
time skip catch up

~a year had past~

I had been seeing my darling for a year now. I was 17 now and I had single handedly became a goddess from my very overpowered power system. I had found out about another power I hadn't gained by means of finishing series from a lesser God or angel. Apparently I had something called goddess sacrifice. It was extremely rare amongst gods only females had this rare ability. Approximately 3 before me had it but they no longer existed ether because people stopped believing in them or they'd been taken out by a being more powerful then they had been. I still was unaware of what it did I tried to ask this holy being questions but it ended up trying to take me from my darling. My darling killed it since I had been to confused by what it had said before. I hadn't lost my battles with madness it turned out that it was blocked out if I loved someone and they loved me in return. some demons had actually started to follow me. That was great my darling had less demons to worry about killing, the downside was that it was only half the demonic population that had started following me, the rest wanted to off us and take the throne so to speak. They had started following me for one odd reason I was a goddess who happened to be associated with a half demon. After I had been with him for a year I had found out that his father had banished someone named mundus back to hell. Dante just so happened to be the current strongest unkillable demon of hell. I don't know what became of his family I know his mother was definitely dead since she wasn't immortal and was just a human. I do believe his twins probably out there somewhere he was Dante's twin after all and nothing can take my darling down so why would Vergil be dead. As for sparda I don't know if he's dead or alive it could be ether of the two. We had become the most powerful couple known to pretty much all races. Even some not of this realm I had found out I could spawn portals and hop dimensions I had gained powers from. It was pretty fun to say the least whenever I got bored and had spare time I'd go dimension hopping with darling on dates. Dante had told me his brothers sword could cut portals somehow instead of just willing it to be so like I was doing. I think that's partly why we hopped dimensions frequently on our dates to try to find him. I knew one day we would eventually.

(If we ever had kids in the future how tanky would those things be?)

darling had met his nephew on one of his adventures to protect humanity he had the same white hair and pale blue eyes. He was a year older then me,he was currently dating a nun that worked at the church of sparda. I don't see her much except on the holidays or when it's someone's birthday. Neros not a fan of bringing her to devil may cry I think it's a mix of she's helpless and can't fight at all as well as he doesn't want to be embarrassed by darling in front of his girlfriend. He's a nice kid we're friends and I'm sorta friends with Kyrie even though I don't see her much she's always very nice to me. Patty still dresses like a girly girl. I've tried countless times to have her change her style a bit she looks to much like a doll to me. She still hasn't but I'll get her to eventually. Neros teamed up with me and Dante he helps us run devil may cry. We still lived in the shady part of the city where I had been left at devil may cry. Dante's paid off his debt to lady I'm actually really glad about that. He says he's saving up for something and he had to get her off his debt so he could get it. I don't mind moving but I've become pretty attached to this place. Wherever he goes I'll follow even if it's the depths of hell. I wouldn't mind doing something to dam myself for eternity if it means I can spend my afterlife by your side.

*I had been blushing while daydreaming yet again I had always had a habit of letting myself get lost in thought*

Nero "hey lily"

*he was smiling with the sweetest look on his face I couldn't help but giggle a bit*

lily"what's with the happy face?"

Nero"I need your opinion on something don't tell Kyrie..."


Nero was the lovey dovey couple type with her so ether he's in trouble or it's a surprise he needs help with

Nero"your the only classy straight chick I know"

lily"Oof shots fired"

*they both laughed at eachother for a moment*

The girls were being stubborn they hadn't gotten hitched they said they were waiting on the results of a bet.

Nero"ok be super serious which ring should I get Kyrie?"

*the first one he showed me was a a somewhat simple yet cute ring with a gold band and a diamond in the middle. It was classic but simple.*

{If I was a normal girl I probably would have squealed or something Kyrie might like it she's the type to like classy things.}

*the second was a black band with a blue stone in the shape of a heart*

(this do this. It reflects their love more and his character a bit.)

lily"the second one it's even more adorable then the first."

Nero "I thought so to but I wasn't sure. Thanks lily I swear if you text her about it though I'll fight you."

lily"haha I won't but you know you'd lose if you challenged a goddess. Besides if Dante caught you there'd be hell to pay."

Nero"true. So don't though"

lily*crosses her heart*

Nero"heck yes thank you"

lily"you better have a kick ass after party"

*I winked at him*

Nero "hell yeah we will!"

lily"hey can I tell Dante?"

Nero"....only him I guess no more."

*mentally preparing himself for teasing*

lily"alright I'll tell him to go easy on you"

Nero "thanks"

lily"good luck"

*he left and Lily's alone watching after the shop while Dante's on a job*

[sorry this ones pretty long haha. Thanks to all the readers who are supporting my work.]

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