
Day six

Day six

That very morning the news stated that there was currently a ceasefire between the demons and humans in effect for the whole city. I was honestly stunned I had no idea how he did it much less what he did to make this happen.

Nero"this is bad"

If he can get this many people to obey him just by a request what the hell are we going to do if he's planning something. I can't kill a god maybe Dante could if we teamed up but the odds still aren't in our favor. He's shady but I can't believe he'd give a crap about us in the good way I can't help but feel paranoid. This guy was on the same level as lily yet he seems like the complete opposite from her. She's naive and sweet she'd never hurt anyone for no reason she's still squeamish with freakin bugs. But she's ridiculously strong. Not to mention hot...shit back to the point this guy seemed like the male version of her except he doesn't seem good natured also I had no idea why he knew who she is if they aren't related. I've got to tell Dante I can't just ignore it hopefully lily is sleeping when I show up.

*nero went to the hospital to go see lily and Dante. Lady Luck must've liked Nero that day lily was sound asleep when he walked in. I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed she was out cold.*

Dante "didja see the news?"

Nero"yeah about that..."

Dante"I swear to my mothers grave if you say you let mundus or Satan fuck you to get this ceasefire I'm beat the shit out of you"

Nero"wtf ew no I have a fiancé and I don't swing that way wtf Dante"

Dante "...if you didn't do that then is my dad still around? Wtf is with the ceasefire that's never been a thing as long as I've been around"

Nero "old man that's what I'm trying to tell you sit the heck down and hold that wifefu I need to tell you something"

(Why'd I say hold that wifefu?)

Dante was sitting next to the sleeping lily.

Dante "I'm not waking her up so no."

Nero"ok ignore that part cause I was stressing I don't know why I said that. Anyway I was at the shop yesterday looking at paperwork stuff. And then this guy with purple eyes showed up so I socked him in the face cause you told me her family is really shitty."

Dante "valid but they don't have purple eyes as far as I know she kinda just took that appearance when she was able to make herself a body that worked properly."

Nero"wtf how am I supposed to know that"

Dante "you didn't ask... yeah Ima go with that because I didn't really think you needed to know that"

*Nero frustrated groans at his uncles stupidity*

Nero"ok so he's on Lily's level basically he didn't fight me thank god but he basically asked why she was in the hospital so I was like injured on job. Long story short he offered to help me out with the city with ether violence or something else. Then that happened. Now what do we do he seemed shady and opposite of her cute naive ass."

*Dante glaring at Nero with red eyes*

Nero "I get you but no I meant literally I'm in no way going after your girl I have a girl I don't need two girls."

*dantes eyes went back to their normal pale blue color*

Dante "alright kid here's what we're gonna do don't freak out"

Nero"ok what's the plan"

Dante "we do nothing the gods don't fuck with us if we don't fuck with them. If he's on her level and he does try something the three of us tag team that bitch and kill him"

Nero"...will we all live if we do that?"

Dante "yup tank + tank + baby tank ='s win"

Nero "wait am I baby tank or her?"

Dante "your baby tank"

Nero"...what if I just wanna be a tank?"

Dante "shut up your baby tank because I say so"

*Nero pouts because he hates the code name he got*

Dante"I've killed a couple gods and a fuck ton of demons also once a angel...the three of us can win it but don't try to start shit with gods"

Nero"Kay is today the last day and we can go back to normal?"

Dante "tomorrow is the last day"

*Nero groans and throws himself onto a chair*

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