
Day 1

Before I left I kissed her tummy and then her sleeping lips.

"Bye my angel"

I can't help but remember a previous argument even if it happened two or three days ago now...(had lady seen that she would've...) I chose to shake it off instead I'll forget about it eventually if I ignore it enough. I looked at the shity old alarm to check the time lily'd tried to make it look better it was still shit but she did a decent job...it's actually pretty old so I still question why she'd managed to fix it up since it's a semi old school raidio with a couple buttons, dial and a little red electric clock thing. Ten years is a lot for people that age normally right? Shouldn't she have had a iPod or some shit instead when she was a kid...wai-

Before I had the chance to go down the rabbit hole that was me trying to figure shit out which doesn't happen very often I heard the door open. The mutt didn't freak out like it usually does so I assumed it's Nero.

(Fuck I'm gonna be late for the flight)

Dante grabbed a tote bag and went downstairs it was mostly weapons and ammo with bare minimum of clothes since he didn't want to stay wherever he had to go very long. He'd later regret this when he'd get stuck in hell looking for Vergil... he talked to Nero briefly before having to rush out.

~Nero switch~

"Whys he always gotta be late boy?"


"...I can't tell if you get me or if you just wanna play fetch its early man don't you not wanna wake up lily?"

*Cerberus ll plops over for a belly rub*

"...I want a dog no two dogs yeahs then they can be friends, 0-0 demon slaying dogos Ima genius!"

*neros rubbing Cerberus's belly while thinking about getting dogs that can kill demons with him*

"Aw shit I forgot to ask where I'm sleeping"

He gazed at the red lather couch in the office it didn't look like it was comfortable enough to sleep on for a week.

(...I need to go shopping but women take forever to do that but my only option is to go with lily cuz I told kyire I'm staying here to help her out...also she went to an emergency thing in Italy for church which was really just charity work helping immigrants)

Nero wants to go back to sleep since it's freaking 1:30 am but doesn't know where the dam blankets are kept. Nero said fuck it and slept on the couch. He used the puppy like a awkward squirmy teddy bear because he's warm. The dog eventually calmed down and they both managed to get some sleep til the devils hour. In which case Nero got a max of a hour of sleep before waking up again to sounds coming from upstairs.

~lily switch~

I woke up from a dream about puking worried I'd puked in my sleep.

(Oh cool just a nightmare...)

Night da-

(Fuck no it's not I need to puke)

Brain"at least we didn't puke in bed"

(Hoe we about to)

She frantically threw the sheets off and opened the door to run across the hall to puke in the bathroom.

*small yipping*

"Fuck oh...dog stay your my blanket"

*Small grrr*

I ended up making my way to the toilet since it's a pain in the ass cleaning vomit out of a sink drain. I swore I heard Nero for some reason. (But that would mean Dante's already left...) an overwhelming sense of depression takes hold causing her to forget her need to puke.

*She flushed the puke. And tried to stand up.*

The smell caused her small depression episode to cease because it smells so bad and she begins vomiting her guts out again.


She felt someone behind her back whoever it was pulled her hair back for her.

(...so help me Satan if that's Nero I'm buying his silence so we never have to speak of this shit again)

Thankfully since he's a sweet person he basically is just doing whatever he'd do for Kyrie if this was her.

(...she's only been pregnant for a week or a half a week is this normal? 0-0 Oh no twins what if it's twins dam it Dante... I hope I don't get sympathy sickness)

~time skip til 7:30 am after she'd finally done~

Nero's face is drastically pale and he legit thinks she's dying.

"Wanna go to the hospital?"

Lily shakes her head and wipes her face off with some tissues. She's thankfully that he kept curtesy flushing whenever the toilet puke started filling up.

"...I'm not dead so it's good"

"But what? Do all girls do this?"

"How should I know this is my first"

"...point taken, but trish is technically everybody's mom since you showed up supposedly I'm not sure I don't get it either we showed up around the same time in everyone's lives..."

(Can't tell her about the church incident with Dante)

Lily reaches her arm up for Nero to pull her to her feet.

*nero pulls lily up*

"Sorry didn't mean to ramble"

"Don't worry about it did you bring anything to sleep on you can take the bed if you wan-"

"Nope not a chance and no I didn't cuz it takes forever to resemble a bed"

*Lily sighs*

"Come on I'll take you to the store and we can get a blow up mattress or a futon"

"...what in the hell are those?"

The two headed to a target...

The next few days will be labeled until the downward spiral of chaos slips...mmm I can practically hear Luscius's laughter now....yup that's gonna be one hell of a ride!

Luna320creators' thoughts
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