

It's Halloween and I already know we won't get any trick or treaters weather their parents let them or they are fending for themselves. No kid wants to walk down a shady alley at night asking for sweets. Because they might end up being the sweet one way or another one way would be getting murdered another is that other place your mind goes to when your brains in the gutter. Ever since I was a kid I'd always dress up for Halloween and since I'm a hardcore otaku as a adult any chance I get to cosplay I'm definitely taking. The only problem is my boyfriend won't let me do anything that can somehow make anyone other then him think I'm sexy. We dressed up like some couple from resident evil series. my red leather jacket was the shit Jesus even though it's much tinyer and not full body length like his it was very hard to sew. I wanted to cosplay sailor moon and tuxedo mask for Halloween but that costume fell under his not happing list. I'm glad he talked me out of it because holy hell he's a hot cop.

*lily nosebleeds as she sees Dante in Leon cosplay*

(This will be difficult to explain if we run into them which I doubt but I do know them from a couple of jobs)

"Hun you're bleeding a bit"

*he came over and ended up fixing her up which in turn made her bleed more because the hotness*

Thankfully this awkward turn on moment was interrupted by Nero and Kyrie coming in.

"....babe leave them they're good"

Kyrie "I'm still asking for the wedding then"

lily gave the couple a once over to check which pop culture random overly religious trope Kyrie picked from a tiny list she'd looked up after she asked was there anyway to make a less slutty/gory nun costume for her Halloween costume. Mentally she noted that it wasn't megu nee so it had to be that dangonronpa chick she randomly remembered when she gave her advice about costume stuff. Half of her kept trying to convince Nero and Kyrie to dress up like ichigo and orihime.

"...the one day I'm not conservative someone else is....my question is why?"

Dante"we made a agreement that conventions and the bedroom was the only two places she can dress like that"

Nero"...she's a month away from being legal can't she use swimwear at the beach"

lily "...mama not giving up her anime shit so it's fine plus I'm dragging him down with me next time there's one"

Nero"...as my friend you better get pictures"

Dante "....not of her"

Nero"...but couples cosplay why I'm taken your being hostile turn the red back to blue please"

lily"...if looks could kill my dog and you would be dead by now"

Nero "why the dog? Boy your overly jell-0-o"

*nero backs like right up to the door because he could feel Dante's aura getting dangerously hostile like he's gonna kill him*

Kyrie "...other then this wanna be my bridesmaid?"

lily "...yeah but whys Dante not allowed in his dads church"

Kyrie "because he sho-"

*cut off by Nero shhhing he'll kill me*

Kyrie "...so Hawaii"

lily "...we going to Hawaii hell yeah"

Dante is standing there trying to figure out how to one up the wedding plans for him and lily without going bankrupt.

Nero..."lily what's my ultimate cuz I can't say the name"

lily"detective don't get actually involved in any crime scenes though we can only destroy we can't solve crimes because you need a degree for that..."

Nero"what's a degree?"

She now realized that the whole fuckin city has never had any form of education system. She wondered how the hell they had lawyers and doctors without doing the education for it because those are highly skilled professions. But then again the crime rate was insanely high so maybe we don't have lawyers but the doctors how can they be doctors without medical knowledge?

Kyrie "...she's spacing out again but don't worry I've never heard of that either"

Dante "...how bad is the party slutty wise because your wife's wearing a bikini top short shorts and a yellow hoodie thingy that I'm not sure if it's a hoodie or a cape"

Nero"lady's a slutty nurse and trish went as a bunny girl"

Dante "...were staying home but she'll be a bridesmaid"

Nero mumbles can you be my pretend Dad for the wedding really fast because he's embarrassed asking. Which earned a awww from lily but a confused look from Kyrie who wasn't able to keep up with Nero's fast talking. Dante ended up hugging him and making Nero semi happy and ashamed at the same time. Because the women were watching him being hugged by his uncle.

(Make then stop taking pictures of this for the love of sparda why dam technology for making tiny cameras in phones...Ima be on insta tonight great this is a long hug he better not be crying.0-0 did I make him cry oh shit dad I'm sorry wait wtf why did I call him that in my head...oh yeah dads in hell and mom idk where mom is...*hello darkness my old friend plays in the back of his head*)

After the semi mushy moment they left Nero did get asked to look at several cases that might due to the costume because he couldn't pronounce the dang characters name. Dante did shade a few manly tears over the fact that Nero had asked him to be his dad at the wedding. Ironically Dante and lily didn't run into Claire or Leon but he did get a text saying they needed his help with a job later that night. lily and him planned on going to help them out the next morning.

Next chapter