make a selfish request?"

Happy Easter everyone

*Author chan in a bunny suit to*

Luna320creators' thoughts
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