
Proluge his point of view

It was another one of those days the kinda day where no one drops by weather it's for a job or for personal reasons. Usually if Patty isn't around and there's no job for me to do the girls will be on me for all the debt I've racked up with them over the years, or they'll be calling me a lazy good for nothing man who's drowning in debts with no chance of getting a girlfriend...for some odd reason all the women I've ever met always have tried to ether kill me at our first meeting or just flat out reject me, I'm not sure if it's because they are afraid of what they could be getting themselves into or weather it's from whatever they've heard about me in this crappy city. If I could ever land a chick I'd probably end up marrying her.

*I look at the time on the radio I bought that I threw on top of my broken jukebox it was 5 pm*

"God today was boring" *I got up and left since I suck at cooking I always end up dropping by the dinner nearby whenever I'm hungry,I walked there it wasn't to far probably two or three streets from my place.* I don't really have a reason to pay attention to these things so I couldn't care less about how far I'm going by foot lady ended up confiscating my car til I get another few gigs to pay her for the debts. Morison hasn't dropped by with a job for me lately or the girls so I have no clue when I'll get my ride back.*I walked into the dinner and ended up eating pizza and drinking beer til they kicked me out*,I can still get hangovers but it takes a lot to actually get drunk, unless I drink a dozen tons of vodka I don't even feel it. And even then it's pretty weak, *I got home and walked in, I sighed I don't know why but I didn't feel like turning in yet I had no idea what time it was nor did I give a #%*. so I sat at my desk and tried shorting through my mail hopping to find a gig buried in there somewhere.* "lady lucks never liked me anyway." I said tossing the papers to the floor littering it with more cheap magazines and ads for crap I don't need.*"the hell?"*its raining ridiculously hard outside,just like the time I lost someone important to me...and there's someone sitting out there in this crap weather* I can't just ignore this so I decided to go check on this person they ether are a demon for sitting out in this crappy weather by choice or they need help...*when I walked outside I was kinda stunned she looked like a really expensive doll or maybe even a angel,she was cute but not in that sexy sense that the girls I knew had something about her I'm not even sure myself made me fall for her at glance, I was about to reach out and try to touch her to see if she was alive and to my surprise she spoke.*

"Some assholes they were."

*I was taken aback I hadn't actually expected her to speak and I've never encountered a angel before, but if I was to go which at this point in my life I thought it was next to impossible I've been stabbed with my own sword many times and even shot in the head several times. If I was to be killed by a angel I figured I'd take it willingly whatever I did to make a angel upset enough to do something like that I probably deserved what's coming to me.*

"Are you hear to kill me?" *I asked her kinda expecting the worst,but instead she laughed*

(oh god she's cute and she's looking right at me to)

"You think I even could with this body?"

*I wasn't sure what to say to that it sounded like a bad joke but I couldn't laugh it off she seemed at a low point right now in her life. We shorta just stayed there for a minute or two. She was the first to break the silence.*

"I hate to bother you but can I come inside this thing doesn't work in the rain."

*I picked her up like a princess I didn't really think of what I was doing until I was already holding her she was blushing like crazy, I put her on my couch and went back for her chair. I carried it in with one arm it wasn't heavy she probably weighed as much as a feather compared to this though, she looked so surprised when I brought it in I couldn't help but laugh a little. it had been a long time since people actually seemed surprised about anything I did in this city. I set her chair down and walked over to where she was sitting and sat down next to her.* "my names Dante what's yours princess?" I didn't wanna call her lady because last time I asked for a name from a chick with dark hair and just used some casual thing I thought of on the spot she kept it as her name, so I can't really use that one anymore and I couldn't think of anything else that would have worked at the time.


*I smiled at her cute reaction* (She she seemed like a sweetheart.) But now I figured I'd try to get to the point this sweetheart was here for a reason, I had to be serious about this though something had to have happened to this helpless cutie to bring her to my door in the pouring rain. So I asked her.*

"Mind if you tell me your story?"

Hi me again this ones long sorry I'm going to try to split up Dante's point of view prologue into two parts. I don't even know if anyone's reading this but let me know what you think or how I can improve.

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