
The after party part 2

*lily opened one of the many doors on the new floor after being witness to all the awesome shit her husband had done with the halls...she sees the person she helped on purge day*

"Who's the sassy lost child?"

Karma spits out Pepsi and laughs at her dorky reaction but it's not wrong in the slightest it's completely accurate even though she's not completely self aware of the fact she technically has been close with him in other "lives".

"Sorry sorry don't mind me I'm just chilling"

*he closed the door and she continues on since for some odd reason no one really seemed to notice what just happened*

"Should I text her sister in laws?"

*Nero shrugged*

"Could be busy Dante probably asked seeing as how little people actually feel safe enough to hang around with all of us"

Kyrie nods but wonder why in the heck she swore she'd heard a different voice only a few moments ago that she didn't recognize...she peaks over her shoulder Lily's been wandering around opening and closing the doors that they passed so she's still in eye shot but a decently far from the group. Speaking of....whys she feel the need to do that still? She couldn't help but wonder as she walked holding Nero's hand. When they first came they checked maybe a floor and a half...but even if there's cool stuff everywhere it's a little odd to keep investigating every door you come across...unaware of what was actually going on in Lily's brain to Kyrie lily actually didn't start doing that with the intention of continuing but the first door she'd opened had reviled karma whom no one else had noticed. Due to this and a not so slight hint of paranoia she's now checking all the doors to see weather there's demons,monsters or guests that were more or less surprises.

To her surprise Cerberus came out of the 13th door she'd opened on their way to the room with the paintballs...Kyrie and Patty were wearing white so hopefully they aren't to attached to their dresses.

[not the giant dogs Dante's killed he ironically named the puppy he'd stolen from Lily's parents house back for her Cerberus the third since this is the second because it's the second dog he's come in contact with in his life,also because it's funny to him since it's the opposite of the thing he'd previously killed. Smart tiny little walking ball of fluff.]

"Cerberus how did you get here?"

*yipes and trots behind her*

*Nero looks back confused*

(How did he open the doors tho?)

*they arrived at a paint ball room*

Kyrie suddenly regrets wearing white (if only this was laser tag I'm wearing white today) she thinks to herself as she picks up a gun and has to have Nero teach her how to use it.

(What's a party without making a mess? Glad I'm wearing black it'll be easier to get the stains out)

"Your all just a bunch of kids aren't you?"

Morison was clearly making a jab at Dante's attempt and trying to think of party games on his own.

"...ya know we can use the real deal to as long as I stick to her like glue"

Dante offered to pull out some ammo he'd stocked in one of the cabinets.

"Nope this works no real life and death matches ya anarchist"

Dante honestly had no idea what normally happened party games wise the last party he could remember was when he was five...hence the somewhat childish theme games wise...he really wanted to just throw bombs and shoot them down for fun though but that probably wouldn't have been the safest thing to do...

(...why do these make me want chocolate?)

*He stared at the paint gun for a few minutes*

"Hey girls vs boys?"

*Patty said cocking the gun back*

"No pick sticks cuz luck...."

"You just want Kyrie on your team~"

*Nero didn't deny it*

Lily's on the same boat though she wants to be paired up with Dante. She looks down at her dog who's somehow picked up a handheld catapult.


She suddenly had a devious idea...she wandered off to grab some paint and empty water balloons and began getting to work...

Next chapter