
purge day part 2


lily"babe we should board up the office before we go upstairs"

they both started to look for things to barricade the front door and windows to the office. Dante kept watch on the dude that had just smashed through the window while he was helping lily

Karma "to be fair I can help if you want I mean I'm probably stuck here anyway my bro's probably looting shit without me rn"

Dante "....I can and will kill you if you pull anything"

Karma "...yes sir hey since it's technically purge day I can go loot some condoms from a drug store"

Karma starts trying to get to the door to run from Dante

Dante "this isn't a government holiday it's from a ceasefire and everyone went crazy after it ended"

Karma (...please fuck her so I can go back to having kick ass adventures and messing up the universe with my squad...get the baby Dante)

"To be fair you are pretty much above the law"

Dante "I'm aware but my girl isn't of age yet"

Karma "fuck morals just do it"

Dante "...seriously how are you not joining in on killing people you seem like the type"

Karma "because I wanna live"

Dante "fair statement"

lily "babe I boarded up all the windows and now what can we put in front of the door?"

Karma "....that thingy"*points to jukebox*

lily"thank you kind stranger"

Karma "you want the goods because your literally locking yourselfs in a bedroom for the rest of the 24 hours"

lily lifted the jukebox and was going to put it in front of the door when karma stopped her

karma "uh hey don't you think I should you know leave you to alone?"

lily "going out there is basically a death sentence right now unless your trying to kill yourself I don't recommend it"

Karma regrets not leaving when he had the chance as she placed the jukebox in front of the door.

lily"....wanna watch the choas unfold while I make food?"

Dante "sure"

The three spent the day and night drinking caffeinated drinks and eating snacks while playing on the PlayStation trying to keep themselves awake for 24 hours so no one was killed at the devil may cry agency.

Next chapter