
Couples being couples

[I was gonna put a time skip here to when Nero is in the group after Dante meets him and he starts hanging around his uncle and the gang. but he's some relationship stuff enjoy.]

I had started going out with Dante after I got better.there was a lot of work trying to get use to the normal way most people take care of themselves and do things that I hadn't before we started going out. I don't mind that he's a little older then I am, half the time I don't even realize it. I started teaching myself how to cook for him even before he had asked me out. At first I felt terrible he'd always eat it all even if it tasted awful, and then he'd lock himself in the bathroom to throw it back up. I pretend not to know but that only motivated me more to do better for him. Now I'd probably even rival the kids on food wars.to be honest I never watched it I was afraid it'd cheat my actual hard work for him. But it's safe to say I'm at least as good as Sebastian from black butler now. And I did it all by my own hard work no cheating with my powers. After I did that I started to practice singing I found out I could change my voice to whatever character no matter weather they had a large or small role in a show simply by my own willing it to happen. Maybe one day I can get my courage up to sing you something nice.

Dante:"hey babe"

*I kissed her cheek after coming back from another job*

Her face still gets red whenever I do anything romantic to her she's adorable. She's honestly what I've needed after all this time of being alone.

lily:"w-welcome home"

*still blushing a little she smiles at him.*

Dante{your smile lights up my life.I've already lost most of the people I had considered precious in my life. most of the people who are still with me treat me like a punching bag other then you.}

"So sweetheart wanna go to a karaoke party? The girls invited us I told them no clubs because I don't think I could hold myself back If you got hit on."

*I laughed a bit at the last part*

I didn't want you to worry about it but I'd probably beat the shit out of anyone that tried to steal you away from me.

lily:"yeah I'd go I'm not able to drink legally yet so I'm glad it's not at a club."

Dante:"alright I'll call em if they don't show up at the office first."

lily:"something big happen? What's the party for?"

Dante(babes got a point I didn't ask wonder why.)

"Honestly I don't know didn't ask..."

*lily kissed my cheek*

lily:"if I'm with you even the depths of hell would feel like a dream let's have fun"

I'm not lying I've been broken to the point of no return it's safe to say I've already gone a bit yandere for you but that might be a side effect of the madness. I haven't hurt anyone nor would unless given a reason to.

{the two of them rsvped to the girls for the karaoke party rsvpd is just a saying for responding to something.}

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